Only times I ever use Ruunan’s is in ARAM and I blow the fuck up and one time where I figured out Support Caitlyn. I was basically AoE on-hit secondary ADC. Pretty fun and we won.
That item is pretty useless for the most part. :tup:
Thoughts on Quinn top? I’ve been playing it a lot with teambuilder. But teambuilder matchmaking feels wonky. A lot of low level players who sometimes just give up, and then I can’t get a good gauge of how I’m doing.
Biggest trouble so far has been Riven and Cho’gath.
I don’t really like Vayne/Quinn top just because you could become 100% useless if you get camped.
I think with the right team comp where someone is always splitting yea I can totally see it working but that doesn’t fly in SoloQ. Maybe in rank teams.
Quinn doesn’t really bring anything valuable to the team other than being a strong lane bully. She is very fragile and her kit together with her short range makes it really hard for her to participate in larger team fights without getting instantly blown up.
I’ve taken a liking in Gangplank lately, immovable bully in lane and scales similarly to anything that is not Jax, Ryze or Irelia. The ultimate is great for halting split pushes like Ziggs ult and sets up catches with the likes of Leona or Thresh. He is also really flexible when it comes to what items the team needs you to build, whether it’s damage or survivability.
Yeah I’m talking about her solo lane performance, she simply can’t do what she supposed to do when the game isn’t a stomp sadly.
Ryze not only shits on Renekton, but outscales him as well. I challenge anyone to play a melee champion against a ranged top laner (against anyone who is actually a decent player) and not instantly want to kill yourself. Bonus suicide points because your jungler will rarely ever look at your lane because “durdurdur not my job to win ur lane, gotta get muh feral flare stacks”
Ryze does not shit on Renekton at all. He can outscale him but so can a whole mess of champions. Renekton can shove a lane much much faster than Ryze to force Ryze to use mana for CS. What is Ryze going to do? Smack Renekton with AAs and Q? Job for Ryze is to stay in a minion wave in case Renekton goes in for an E->AA->W->AA->Q->E out trade, but on later levels unless Ryze delays his late game scaling items in favor for survivability items, there’s absolutely no reason for a Renekton to use his second E to keep staying on top of Ryze. Unless you are eating unnecessary Qs and AAs there’s no reason why you can’t sustain through harass while shoving the waves. This is one of those match-ups where it could go either way and usually the one who gets ahead tends to stay ahead for a very long time.
Seriously, range does not trump everything in a lane matchup (unless you’re one of those outdated champions who don’t have sticking gap closers). You don’t have to look at things just purely on 1v1 in the center of the lane with equal minion waves. Early game/mid game/late game is all RELATIVE. If you get stomped early game, I don’t care what champ you are playing because the game can be ended before you reach god status. If you are an early game champion, you can miss your window of opportunity to abuse your strengths and then people will crush you with their items.
I think something needs to be done about Feral flare cause I cant tell you the amount ranked games ive lost because the jungler Refuses to help mid or bot because he wants stacks. Cause of Feral flare now the only junglers i see is Udyr/Master Yi/Wukong/Aatrox/Nocturne.
Yeah the influx of people pretending that they can Jungle is pretty infuriating. They have some decent changes up on PBE at the moment so hopefully they get it right this time.