The new and improved League of Legends Thread

I wish I had recorded this stupid retarded death I had today. Me (Top lane Ryze) and Panth (Jungle) kill Heimer with his ult rocket turret still up right next to the mid-lane bush by the blue team base wall. I’m at > 100 HP, so I move to the bush so turret won’t attack me. WHY did Panth decide to get in between me and the turret? :mad:

I had to laugh. Until my dad tripped a breaker outside working in the garage and my PC lost power. Then I laughed at that, rebooted and logged back in to a Defeat screen. :sad:

Yeah, that was my “let’s get a game in before work” experience. Oh, and I forgot that the start of the match was a 5-man invade on blue and push down midlane for a 2 min turret kill. At least I got a triple kill. Didn’t matter though. :tdown:

I’ve become a fan of Jungle Karthus. Also, mid Zilean is super fun.

I tried it, but it was back in S3 when that sort fo shit was impossible. :tup:

I also want to try jungle Malzahar and Morekaiser.

Try jungle Xerath. That’s one that St. Vicious was trying to get working, and I also think it could work. :tup:

new ashe skin looks decent may have to pick it up…
still surprise so far in the season and no preview or anything on a new champ.
i think they mention a couple reworks will be released in the next few months. still odd nothing on new champ though.

They had a new champ tease reveal today, dude. Just log in. :tup:

edit ~ Nevermind. that’s just a skin.

I’m so stupid. :rofl:

With one relaunch, we’re currently diving into yordles. It’s going to set a precedent, and off of that we’ll base the Great Yordle Unification Pass (YUP) of 2014 will be started. Currently our goal, even if we lack a style guide on yordles, is to bring them more in line with Ziggs and Lulu, our current standard for male and female yordles.

so more teemo after this happens?

The butcher is just a skin? For who? Mundo?

Pretty sure it is the renekton legendary just in time for him to get nerfed.

First run with jungle Mordekaiser: a success.

Just a teaser for scorched earth Renekton

Whose gonna update the first post now that AYO?!'s been jailed (in SRK)? Source tells me he ain’t coming back.

So, just started getting into this game. The only champ I can play reliably right now without massively feeding is Ashe. Her slow arrows are godlike and I’m getting really good at aiming with her Ult (albeit, I’m still playing against bots, considering I only have 7 total games under my belt).

I may need to get a new gaming laptop soon because my FPS is maxed at 15-25 usually. Some games I get lucky and hit 25-30 consistently. And I don’t think you can get good at this game if you’re FPS is that poor? Or is it still possible? I also need to buy a usb mouse. Using this laptop touch thingy is a pain in the ass and sometimes the cursor won’t move and it gets me killed.

It’s more of a tank nerf.

They are changing his Q. It now scales better with damage items.

TL:DR Basically Renekton’s Q does more damage if you buy offensive items. Like Hydra, Black Cleaver etc…

The problem before was that Renketon could go boots + 5 defensive items and still hit like a truck. Now if he goes 5 defensive items he hit like a little school girl. So if you want to get damage out of him you have to go 50/50, 60/40 whatever…

Just change it all to the lowest settings. 25-30 is perfectly fine.

Game’s been lagging HARD for me still. Just played an awesome blind game with Shyvana, warming up to play ranked, started out 2/0/2 with a leetly-planned solo invade on enemy blue and a midlane gank at lv. 3. But right at the 10 min mark, I got 500 ping for the rest of the game.

It’s not safe for me to even join ranked games until this shit goes away. I played a couple more, a blind duo-queue and an ARAM, the blind game was fine, but my ping was 120-something. Not acceptable.


Is 80-89 ping good? I thought the higher the ping the better, but it seems that’s not the case. I had one game where I had 55 ping, but I’ve never seen that number since.

Ping is low buddy.

You want it as low as possible. FPS is the higher the better. I live on the west coast (Seattle) so my ping is like 20. Pretty much lag less.

I so envy you, ckrazy. I’ve gotten as low as 40’s with my ping. If I get a sustained 70’s I’m happy though. :tup:

Hate to jinx you, but 50 ping is pretty good, especially on a PC that’s having FPS problems.

To explain, FPS has little to nothing to do with ping. FPS problems can be caused by having too much shit running on your system (which includes malware, if any is present) while you’re playing LoL or your computer just being too old and slow.

Ping is a bit more complicated.

Ping measures how long it takes for a packet of data to get from your computer to the Riot Games server in California. It’s measured in Miliseconds, thousandths of a second. So, if your ping is 100 miliseconds, that means it takes a tenth of a second for a packet to 1. leave your computer and get to the server, and/or 2. leave the server and reach your computer. So, for a packet transaction to occur, double your ping, and that’s the minimum speed that your computer can respond to something within the game.

Notice that I said “your computer” and not “you.” Your computer (and also your router, but we’ll forget about that for right now) still has to process the packets in order for them to be of any use to you, and there’s really no way to accurately measure that, since everyone’s computers are different. The speed of your CPU and your Memory and the bus speed of your motherboard being able to bus that data around to your graphics card where it’s processed and finally output onto your screen where you can visually see it is all dependent on how good your computer is. So just because you have a good ping, that doesn’t mean that you will be able to play the game smoothly on a lower quality computer, and vice versa; a fast computer on a shitty internet connection is just as useless.

Hope that helps.


I tried to play yesterday, going from buttery smooth 40 ping in Dawngate to 110+ in League is jarring. I don’t think I can ADC anymore if I do keep playing League, I’ll just have to jungle or support. I could adjust if I just wanted to play LoL, but going back and forth from lag to no lag is just harsh.