Have to agree on Oddone. He just isn’t a factor in high profile matches. It like he lacks synergy which is bad considering he is jungle.
I see Tsm get ganked and left to wonder where is there jungler. He like very passive and non existent where it matters most. He is kinda solo queue in streams in his games.
Yeah Riven is a pretty stupid character since she is so reliant on flash, if she doesn’t have it she’s severly limited but if she does she can just flash W on their ADC and do her thing.
Here is some of my match up knowledge against Riven:
Shyvana stomps her in lane and she scales just as well if not better since she gets tanky as well as doing a lot of damage.
Irelia beats her post level 4/5, all about surviving the early levels.
Renekton beats her early game but he gets loses post level 9-12 depending on how far behind she is, he’s severely out matched post-16.
Karma wrecks her in lane but she have a hard time split pushing against her later on.
Make Riven work on mana. Now she isn’t nearly as dumb. She wouldn’t be able to spam all her low cool down skills as much and would have to think about conserving mana for the fight when it counts. Honestly I think it would balance her a bit
That’s a terrible idea.
Fixing some of her animation canceling, increasing the CD on W for lower ranks and lowering her base movement speed would be good places to begin.
She and Garen have the same glaring advantage of not working on mana. They can spam there skills and never have to worry about resource management. They never have to back because of mana and they aren’t like other champs where you might hold back on spamming to ensure you have enough mana for a fight if it starts. I’m not saying give her huge costs, just I’d like for her not to be able to spam 4 gap closers for free kites and Q in, stun and Valor out before you can even counterattack.
You guys are trying to find issues where there are none, silly to jump to conclusions because of your own ignorance and say that the problem is mana due to it being one the most visible thing about her kit. They’d have a harder time to balance her particular kit if they were to mana gate her in fact.
I’d still say my number one change to riven would be 1.5-2X the cool down on her ult, I can live with everything else, it’s stupid that if she uses her ult to kill you she has it up again by the time you can reasonably fighter. Though that’s a problem I think all ults share, there’s just no reason not to use them in fights because they come back so fast at level 1.
Yeah she’s one of the best junglers to carry with right now thanks to that and it’ll probably carry right over to S4 as well.
Tryndamere is also one of the most stupid champions in the game, requires very little to play him (sub 5 games to get good with him) but the way he’s played can conflict with the people you play with in soloQ and what he brings to the game is in no means interesting.
Stream based around Bronze games, what a fantastic concept. Saw a Cho’Gath build 6x Static Shivs the other day and swear up and down it was a legit build.
And yet Riven is perceived as a problem and still somewhat tournament viable, while Garen is fucking BUTT and never played outside of shit trolling solo Q games. No tournament team runs Garen right now. Simply adding mana isn’t gonna do it. Rumble doesn’t have mana gating his abilities, and he’s fallen out of favor recently. Vlad barely has any resource management, his health costs are a joke. Rarely seen.
If you had used an example like Renekton, maybe. But GAREN? Cmon son.
Fizz can be manageable. He only has two gap closers, one of which has to be used on a target. What makes Riven just annoying as shit is once she’s even a little ahead, you can’t be in lane. You literally have to sit at tower and wait to farm. Even if you have a hard cc or a slow, still has 4 gap closers to chase you down