That’s just obnoxious.
@r00ster2 ur NA doe, I think I’m the only one playing (trying to) on EUW.
That’s just obnoxious.
@r00ster2 ur NA doe, I think I’m the only one playing (trying to) on EUW.
How absolutely retarded can YouTube get? Now I can’t listen to music while I stream, because if I upload the vid later, it’ll match third party content and block the vid. Yet pros get away with it day and night in their vids. Fuck the little guy right?
He’s really fun to play, but if you’re concerned about his effectiveness you should probably wait to see what they change about him.
Does his projectile shield protect some odd amount of damage, or anything for that amount of time? And does it block both sides? So if he moves forward, could he block attacks from behind?
It blocks any amount of projectiles or damage, no limits except it can’t stop towers. I don’t actually know if it blocks both sides, though I’d assume it does.
Blocks from any direction afaik, larger hitbox than you’d guess too which is very apparent when you try to shoot from the side.
I don’t know if this works, but some champs use abilities that make them airborne (Tristana, Fizz). Description just says “airborne enemy.”
You mean with Yasou’s ult? it only works on knock ups and there are none that are self afflicted that I’m aware of at least. Also Tristana and Fizz 'jump’s are both vastly different, Tristana’s is a dash that looks like a jump and can be interrupted while Fizz’s jump makes him untargetable and functions like an actual jump.
Yeah, I figured Yasou’s ult wouldn’t work on intentionally airborne characters, but it’d be hilarious to see Corki trying to fly out only to be ulted mid escape.
Yasuo Penta.
I personally thinking Yasuo isn’t that good overall. His early game is quite abysmal. Late game is quite the terror actually.
Best to be build Shiv+IE+Tank. I like CDR boots on him but there are plenty option you can do for that.
He is quite fun though. So far he has the lowest win rate but that doesn’t really mean much.
Been using Yasuo a lot since he reminds me of Mitsu from Soul Calibur. I think he is really fun. I have no idea what makes him a Mid character, I find he excels Top or Jungle, and even makes one hell of a support.
Also a lot of stuff can knock up or has a slight knock up even though we may not see it (Vayne E, Vi Q). Also Zyra Ult and Naut R can knock up whole team for a opening for Yasuo Ult.
The Shield is amazing. It can stop Ults dead in tracks, and the shield still remains. Blocked Lee Sins Q. Removed Jinx traps even after they were on ground. Probably other stuff that it can “stuff”. We all play FGs so reacting to an Ult with your R (EDIT - W) isn’t hard at all.
His E Is really good since it has no cool down. Mixed with his E~Q combo, he can move in deal damage and move back out. The trick is E-ing a minion to get in, the dash will go past the minion so you can land a circleQ on enemy then dash back out. He gains damage for each E I believe.
And this dude Builds Meter!! Moving around, attacking all build his meter which turns into a shield when hit by an attack once full.
Building stacks on Q isn’t hard at all and gives him a little extra range. It also cools down on attack, so it isn’t hard to build the cyclone, which still knocks up on E~Q combo.
I do have issues with the cyclone landing but not knocking up always. I also have issues with how easy it is for teammates to KS Yas mid Ult. Let my ult have priority damage if I do all the work.
BTW Double Crit chance!! IE and StaticShiv is 90% Crit. I use 9/21/0 since he needs to be more tanky, and with double crit you can build AD/Ad runes and not miss out.
Really fun strong character but I await fixes/nerfs
You guys should try building Ghost Blade on on him (over pd or shiv), I can imagine it being pretty good. I also think Statikk Shiv is overrated on him over PD especially as first item, 20% crit is huge.
SS is a perfect item for him especially because of the passive of shiv and the stats. It helps him farm and overall is better than PD.
Plus the SS proc can crit strike so it is very useful. PD is decent but I feel lacking building it first compared to SS.
ADC noob here - I use Ashe and Sivir. For Sivir, I get PD since she can clear waves so quickly. For Ashe, I get SS. Should I be getting SS for Sivir instead? Is there a reason to get both? I feel it’s wasted money.
I answer since no one else is. Sivir players generally get BT first. Sivir benefits from flat ad than atk speed more especially with her Q. She has her ult as well for atk speed. BT, LW and you go one from there.
Ashe’s first item is IE or you are trolling. She scales very well with IE with her passive. Then you can get pd maybe some lifesteal and LW.
I really need to just sit down for like, a week, and play nothing but yasuo. He’s super fun, super cool, and is complicated. Seriously have no idea what to build on that guy, he loves basically every stat except mana and CD. I could see tanky AD, tanky attack speed(at best his Q is like 1.33 second cool down, AOE knock up every four seconds?), adCarry style glass cannon, ADCaster style glass cannon. Crit items are doubly valuable, do you just build a few items that are good/efficient and have cirt anyway, or do you shot for that 100% crit rate!? I think it’ll be a while before we see even a semblance of prime skill/rune/master/item builds for him.
That sucks. I started playing two weeks ago and i have put alot of time into him, and yeah, he is awesome. I think omniknight from dota with an stun. As a lol newb, it feels like some characters just have ridiculously powerful skill sets after 10 years of dota.
Is swain reaaaallly good? just played a game and this guy was wiping the floor with him.
You buy SS on Ashe because of the synergy with her passive, the guaranteed burst combined with IE on the first hit is pretty attractive. PD lowers your opening burst but nets you more damage over several hits (3 and after)
PD is the best option overall, gives you more damage on any target where as the burst from SS is only useful on squishier targets.
As K4polo mentioned the norm on Sivir is BT into LW and PD grants a lot more damage at that point.