The new and improved League of Legends Thread

I still play. Funny enough that after I made that Darius post, I started playing ranked regularly and got to Gold 3 playing mostly Darius.

Kalista looks really annoying.

Well I’m back for now, somewhat under protest. Was down in Bronze again, but that lasted all of a day. Got trolled out of a few S5 promos, but skipped a division and got to S3 off the winner. So I’m guessing my MMR is high enough for that. I seem to win just about everything that’s not a Silver 5 promo, so now that I got my friend past that hurdle as well, should just keep on climbing.

I’m actually starting to miss MORE Corki missiles the more I play, when I came back I couldn’t miss. I was nailing everything. Dawngate mechanics, yo. At least that game didn’t have people that pick last going Teemo, trolling mid for CS, then telling the enemy Wukong to build Occult so he could stand still and feed him stacks. Again, pretty much the ONLY true trolls I’ve run into were during Silver 5 promos. Not Bronze 1, not regular games, only for those particular promos. Weird.

Went up to Gold 5, then down to Silver 3. Couldn’t get the Morgana skin. I hate my life…

I’m about to be in promos again. I skipped from Gold 5 to Gold 3, and pretty sure I’ll skip again if I win my series.

New jungle items are really fun.

New Dragon buff is op.

Yeah, I dont really like the new dragon buffs mainly because they are permanent. That concept makes the side that takes first dragon have permanent advantage (even if it is just minor) over the rest of the game. If Riot wanted more objective control over dragon, maybe just increase the gold value. Even though gain in gold is also a “permanent” advantage, proper itemization and use of skills/items are still needed. Now 1 dragon means increase in AD/AP without actually having to buy an item or use a slot. The power just increases from there.

season4: Ace team, ping dragon. Everyone ignores, does their own thing. Give up dragon to enemy team, without a fight.

season5: 2mins before dragon spawns, ganks are coordinated, items are brought, buffs are secured, lanes pushed. 10s before dragon spawns, team is already at dragon with river entrances warded.

There are a few champs who can solo drag by level 4. Warwick and Pantheon are the ones I’ve seen so far, though I’ve also heard Fiora can do it too. WW is stupid with the new jungle item.

Pantheon lvl3 can solo at like 4mins, without taking damage

Reworked Sona is sooooooo good. I hope they don’t nerf her. I’ve been using her like 80% of the time and I’ve climbed back from gold 3 to plat 2. Winning majority of my games. Literally carrying with support.

Really fun poking with her Q/aa with Spellthief. It’s like I’m playing footsies… pacing back and forth getting in range to poke and backing off without getting hit.

Fucking power just died in the middle of Ranked 5s, and the damn game gives me a leaverbuster warning. Type “I agree” to continue how about typing FUCK YOU RIOT fucking dicks

Hopefully the new dragon buff will take away the farm-heavy focus of laning phase. It doesn’t give gold, so it’s not going to snowball the whole team immediately, but it does mean that bot lane can’t just sit back and do the farm/poke tug of war like they used to. Now when the support goes to ward river, it’s a possibility that all hell will break loose.

They need to figure out how to make sure champs can’t solo it so easily at low levels still. Towers I think still need a health buff, you can shove your lane, go back to buy, and still lose tower from 100% health to dead off a single back in bot lane, without jungler help.

IMO, you gotta figure out when to back better then. Shouldn’t shove the lane if they are there right when you back, or stagger it so one of you is still there to defend turret. If your bot lane gets a double kill and low on health, shoving lane can be a bad idea because of losing turret (like you said) or enemy jungler/mid coming in to clean up. If you really want to shove the lane, maybe ask your own jungler to help/be there when you back out.

Of course you have to adjust to the new weaker turrets now, not suggesting I wasn’t. Just saying they’re a little TOO weak overall.

Elo hell is everywhere. EVERYWHEREEEEE

It’s all Bronze until you’re Diamond 1. All of it. None of it matters.

I need help in this game. Stuck in s5 for months now. Highest I got was s4. I know in the pits of hell you have to carry. Trying to learn carry champs, like fizz,fiora. So far champs I use when I play solo-queue rank are Ziggs/Leona/Maokai/MF/Lucian/Dr.Mundo/J4/Rammus/Sona. I play a lot of adc but I am terrible at positioning…:confused:

Watching high elo streams tells me otherwise. Even in Masters/Challenger, some people are retarded as fuck. I’m playing in Plat MMR right now (not that that is anything amazing, but better than average) and am constantly stunned by how stupid people are. I’m not even talking about just feeding, but going against basic rules of League of Legends.