The new and improved League of Legends Thread

Got basic tier 3 setups for ad, ap, jungle. Need new champion don’t know who. Thinking Jarvin, Lee Sin. Who should I’s buy :sad:?

not bad I tried the tri bush top purple side one and it stayed up long enough to definitely justify the purchase. Sadly The first time the jungle came at me I went to protect the ward without noticing shyvanna was 4/0/1 and got torn in half.

Taric is kind of redic right now.

Is he better in another role than support now?

Doesn’t matter, double targon lanes. EVERYONE is a carry.

let me know when all this pre season changes bullshit ends. enjoying Infinite Crisis atm. will be back when bullshit settles down.

Vision wards are really strong actually.

You can only place 1 vision ward but they are permanent.
You can bait people with this and i have done this alot.

You can permanent ward a bush that your enemy doesn’t check.

Taric is pretty strong now that he can build items. He can guarantee stun someone and it is kinda hard to focus down.
Before he didn’t have the items to do what he was meant to do. His passive really sucked before since he had no items.

Then again alot of supports are stronger now which is good. They can make more of an impact than playing minesweeper and the occasional stun.

I offer pictures of Darius and the power of the dunk. Praise Darius:

Dong Squad? Try Dunk Squad, noob:

The lord of Dunk shares his favorite snack:

Show time, bebe:

I’ve posted this before, but you’ve made it relevant again.

I’m just starting this game and playing Jinx exclusively. She’s so damned fun. Even without runes/masteries, she’s a beast when leveled and built. I think I’ll be sticking with this game now lol.

And of course Taric is slated for nerfs from Riot which comes as no surprise.

Well use him while you can for now. Really strong support.

i wish riot would fix hecarim :frowning: also im wondering why they still havent fixed elises spiderling bomb disappearing

Even you guys gotta admit this is some bullshit.

well i wouldnt want people that im paying a salary to lay my game streaming my competition’s game such as dota. others whatever

Don’t like it? Don’t sign the contract. Not like they are losing all their income by saying no to Riot, they can still stream all they want without playing in LCS.

You are right but should their streaming be outside of their job? They should be able to stream what they want but oh well. It is their personal stream. Do they have the right to control their stream? Do they have any say so on their stream?

It is not able the contract but more about if it is justifiable. A contract shouldn’t defined your own streaming in my opinion.

That is like my job effecting what I stream or some lame crap like that. It is like freedom of expression or someting like that.
I suppose I am the only one who thinks this. Oh wells.

If normal jobs were streamed somehow, then it’s likely that McDonald’s would make you sign a contract saying you can’t stream yourself working at Burger King. Pro player streams regularly get thousands of views, and streaming is a huge part of why League is so popular. Remember when the World Series was on, other Twitch channels were messing up because of the sheer volume of people on the League stream. It’s definitely a very odd job requirement, but like Kowtow said if you don’t like it don’t sign the contract.

i can sort of understand games within the genre… but WoW, HearthStone. I know they’re releasing a card games but, ffs.
someone is paranoid.

I can understand the reasoning behind it, but that doesn’t make it seem any less scummy.