The new and improved League of Legends Thread

It’s egohell if anything, whining about your inept team mates won’t get you anywhere.
Ranking up is in only winning a few more % than 50 and that is very doable if you stop giving a fuck about others and focus on your own play.


Up there I think they’re just being dicks more than being inept. But that’s just it. None of it matters. There’s so little, if any, difference between Gold and Plat, Plat and low Diamond, etc that it’s all irrelevant. Any given game in any given rank, you’ve got a chance of seeing something truly stupid.

This is where I was stuck before bailing for Dawngate. After spending time learning that game, I was on/off the top 200 player leaderboard, consistently in what was unofficially structured as mid/high Diamond, basically the top 1% of all players. Smaller player base, but still. Having under 40ms connection might have had SOMETHING to do with that. I come back to LoL and in a few weeks I’m up from Bronze 2 where the 7 AFK games put me in Season 4 placements, and almost up to Silver 2 now. Only one case of serious backwards movement since, and that was me just not knowing when to quit for a day.

Try playing another MOBA. Go pick up DotA2, as old and obtuse as it is. Go give Infinite Crisis a try, go play some Smite. I wish like hell I could tell you to pick up Dawngate, but it’s a dead game regardless of the servers still being up. Allow yourself to go through a learning process all over again, refresh your mind a bit. Granted I was gone for over a year and a half playing Dawngate, but it’s worth a shot.

What has changed over the past year that I see more Fiora now? Also, when did they transition from all in bot lane with ignite, back to heal and exhaust?

Top lane shifted from only having tanks and damage on top lane is becoming pretty important.
Assassin meta is back so it’s pretty important to have exhaust, ignite is still really good but you’d want your midlaner to run exhaust in that case.

Thread died out like that huh? Nobody playing during the offseason?

Just got into Gold, stalled out due to some troll promos and playing other shit. The climb continues.

Rek Sai is such a stupid champ. Rito please.

Akali Fizz and Rek Sai are my permabans. If already banned, then Fidd and Irelia is there.

New Guilty Gear is out. All other games have been uninstalled.

I still love playing support. Not sure why, but setting it up and seeing my teammates knock them down is very rewarding. Of course, it sucks when team isn’t clicking and bitching ensues.

I can see when/where Janna is a better pick, but personally I prefer Nami more and she’s my “try hard” pick.

I know what you mean. Dealing damage is fun but there’s some weird satisfaction in successfully CCing the bruiser that’s diving your carry. Been playing Morg support for the past few days and it’s worked a lot better than I expected. Binding’s a lot easier to land when there are 2 targets and they’re preoccupied with your carry poking them lol

Haven’t really bothered playing recently due to issues of massive packet loss that I’ve heard about recently even though I live like 30 or so miles from Riot Headquarters. Also I’ve been a little busy with Guilty Gear, Destiny, and Smite (my League friends have been playing it recently instead, plus it’s a lot more casual/less stressful than League).

I fucking hate Nunus in solo Q. He is so useless. He’s only good when your team is actually ahead.

I’ve been playing still. Just mostly been playing 10 man customs and playing more for fun lately. For awhile I was tilting real hard, but I’ve gotten over that slump.

Tryndamere is a corny champ.

Reksai is such a dumb op champ. Sometimes idk what Riot is thinking. They don’t have any testers? And it takes forever for them to tone down new champs. Have you guys tried her? All you have to do is mash buttons and you win cuz true damage and knockups all day op.

Give it some time, they gotta drive sales still with another OP release champ. We’re still a month or so out from some corporate schtick about the difficulties in “tuning new champs with unique abilities” and how she “may have been slightly overtuned at release” or whatever the fuck.

In the meantime, please give them all of your money. It’s bordering a pay to win scheme.


So I’ve spent soo much money on this account, thinking that “hey, I can learn to play ranked on this fine, right?”


You play ranked without being ranked gold or better and you will never recover. Your MMR sticks to you like glue and you cannot rise because the servers will screw you or someone will inevitably troll
your games.

My last two series were stopped by trolls. Imagine that. Now, when, if ever I get out of this ELO, I will probably go to like bronze 2 or something. It won’t get better. It might even get worse. I have carried many a games, but trolls will be trolls and you really can’t stop it. You can say “carry yourself” as much as you want, but you can only do so much. And at a certain point your only choice is to make a new account and forfeit all the progress you made on your main account.

Fuck. Do people just duo queue their way to the top? I just don’t fucking see it because I play a lot of video games, but I cant just sit here all fucking day making my promos come up every time i get trolled. And I don’t think other people can do that either.

WTF, man? I have a smurf that is doing better than my main, but it has no skins, no rune pages, no runes, etc… It’s worse than starting over. WTF. I see now why people just buy accounts. It better than paying Riot.

Fuck this game.

If you don’t have a ~60% win rate it is on you and you need to get better. This is over 250 games or so. Most of this is knowledge on how to improve. You can go 20-0 in lane and make the wrong choice late game and lose.

I’m talking about not knowing how to play and then going into ranked and messing up your MMR, since most new players do not even know that it exists.

Once you do that, it’s pretty much GG for your account and all the shit you spent money on goes bye bye.

Nah I got my friends account out of silver 5 in like 30 games if that. That comment comes off douchey but all I am trying to say is you just need to focus on getting better. The system is set up so once you do you can fly up.