The new and improved League of Legends Thread

I’m really liking the new Sion. I think it’s one of the remakes Riot have done where not only did they do a good job from a design perspective, but he’s also really fun to play. Plus, he’s a melee tank/fighter who can actually lane against stupid mage/ranged champs that you see in top lane.

My only real complaint with Sion is that he is harder to carry games with than champions like Riven or Irelia. Maybe I just need to play him more.

Yeah Sion is great with the aoe he has and that scream at an enemy minion skill that launches them for a slow. I think Sion has to be more dependent on his team because he doesn’t have the same solo kill potential as Riv and Irelia.

Riv can build AD and her shield scales off of AD as well. Irelia can build mostly tank and do heaps of damage with her %damage. Sion, to me, doesn’t have the same advantages as Riv and Irelia because his tradeoffs when building focused on AD or TANK are more significant therefore the optimal build for him is sort of like J4. Build one or maybe two damage items and then full tank. The longer he lives in the thick of a teamfight, the more useful he is, imo.

His ult and passive need another rework imo

I’m surprised they reworked him so much he’s seeing some play in the LCS. I’ve only started playing towards the very end of S3 and recently started paying attention to professional play, but it seems to me there’s a lot more variety than before. Jungler pool got a little smaller though, but everything else seemed to remain the same or expand.

Just me who thinks the latest Gnar change is a buff?

Talking about jungle, like any lane, is all about “feel”. You wanna be good at jungle? Play the fuck outta it! Eventually, it will start to make sense, and you will know when to gank, where to ward, where to scan for wards. It becomes second nature.

I used to jungle the fuck outta Mundo back in S3. Eventually I got so good at it, everything was done automatically. I knew exactly how to dragon control, when to take it, when to gank, when opportunities presented themselves. Eventually you start to watch the minimap like a hawk for your whole team. You start warding for your team. I fucking kid you not, you can feel ganks incoming and how to counter gank. You will see that top being pushed for a while and think to yourself: “Incoming gank top” so you head top, sit in bushes and what do you know, top is getting ganked, you counter gank and get a double kill. Bot is pushing, take drag, bot is being pushed, gank and take drag. Gank mid? Take drag. You see enemy jungler gank top, automatically take dragon. The more practice you put in the jungle the better you become at fucking kid you not, premonition. Also, EVERYONE should learn how to jungle. It helps so much when you’re laning to get a good idea how the jungle works, when to expect ganks, how to gank with the jungler, etc.

After a while, I went back to my main, Jax top. Most of my ranked games people were rushing jungle and I love playing Jax top, got like 1000+ games on him. Eventually, after a couple of months, people were rushing top, so I decided to visit the jungle again. The difference was night and day. I know the jungle changed, but clears were slow, had like zero timing with my ganks. Dragon control? What dragon control? I was getting counter ganked and shit. Failing ganks in lane. Giving away my position. I remember how sure I was of my jungle before and I know if I wanna get to that level again, I will need to practice some more. It got better after a couple of games, but it’s fucked up how easy you can lose your edge in a role if you don’t keep practicing.

TLDR: Everyone should master jungling by practicing the fuck outta it!

MegaGnar lasts less time and the Tired state lasts longer, where is the buff? Did I miss something in the notes?

You get two rotations of your Mega CDs and then you become small faster so you can abuse W and Boomerang earlier.

I can understand the buff in laning phase, but I still view it as a nerf afterwards. Nobody wants to team fight as mini gnar.

Mini Gnar is better at clean up.

I hate losing to bad players, especially ones that shit talk. I never lag, but today I kept jumping from 27 ms to 170.

You didn’t turn off your all chat? Huge mistake, imo. I never have that shit on lol

Shoo shoo bahnah

The whole idea of things like Gnarvan4 is that there’s nothing left to clean up, though.

He’s also far more vulnerable in mini form. But I see what you’re getting at.

I wouldn’t call anyone far more vulnerable when their entire inventory is 4 tank items. Which brings up the question why he still does a lot of damage with only tank items.

Also Smite range nerf on PBE, ~range 600 from 750. Wrong direction in my opinion, just remove chilling smite already since that shit is too problematic for this game to balance.

I’d like to see them make the jungle items all viable in certain scenarios. As it stands, if I understand it correctly, only chilling & purple smites are worth it 90% of the time. Challenging smite has been annoying to my team sometimes if we rely a lot on the frontline tanks, but I’ve never seen a Poacher’s Knife or whatever the fifth one even is.

Ever since 5.3 my games crash all the fucking time. Anyone having this problem or had this problem?

Welp it finally happened, all the way back down in Silver 5. Prior to Season 5 placements I was approaching 30 games over the .500 mark, now I’m 4 under that and sinking fast.

It’s just a fucking shitter farm, day in and day out, every game is just dumb fucking kid after dumb fucking kid lined up back to back. I can’t even comprehend how much worse it’s gotten since the season started. I figured it’d get a little harder, but not like this. All that talk about “if you’re good you’ll climb” that I was poppin off about, right now I need to figure out how to get that feeling back, because I really don’t feel that way at all.

Go play a single-player game for a while, something that has a high skill ceiling. Whenever I get mad at matchmaking in a team game that usually helps me cool off.