Talking about jungle, like any lane, is all about “feel”. You wanna be good at jungle? Play the fuck outta it! Eventually, it will start to make sense, and you will know when to gank, where to ward, where to scan for wards. It becomes second nature.
I used to jungle the fuck outta Mundo back in S3. Eventually I got so good at it, everything was done automatically. I knew exactly how to dragon control, when to take it, when to gank, when opportunities presented themselves. Eventually you start to watch the minimap like a hawk for your whole team. You start warding for your team. I fucking kid you not, you can feel ganks incoming and how to counter gank. You will see that top being pushed for a while and think to yourself: “Incoming gank top” so you head top, sit in bushes and what do you know, top is getting ganked, you counter gank and get a double kill. Bot is pushing, take drag, bot is being pushed, gank and take drag. Gank mid? Take drag. You see enemy jungler gank top, automatically take dragon. The more practice you put in the jungle the better you become at fucking kid you not, premonition. Also, EVERYONE should learn how to jungle. It helps so much when you’re laning to get a good idea how the jungle works, when to expect ganks, how to gank with the jungler, etc.
After a while, I went back to my main, Jax top. Most of my ranked games people were rushing jungle and I love playing Jax top, got like 1000+ games on him. Eventually, after a couple of months, people were rushing top, so I decided to visit the jungle again. The difference was night and day. I know the jungle changed, but clears were slow, had like zero timing with my ganks. Dragon control? What dragon control? I was getting counter ganked and shit. Failing ganks in lane. Giving away my position. I remember how sure I was of my jungle before and I know if I wanna get to that level again, I will need to practice some more. It got better after a couple of games, but it’s fucked up how easy you can lose your edge in a role if you don’t keep practicing.
TLDR: Everyone should master jungling by practicing the fuck outta it!