The new and improved League of Legends Thread

Oh, I thought he meant in a literal sense. As in, she’s fired this magical ball that she normally hovers so she can logically just move faster now.

Movespeed also allows her to get new angles to land her other spells more effectively, now that she doesn’t HAVE to lead with charm/DFG. I might actually pick her up again, even though the entire thing is probably a net nerf from a competitive standpoint.

It could be literal. Throw orb and sprint for a few seconds. Logic. But yes, it makes her Q and positioning easier without having to rely on just her ult.

I’m watching the LCS and I see Kalista rushing Hurricane. What did I miss?

Her spears apparently drop off after the first one only, and after that are a set amount with .3 scaling each, with NO limit on stacks. Additionally, she basically gains movespeed with attack speed. So she’s hopping around faster and filling multiple targets with multiple spears for one big pop from her E. Good luck catching Sneaky while he’s doing all this. It’s not up front burss, but it’s “wtf just happened” middle of the teamfight burss. Her drake/baron control with no limit on the spear stacks is also pretty much unbeatable. You’re not outsmiting that.

You’re getting a Hurricane on her, and a BT eventually. Only real decision for her atm is whether or not you’re getting BorK before or after Hurricane. I’ve seen it done both ways so far. Lifesteal from both BorK and BT and near unlimited mobility? We’re going to be seeing her banned/picked a lot more.

So I finally played yesterday after delaying for so long…

Played normal cause I haven’t played for almost a year. Ran Graves for 3 games, 14-0-11 first game. Then Dominion because “I want to sleep soon”, yet I played 2 of them…

Not gonna ranked until I get back into things again, and I gotta relearn Jungle. I wasn’t even aware something spawns before the Golem. Even then I’m not sure if I wanna play ranked, sick of stressful games and retarded children spamming/suiciding. Besides, most people hate Jungle so I will have to learn it, someone has to and you don’t always get the role you want in ranked unless you love to instalock.

Nothing is quite as satisfying in this game than killing someone who plays ranged top laners when you play melee tops.

I’m so not gonna enjoy re-learning jungle. Not only did I neglect it before, but it’s changed.

Out of the supposed good junglers, I have:


Tbh I only jungled before when Jax was good, and Xin/Nunu was op because… free ranked wins if you ruined their jungle/lanes early on which really wasn’t hard. Both were ridiculously dumb when they were op, like 13-15 minute games. There was no coming back and people just spam “surr at 20”.

I can’t say I see jungle as a forced role very often, and you’ll have bad players and stressful games regardless of what mode you play in. Nature of the game. Biggest thing to note about the new jungle is how much damage the camps do compared to before. If you want to reacquaint yourself to the jungle, play a higher sustain jungler like Xin Zhao or Warwick. Fiddle also has good sustain but is harder to play throughout the game. Once you get a feel for the camps you can start trying other champions and improving your jungle game.

Also, never do the ghost/raptor camp on your first clear if you can help it. They rip you apart. It’s usually best to do frog/blue/wolves or golems/red/wolves then back to get your improved jungle item, THEN do raptors. Some people also do 2 camps then the scuttle crab in the river since it gives gold but doesn’t fight back. Also can prevent early dragons.

While we’re on the topic of jungling, does anyone have any tips regarding when to farm and when to gank? I recently started trying it and it seems like everywhere I go I’m caught off guard. Not having control of my buffs or not warding correctly is simple stuff that I can see I’m being dumb about, but sometimes it feels like their whole team constantly has vision of me. If I try to gank then either their jungler and mid swoop in and kill me, or their top lane that wasn’t warded runs like hell the second I get into the river bush. And then I try to gank again because I’m frustrated, meaning I’m underleveled and they don’t have to avoid me anymore, and I’m 0/9 at 25 minutes. I’m by no means good at this game so I understand that I make more than my fair share of mistakes, I’m just confused as to what I should be doing at any given time.

Sup, @RadicalFuzz You give away information when you show. Be mindful of wards (obviously) but also giving away your starting camp, since that pretty much reveals your route, and popping into lanes. If your ganks are getting scouted, then it’s 100% certain that you’re leaking info somewhere, either by a ward, or being extremely predictable.

Well, Nidalee is back in the spotlight again. Time to permaban.

I never liked Nidalee. Individual parts of her kit are nice - additional damage that are applies in melee range, skill shot that has greater reward farther away it hits, an ult that change forms, etc. - but putting it all together make it so she’s either subpar or (even with just minor tweaks) too strong.

Generally, farm the jungle when camps are available, then gank if an opportunity presents itself. By that, I mean if an enemy is in lane and is weak, if they are pushed up to one of your towers or if you see their jungler coming for a gank at a lane. Counter ganks are very powerful if your champs can do more damage than theirs.

If you feel like they always know where you are, smite the big raptor. It gives you a one time ward detection aura. You’ll have the oracle pink eye pop up above your head when you’ve gotten near one, so you can tell if there’s a ward at the lane you’re heading to gank. Even if they see you, you get to clear their ward. Most people don’t carry an extra, so they’ll have to play safer or risk getting ganked.

She’s being played in the jungle now because she can proc her passive on neutral monsters, so she clears pretty fast. Nid has always been a champ that I wish never existed in this game, lol.

Thanks for the feedback guys, I’ll try it out next time I jungle!

Today is “jungle day” if I get to play. Fml

Stomped with Anivia.
Lost with Xin Jungle, also had my red stolen on 2nd spawn. :[


Edit: 4-0 Jungle over Nidalee. Failboat Darius 0-7 vs Jax and rage quit. Now I remember why I hated this game…

Wait, hold up. Darien is no longer on Gambit? And neither is Genja? This is hardly even Gambit anymore.

Ya, imagine being a Dignitas fan this season.