Vel’Koz is real, yeah. They dropped so many hints secretly and they really match up with him etc
“Prepare for an invasion”
“We’ve been eyeballing ways to proceed with this” etc etc etc
Vel’Koz is real, yeah. They dropped so many hints secretly and they really match up with him etc
“Prepare for an invasion”
“We’ve been eyeballing ways to proceed with this” etc etc etc
those MF changes…
[details=Spoiler]Miss Fortune
Double Up
Mana Cost reduced to 55 (from 70/75/80/85/90)
Cooldown changed to 7/6/5/4/3 (from 9/8/7/6/5)
Damage to 1st target changed to 110% AD (from 25/60/95/130/165 +75% AD)
Damage to 2nd target changed to 120/130/140/150/160% AD (from 30/72/114/156/198 +90% AD)
Criteria for 2nd target selection reworked*
Impure Shots
Mana Cost reduced to 30 (from 50)
Cooldown changed to 15/14/13/12/11 (from 16)
Passive’s damage changed to 6% AD per stack (from 4/6/8/10/12 damage per stack)
Active’s Attack Speed buff changed to 20/30/40/50/60% (from 30/35/40/45/50%)
Grievous Wounds duration reduced to 2 (from 3)
Bullet Time
Damage reduced to 45/75/105 (from 65/95/125)
Bonus AD ratio reduced to 30% (from 35%)
Now applies stacks of Impure Shots (does include bonus magic damage; does not include Grievous Wounds)
*This will be a fairly significant change—details will accompany the PBE post.[/details]
ya, the shuma looking thing… doubt i’ll buy it
Those MF changes look like Riot are trying to gear her towards being more of a DPS’er and less of an AD caster who relies mostly on her ult. The changes on Double Up are pretty huge.
There goes my aram build for her.
Still has to stand in place for her ult. Still, those are some pretty serious buffs.
Doesn’t matter what they do… Jinx and Lucian will always be top tier ADC and will probably always be used. Jinx’s kit is retarded.
From now on I’m dodging whenever someone on my team locks in Heimerdinger.
wish they would bring back MFs old run animation too. Her ult will probably be used for clean up more or less now.
skipped a division so kind of happy… game is so much easier when you get the lanes you play.
You mean you previously weren’t doing this? People that play Heimer need to be taught that shit is unacceptable.
Usually I don’t care, just as long as they’re useful in some way. But after playing with one again today, and watching them be useless and feed yet again, I’m done with that shit.
I play battle heimer without turrets.
I bought Heimer purely for ARAM. I wont even trade that shit with people.
Looks like almost everyone fell down rank wise after their promos.
way too many trolls,You can carry your lane but your teammates start doing stupid shit like not calling mia when the midlaner(leblanc) goes to botlane or your support thats overextends by farming in the enemy Olafs jungle
You guys have ideas/suggestions for Quinn? I’ve heard that she is a horrible ADR due to the fact that her level 6 forces her to go melee plus her range is kinda shitty. I’ve had good and bad matches but i do feel the negative sides allot. I really don’t like dropping the champion because i really find her interesting so i was thinking of maybe building/working her as a bruiser.
Maybe getting two ad items first then move on to armor/hp items. i’m looking at 2-3 ad items with emaybe 2-3 tank type items. A build like this maybe: Ninja/Merc, Static, Blood Thirst, Trinity Force, Guardian Angel or Ice Mallet, Randuins. The reason why i’m thinking of inserting these items instead of pure ad like phantom, IE… is really because of how her gameplay works where she will end up doing jack in team fights. Her ulti just gets her swated easily.
If Jinx and Lucian weren’t in the game, she’d be fine.
^ I actually agree and find that comment funny as well. Anyway, who do you guys think is the better jungler, Shyvana or Elise?
Both are really good but completely different. If think shyv scales better to become a threat late game but a highly skilled elise will kill you before you blink. Elise’s hard cc makes her ganks more reliable though
Olaf is my boy for jungle. Been abusing the hell out of Xerath, forgot how dumb people are at low elos when it comes to that MU. ADCs are free gold.
Also obligatory fuck Barrier.
Ori for life. Kha is super fun. Skarn jungle and garen top all day