Hopefully they’ll understand eventually that no matter how good a character’s early game is, it doesn’t matter if their late game is utter garbage. Sort of like Pantheon.
In higher level matches that’s not always true, snowballing the early game can lead to a quick win. These teams know how to press the advantage and work around the late game weaknesses of someone like Lee or Panth, because the “late game” won’t actually last that long.
Has anybody been to one of those LCS or any of those competitions? Just wondering what prevents the people playing from hearing the commentators and planning stuff accordingly. Are their headphones really that good that it blocks the commentators’ voice booming throughout the audience?
argg you guys made me wanna play again… i gave up after a while becuase i hate to grind to max level…But playing fox fire ahri and Vi i miss, wish i could figure out how to play akaili
Farkin’ Heimer. If I have to solo against him I usually end up forced out of the lane. But then again I’m only Summoner L12 so I probably just need to up my game. Those turrets tho…
Heimer is about pushing. If he misses his grenade or loses his turrets, he does not have much else going for him. Try to get rid of his turrets or force an engage outside of the range of his turrets. Unless you slam dunk him, he will always have an easier time pushing you out of lane eventually, but he does not have good roam impact.
Join the club son, think everyone has a favorite Champ they enjoy that has been flavor of the month. I rue the day Taric isn’t a polygon booted midget anymore…
It does interfere. Perfect example was Dignitas (I think) game where both teams were grouped in bushes on opposite sides of each other level 1 start of game. One team initiators checked the bush, but missed. The crowd starts chanting “fight! fight! fight!” and they heard it and the gig was up.
There’s a difference between underpowered and people not knowing what to do with a champion. Yasuo was considered meh for like all of one week, then people got a hang of his damage, CDs, and capabilities. His kit didn’t change to make him overpowered, player knowledge did. Same thing happened with Elise, Jayce after the bug fix, Fiddlesticks, Annie, Diana, etc.
So today I finally figured out what this drop hack/loldrop thing is.
My first game after winning a promo I go 13/0/10 as Varus, and the game lags as we are doing dragon and end up getting killed. Turns out everyone ate the lag. about 5 minutes later it happens again and the game permanently freezes. When I check match history there is no record of the game at all.
This combined with the ridiculous amounts of salt in this game make me want to stay in ARAM or something else all together.
He was just taking potshots at me for saying Heimer sucked back when, yknow, Heimer actually sucked. Now that he’s got some changes and seeing some use I was apparently wrong about Heimer being shit tier before. Oh well back to Dawngate.
Looks like he’ll take a stranglehold of the game if he ever gets ahead while still being really strong while behind, Jungle fights are going to hell against this Leona dude 2.0.
I know Runaan’s Hurricane isn’t optimal for a lot of champs, but I was wondering what you guys think about using it with Miss Fortune. One of the benefits of her ult is that it now stacks with her W, but it can still be tricky to make it effective in a team fight, especially when you’re just sitting there while casting for the entire duration. But with Hurricane, you stack your W without having to ult.
Braum - I like playing support and I think that’s pretty cool. Haven’t played LoL for as long as most people, but I’ve seen a few new champs come through. This is one I’m actually excited about.
It’s still to weak to warrant an item slot no matter which ADC you play. The other items are better alternatives because have a mixture of the ‘real’ damage stats AD/AS, AD/Crit or Crit/AS, you trade always doing good damage for doing relatively poor damage or slightly above average damage in situations that you can’t control. You also lose any 1v1 or 2v2 potential against opponents with similar gold amounts.
At first I thought his abilities were overpowered, but it looks like it’s going to potentially shake up future support designs. Unlike Lee Sin’s safeguard, the amount of stats that Braum gives on top of his ult and E make it so that he can solo peel harder than Janna. Was really hoping for a lumberjack skin to make him like Angus.
What’s up with the double dragonslayer skins coming out?