I don’t even count LMQ as an NA team.
Riot did that shit to themselves by making ranked a roulette wheel of maybe with all the dodges, AFK’s, drop hacks, and disconnect issues. I gave up early this season thinking it would all get sorted out, but low and behold solo q still sucks a whole season later.
NA did a wonderful job at world’s. EU is still behind. C9 has a chance against ssb unlike TSM against saw.
Yep, pretty much summed up. Majority of my friends are bad at DotA anyway so it doesn’t matter lol. I miss the days when AD or AS Ashe mid was really good.
TSM gets smashed by Samsung White. Competitive league just doesn’t feel exciting to watch because it feels like when it comes down to international tournaments, there is such a large disparity in skill between the regions that Asia just blows everyone away. I don’t really have a stake in any of the teams, but it’d be nice to at least watch a game that feels competitive.
They’re getting closer and the infrastructure is getting there, give it some time.
Considering the fact that is the first time TSM has ever beaten a Korean team in a competitive setting, ever, I think that criticism is a little unfair.
I lost my shit…
Now I’m Gold 5. That went pretty smoothly. How many champs or lanes do you feel comfortable with? I don’t know if I’m spreading myself too thin, or I should be expanding to since 1) I may not get support and 2) understand the game better.
Best/most comfortable with Morgana, Zyra, Nami, Braum, and Leona.
ADC: Miss Fortune.
Jungle: Jarvan or Wukong.
Mid: Morg/Zyra (obviously), learning Ori and Syndra, but they’re both still trash.
Top: My worst. Having some success with Chogath. Can use Lulu, but I wanted a tanky top laner and others seem boring to me at the moment.
I like to hear someone is still playing Cho top. Jax or Cho top is all I would play when I first started playing this game. When the bruiser meta showed up I was losing lane too much as Cho and gave up on him
If you get a Corki to consistently do that as Vayne/X you’ve pretty much won the lane, match up point of view at least.
Fucking Dandy and PawN. How the hell did TSM take a game away from that team?
Cocky picks and plays from Samsung that backfired, but to be fair TSM did play very well in that game.
I had the impression SSW was messing around with TSM which let them slip a game. If SSW were playing seriously, I think it would have been a clean sweep. I don’t mean TSM is bad, but that’s how good SSW are. Even that 1 game SSW lost against SHR, they picked Singed top lane.
been a while since ive been on this site. anyone down to try and get the end of season team reward ward skin? or have space on a team already? lmk.
I need help getting from B.5 to… anywhere. A team would be nice. I jungle and top lane.
Made some time to watch the finals. Samsung White was really rolling kids that badly through this whole event? That’s crazy.
Any word on East Coast servers? If they did that I might come back for casual games, it’d take them admitting promo matches were a terrible idea for me to come back to Ranked I think. Too used to playing at Diamond level on Dawngate, having to go back to Silver on LoL Ranked would be a real system shock for a few games. Right now I get 35ms to Dawngate and even close to that on Smite when Smite’s servers aren’t being finicky, I can’t justify trying to last hit with 120+ms on LoL when other games have their server issues properly sorted. Imp makin me want to pick up Twitch again though, nobody comparable to that in either game, but I’m not gonna do it when they’ve got all this money but still having NY play on 120+ ping.
SSW was scary good. Like they had a fucking hive mind or some shit.
I’ve been maining Darius for awhile and have gotten to the point where it’s just too frustrating to play him as regularly as I do. I love the champion - the lore, the skillset, the whole champ is just cool to me. But he sucks ass. With every support/mid/adc having either a slow, a knockback, a stun, or self peel (along with what champs are being played regularly) it feels like you handicap yourself just by playing him. When you’re fed, you never get to feel like you’re really fed. And god help you if you get even a little behind, because you don’t really bring much to the table besides damage.
I took a break from him and decided to play Irelia and Jayce, and holy fuck it’s like the game became 900 times easier. Wow, I actually get to do stuff after lane phase? When I get fed I actually feel like I’m fed? If I get behind I can still kind of do stuff? I can actually kill an AD carry without getting infinitely kited? I don’t have to plan ahead every goddamn move I make in order to pull off a successful kill or escape? What sorcery is this.
This thread has been really quiet. I guess SRK quit?
Season 5 preseason patch just went live. It took riot almost 24 hours instead of 12, lol.