The new and improved League of Legends Thread

To be fair, junglers been doin that LONG before Feral Flare.

RIP Feral Flare

Why did they have to buff gragas even more…

Ahh snap I can whip out my Vandal Gragas skin again and troll on people in style!

I really dont see why everyone complained about Gragas 1 shotting people i never seen it,I know he does lots of burst but theres Characters that Can instakill just as fast as leblanc

Are you talking about old Gragas? He wasn’t just insta bursting people - he was insta bursting whole teams. If you’ve never seen it, watch some of XDGs games when Mancloud played him. He was literally taking entire teams down past half with his ult.

Gragas was one of my absolute main champions from season 2 until they decided to turn him into a bruiser. I’m not going to say he didn’t have his balance issues (he did), but Riot’s justification for the rework was absurd. They stated that they originally intended for Gragas to be a bruiser so that’s how they wanted him to end up. Yet they left him with insane AP ratios on his Q & Ulti with solid AP ratio on his E for fucking THREE YEARS. It didn’t take them ages to fix AP Rengar on release and when that one dude got to masters with nothing but AP Trynd and they saw it they changed that up asap. I really really hate how it just felt like I put so much time into getting good with a toy that got taken away from me.

Edit: And for what it’s worth, Gragas was always capable of the same bullshit. It wasn’t until pros started playing him in season 4 that people really decided to sit up and take notice. Virtually nothing important about the champion had changed. He was able to explode his barrels faster sure but they had less range going into season 4. That was it.

Gragas support may come in with the new buffs from the new patch. Makes it more viable with his Ult range increase.

He was already here to begin with.

If you are referring to my post, not really at least competitive. I haven’t seen one in support the entire LCS.

Thats the problem with the league community,Riot will nerf any character thats used in the LCS i Cant wait till the Day Someone uses Poppy in a LCS match Riot is so damn predictable.


It takes time for the competitive scene to adapt to patches especially on champions that haven’t previously been played (in this specific role) and he sees good play at the higher ranks. You can compare him to Ziggs who received buffs over several patches to become the monster he was pre-nerf. Gragas getting a range buff is very major for a displacement effect that large and will most likely bump him over the top.

We’ll see I guess.

edit: @pavy I think Riot is generally doing a pretty good job with their patches, it’s just that if they don’t get quick results they tend to overcompensate by buffing again. Although they don’t wait with nerfs/buffs right before big gameplay changes, like with the Zyra nerf and the new masteries.

I often times wonder if Riot changes the game so much because of the fact that they realize they’re a one game company. They’re successful as a whole because they have what is currently the most popular game in the world right now as well as the most profitable. I think their way to sustain the game’s life is by changing it from season to season and patch to patch so that everyone is constantly playing catch up. It does tend to get at me that I can’t just have things a certain way for a while. I vastly prefer the Dota 2 method where they leave the game alone for like half a year or more and then when they finally make balance changes they change LOTS OF STUFF all at once. The patch notes for balance patches in dota are always huge and it really makes for a fun way to shake up the game rather than having little things adjusted every month.

I often find myself in periods of League where I’m just playing to maintain my skills and wait it out until they get past whatever dumb phase of the game development state that they’re in. After having over 2k games under my belt I’m starting to wonder how much longer I can take it.

Have you guys been ever been drop hacked? I’ve heard about it happening to higher elo players at first, but in like the last month I’ve been drop hacked at least 5 times and I’m in Silver V. :lol:

Yeah it happens at any rank, not much you can do about it other than filing a report.

Ya its happened to me a few times. Most recently in a Team Builder game after I first-blooded the guy.

Whats drop hacking?

The TLDR version: It’s a program that “drops” all the players from the game and erases it from the match histories of all the players in the game. Any elo loss/gains that would have happened from the outcome of the game are also lost.