The new and improved League of Legends Thread

This just makes me wonder what the chain of command is concerning these champ designs. How many people were involved when an AoE FUCKING ZHONYAS HOURGLASS FOR AN ULT was conceived? How many people signed off on that? Like, forget whose stupid fucking idea it was for a moment, how many OTHER PEOPLE involved with the process didn’t step up and say “hey wait a minute, that sounds way too strong!”

All this champ does is open up another previously banned pick. He’s not making it through the banning phase, ever. He could do literally zero damage and he’s not making it through the ban phase.

Riot is following Capcom and SF4. In the beginning, you have basically a set of rules every character must follow… but as things go by, fuck it, give new champs everything previous champs can do AND more.

Also, I’m not a fan of new Katarina splash art.

Power creep. The need to go ever higher.

Both new splash arts are not as good. Not sure what they’re doing with the art direction, but making Tristana look like a retarded purple smurf is not the right idea.

Or they could just learn how to balance a fucking game.

Honestly, I feel as though they could have fixed Jarvan, to an extent, by nerfing the machete Warrior upgrade. It’s way too damn strong and it synergizes with his kit so well that it made the J4 FOTM inevitable.

The item made it so only AD bruisers are viable, so much for diversity

J4 dominates the jungle, it was inevitable.

But the Zilean buffs I like. I was actually wondering when they would show him love. Didn’t expect a stun tho.

J4 didn’t start “dominating the jungle” until he appeared in the LCS. You didn’t see him banned or whined about until then. It’s more of the warrior upgrade and jungle pigeonholing than him needing a nerf, but we know Riot’s MO.

You guys think I should make more pages?

Also, my troll builds are awesome. :slight_smile:

I just noticed I have 1350 RP also. I never actually paid for that. Nice. Got a free Janna skin also.

See what happens when you don’t troll? Kinda glad I lost, 50 minute game 5on1 got extremely boring. Got shit talked by a 2-9 Jarvan on their side lol, and a 4-16 on mine. The salt is going to be real when I start ranked again… When I had 4 kills 17 minutes into the game, their Katarina had 11. -_-

that looks like a pretty legit build to me

unless you got the GA first

He says as much in the post, it’s just formatted oddly with the image. 10 deaths is a lot but having been involved in some of those games where people allow a Katarina to run around unchecked and un-CC’d I know that feel. Varus ult don’t stop the spinning.

Can’t really make statements like that off a sample size of 1.

Statements like what? The sample size of games LIKE THAT where a Kata gets fed because people are too braindead to save CC for her is a lot larger than one game.

Also champ select is high comedy right now with DJ Sona out. We knew this was coming. Everyone got their buddy along for the ride acting like being a duo gives them claim to bot lane lol.

Well I overestimated people. I expected them to stun her, but obviously stunning a running Renekton was more important. Didn’t build GA first lol, Doran’s blade was there. 2-3 deaths were to lag, forced to play on WiFi which I won’t be doing in ranked. Random spikes ftl. Next game 10-0-4 Anivia and a surrender. I’m probably familiar with the game again, still ass at jungle. Didn’t know about the new champs, so I didn’t want to go in ranked and feed from not knowing what’s going on.

That game was actually annoying since the Katarina was silly. I’d shred 70% from doing Q. Then she would catch one of them at random… Or I’d just throw out my ult when I know she’s looking to spin to win and she’d be spinning and not even near me. Our Taric would literally run straight past the fight to stun a full hp Renekton almost half a map away from us… I told him to stay with us, wait for Kat to spin and stun, told me to not tell him how to play since he’s been playing for 4 years lol. Ah well, they’re normal games so whatever. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shall I buy another page? If not I’ll probably buy ADC/Support since they’re my main roles, or a top lane. I’m good at mid also, but not a role I particularly like, and I just hate jungle so I’ll practice that more.

Bard looks dope as fuck.

His ult is just a shitty chronosphere. And if he opens a gate and tries to gank just portal back through it and escape.

I love league but none of bards skills are problematic as some people make it seem.

The portal is one-way.

Was talking to Jebop, not you. People might not save their CC for her, but even then, the core issue was she got fed off of the laning phase and snowballed, which is how she works.

Even in ranked, this is the mindset you need to have. You can’t change what your team does, so you need to brush it off. Just focus on improving your own play.

As far as buying another page, just be aware that at some point you’ll need to be able to perform each role at a basic level. If you get stuck with jungle and you don’t even have a rune/mastery page for it, you’re not going to have a good time. You don’t need to carry the game, but you should at least try to fulfill the role that you’re given. For jungle, that would be to clear (a.k.a survive) the jungle, gank when you can and control/contest objectives. If you can manage this with your current setup/champ pool, it shouldn’t be a big deal to focus on champs. If not, it’s probably best to make sure you can fill any role and not let the team down or have to force someone else out of a role.

Ah okay. Haven’t seen any video on him yet just saw the descriptions.

He looks super dope though. Can’t wait to play as him

At the moment, I have a general page for ADC/Tanky DPS, AP, Support, Jungle, Tanky AP. Got 11k ip to spend. Yeah, I want to comfortable in Jungle before going ranked. I managed to get Plat 5 by avoiding Jungle. S3, I got to G1 then had to quit, never played S4. I probably only jungled when I got my hands on a stupid op jungler, like Jax and WW when they were ridiculous.

Also it’s not just your average solo Q player that thinks Bard looks like a pile of OP shit