The new and improved League of Legends Thread

Silver 5 is not bronze 5.

You don’t even have to try to get placed in bronze 5.

Also, what do you mean by “you” got him out of that ELO? Did you Duo with him, or did you play on his account? Those are also two different things.

The thing is, if I could play 10 games a day, I might get out of bronze. But I cannot hope to devote that amount of time to one single game. If I were starting from scratch, my MMR would be better and I wouldn’t have to struggle so hard, but that brings into mind all the cash $$$$ I have spent on skins and stuff before I actually know what I was getting myself into.

There needs to be a reset button on the game. I wouldn’t even mind if it reset me to summoner lv 1, as long as I could keep my RP-purchases and legacy skins that rarely come around.

I see pros lose 10+ games in a row, but they never seem to fall in rank. If I lose three games, though, I’m back where I started.

I’m 78 won out of 160 something games played, for the record and I do not have friends to play the game with anymore. Started playing ranked at the beginning of last season, since I had the time and desire to do so. But that was when the lag and hacking started. My MMR suffered even more as a result. Each of my games were randomly plagued with disconnects, high ping and no-show players on my team. I take it some people have it worse, but I just don’t see how they do it without having someone to duo with.

It’s a new season you are fine now. I duo’d from another friends gold account. Against the rules but w/e. The idea that Bronze is harder to climb out of is hilarious. I played poppy ADC on a friends bronze account and went like 29-0 and won in like 26 mins lol. Play mid if you can’t get out of bronze you need to re evaluate where you think your skill is at. Bronze is a lot easier. There are throw away games can’t dwell on those everyone has them.

As far as the time argument that goes with everyone it is a long season anyway.

Well for what it’s worth, before I left for Dawngate I was mired in Silver 4/5, and Bronze before that. I had a friend in Bronze 5 who eventually managed to get out to Silver 5, but no further.

Since being back from Dawngate, I just recently climbed from Bronze 2 to Gold 5 before taking a bit of a break. So it CAN be done. My friend who was Bronze 5 is now Silver 1 and one step away from Gold himself. Our time with other MOBAs improved our LoL game and our attitudes. Combine that with behavior that is, on a much larger scale, improved from when I last played, it’s possible to climb out of ANY MMR hole and recover if you’re good enough to carry games.

I just now hit Gold 5 too, so there’s really no telling if I’m done climbing yet or not. Hit a small losing streak, so as I often do when that happens I’ll just walk away for about a week or so, raid my cousin’s Steam library (DAT Shovel Knight tho) and come back later with a fresh mindset. Even when I did lose promos due to trolling, I knew that it wasn’t going to keep me out forever, and sure enough the next Silver 1 promo went 3-1 in my favor, with the one being the very first game with an intentionally feeding Annie “support” who was very vocal about my sexual proclivities being the reason for him not buying a single ward. And oh by the way, we almost won that game too 4v5.

This is all on one account, no smurfs no nothing.

They will be removing DFG in 5.2, but will be looking for ways to buff champions who relied heavily on it. I like this move tbh. Never been a fan of using it anyway.

5.1 drops later today.

Horrible choice it added more micro and decision making when to use. We need more active items imo. Dota shits on league as far as item creativity and diversity. They need to get closer to that model.

I’d be fine with them keeping DFG if there were more active item options for different situations. As it stands now, I’m glad they took it out.

It only grants more damage which is pretty boring. I’d rather have more items like Ghostblade, Michaels or Face of the Mountain/Frost Queen.

Yay! One less item for me to “forget” to use :neutral_face:

Those are all good examples that go at least slightly beyond “push button > do more BURSS” that DFG currently is. There was no real decision making involved, if you used it on a burss champ, you hit DFG and then let your rifles spells burss. You had to push one extra button to do this, omg such micro very skill so hardcore.

An item like that just becomes one more button to press in a set combo in order to max your damage numbers out, it’s hardly interesting and also leads to stale build paths. Items like Mikaels, FrostQueen and Mountain all offer strategic possibilities that aren’t present in DFG.

Been having a great time with voli. I think he is gonna come back into the regular rotation of strong junglers.

I think it’s interesting most actives are used with supports. Tier 3 gold items, Mikaels, Locket, etc. Even Twin Shadows is better for supports than AP carries (IMO).

Part of that is supports not necessarily needing to stock up on raw stats. However items like BorK even provide more strategic use than something like DFG for a carry. It’s not just the amount of damage on the active, but the amount of healing you can get back depending on when you use it, and also the slow component.

The decision is baiting it out and using an escape to waste it. However burst mages are hardly OP atm we will just have to see how they help viegar and others out. The other thing was using it correctly in combos which I see a lot of people mess up.

More creative items in general would be nice.

Well a lot of people “messing up” happens with all aspects of the game, they’re USUALLY not balancing around that (except for Garen)

I will say I’ve had a bad luck run of trolls the last week or so, Panth “support” suiciding level 2 and then deciding I’m worthless and stealing farm in bot lane being the latest, which followed the Panth jungle who queued for Ranked then told us he had to leave in 15 minutes so “you’d better carry.” Back to back Pantheon go figure lol. These things always even out eventually, just a really odd stretch lately. It’s the same matchmaking ELO as when I was in Silver 1, the move to Gold doesn’t really matter for that. Just an odd few days, gotta ride it out til it comes back around.

At least I’m not the only one, KowtowRobinson.

Step up your game wimps.

It’s solo Q, these things are cyclical. You just have to be ready for that tough game that could be a loss but is able to be hard carried, take advantage of the other team’s throws, etc. If your mindset is “every game is trolls!” then you might miss those barely winnable games where you can step the fuck up and do the job.

So far tonight none of the three games I’ve played has been even close, but that will change.

Muting people is your friend. Getting worked up over things you can’t change just makes you mad, and getting mad just ruins your play. You can’t get mad if you don’t see the dumb shit they’re typing.

That BabyGrenades guy always talks shit then feeds his lane too. Watch out for him.

I’m out there.

I’m specifically talking about people intentionally feeding and shit like “support” Tristana, I could give a shit less what people say, I’m real quick with that mute button most games.