The new and improved League of Legends Thread

If the goal is to prop them up as pro athletes, then they’re expected to represent their team, company, sponsor whatever in the way that the contract states. It’s not the slightest bit unfair or unjustified. You come to a pro LCS player’s stream to watch professional League of Legends play, that’s the idea. Don’t like it? Don’t work for Riot.

As far as I can tell, nothing is stopping them from playing the games off stream while they wait for their ungodly queue times.

I’ve heard (confirmed on Saint’s stream) that a lot of that is bullshit. But who knows? I’m just a bronzie baddie. :tup:

Targon on MUNDO is sooooooo broke

So Crimson Akali was on sale yesterday and I bought it… now I have to make use of it. How should she be played? Offensive or defensive masteries? It also just so happens that everytime I’ve used her I’ve been pretty much countered.

10 out of 10, would want

I need to show this to some people who I play with in this game and Heroes of Newerth:


Some players do this by instict. Still, watching this will probably help anyone’s game.

No one is really surprised by this.

Lucian is too OP. It is good he is not on the banned list though. There are other problems.
Have to agree with Dlift is saying how he is really hard to mess up with Lucian besides his ult.

Taric is super strong now too.
I think even after his nerfs he will be strong. Taric is seriously free ELO now.

Sivir is a monster. Highest win rate and for good reason.

Sivir+Taric longer is a monster lane. One stun you and the other can block your stun. Awesome.

Doublelift cries about the death of ADC practically every patch. This isn’t news. Asian teams will still shitstomp any NA player with Vayne, and if he’s still too cocky to realize how far behind them he is, then there’s no hope for his team.

Doublelift’s theorycrafting doesn’t really mean anything.


Joking. I guess it is just fun to see someone of important opinion i suppose. Whether to believe or not is up to you.

Seems Riot changed their policy. Seems I wasn’t the only one complaining about this.

He is right about Frozen Heart though, it’s a very strong option on both Taric and Sona right now even if you don’t get all the CDR from it. That item is crazy good and not only against ADCs

Why are you guys having so much trouble with Taric, is he snowballing to hard when you play with/against him or is it something else? He is overtuned but he shouldn’t be allowed to use most of his kit in the first place.

I like IBG on my sona.

Yeah I went both coupled with Tabis in my most recent Sona game, pure AD teams are pretty terrible right now which isn’t a big surprise.

how’s Yasuo? worth buying or wait a week or 2?

My love for Darius has returneddddd

He’s fun but also kind of glitched and wonky to play (the ult is pretty weird if you don’t have another knockup on your team).

Akali is best played solo mid as an AP assassin (in my opinion, some people go top and build kind of bruisery.)

You want to take Hybrid Pen Marks, Armor Yellows, MR (or ap/lvl if you are that sort of guy) blues, AP Quints (Hybrid Pen might be good here).

Starting options
Dorans Shield - for when you are gonna get harassed
Dorans Blade - Win easy lane
Boots - Matches like Ahri/Lux where you need the movement

Revolver > Gunblade - Gunblade is the shit on akali, get it quick and spike your DPS.
Zhonya - Basically the active is great on akali because it goes well with shroud + her Jump reset. Kill the carry, shroud + zhonya, then think and look for a good jump out with your extra R stack.
Deathcap - The game is over lol
Abyssal - you fed their AP or they have like 5 APs

Max Q, Then E, Then Shroud. For laning, be sure to get good managing double Q proc (this is how you get kills) and understanding how your R stacks. Exchanging with 1/2 R Stacks is good but sometimes the all-in is better.

Wow, Alliance showing that maximum disrespect.

Tried to push d1 this weekend, ended up getting demoted back to d3 (95 lp) after a having a losing streak during friday-saturday. Had a few good games today though and I feel like I’m right back on track, added jungle as one of my main roles which recouped some of the losses as well.

Some boasting rights:

1v1 me bro.

Had a guy in a premade 5 (a few are friends, others are apparently friends of friends) earlier tonight that asked the enemy team to report me because I accidentally took “his” blue buff. He then goes on to feed several kills while we were winning. If this were solo queue this wouldn’t be that surprising, but the fact that it was a five man…I don’t think I’ve ever had that happen before.