Yay! Shurelia kept her crown! :tup:
Good. If they renamed that they needed to take all of them out.
best border NA. so one more week till the s4 changes? guess ill start ranked when ever its up again to move my MMR up.
Wait, they are changing the name. They’re just adding some flavor text with her name in it to show she wasn’t forgotten…ugh. That’s dumb.
woo got my gold border
For some reason so did I. I thought they were making it so that it’s respective to what you are in queue for.
funny cause Bjergsen is the only one looking at him… i know you don’t need to look at someone to understand him but, still they can’t stand regi i take it.
Regi seems proud of his children though
Yeah, he’s a manager. Pretty much the way my work team interacts with my manger. As little contact as possible. Get the meeting over with. :tup:
so what does everyone think of riven (Shield on)
lvl2 cheese and snowball like crazy.
im gonna be honest shes one of the top 5 characters i hate in this game. she has a stun,knockup,shield dash and her attacks interrupt spells.Good luck trying to trade with that annoying bitch
Darius’ passive combined with Apprehend mean that Riven is losing any 1v1 exchange if she walks within melee range of him; Rene outsustains her and has better CC and disengage, Nid does Nid things, Pantheon punishes her CSing from 600 range while having the option to chunk 50% unanswered health after lv 3 on a whim, Quinn and Vayne just generally poop on her, a competent Zed, Elise, or Lee Sin all have greater outplay potential than her, etc
I mean I love Riven to death and any champion that doesn’t have a top tier early game will just get rolled on and start up that crazy Riven snowball, but she’s nowhere near the golden goddess people claim she is.
I like using Mundo vs. Rivin. Sure she can eat me up, but I’ma just turtle, cleaver poke as much as much as I want for both farm and harass, and heal up whatever she does to me. Cleaver’s CD > Rivin’s Shield. Mundo can be one of the most annoying top laners at pretty much every game phase. :tup:
Zed and Pantheon are the only top lane champs i can actually fight her with since i can just poke her all day and annoy her
Pantheon does almost nothing to Riven you are on crack. Zed wants nothing to do with Riven either (did you see Faker pick her against Zed?) especially after the nerfs to his W projectile speed. Elise doesn’t see top lane play anymore because she isn’t mana efficient and does not want to go spider form against most top planers. Lee vs Riven is fair just a skill match up with Riven having the easier time imo. Riven gets picked a lot because she is really good. Someone tanky with early offensive options like a Ren can beat her i agree. Riven vs Darius is also a skill match up I mean if you are an idiot with riven and take a bunch of autos for no reason sure he can do more damage but your mobility is insane get him to wiff a e or worst case if you get pulled then stun aa shield q out of range of his Q and you win the trade anyway. Also Darius is dead if he passes the mid point of the river he has no escapes.
I’ve personally decided that she should be banned in every mode. Even if she’s not the best, she’s annoying as all hell and can make an easy comeback even after losing lane due to her insane steroid/ult finisher.
Yeah pantheon doesn’t do jack to riven, and zed doesn’t beat like, anyone in top, he’s an amazing mid champ and that’s about it(I’ve never lost to zed top with any character). My experience with draven vs riven from both ends is that riven wins unless you dodge her ult. Basically you need to sustain and be able to buy chain mail/bunch of cloth armors and still be good at fighting. Shen, renekton, maybe garen, and even as all those people you cannot mess up, if you get behind her she’s just going to steam roll you.
Also riven is not losing one v one exchanges with darius, or basically anyone, her shield, CC and mobility means darius pulls, gets stunned, auto’d for a ton of damage and then lands a Q on her shield as she dashes away and laughs. She’s also rediculous at 6 since her ult is a huge 15 second steroid that’s also a ranged AOE big damage execute, with too low of a cool down.
Imagine what that ho was like before they broke her sword and kicked her out.
You mean her 25 second ult CD ya those were good times I love playing Riven.