The new and improved League of Legends Thread

Two losses today. One because our caitlyn was really bad and didn’t understand positioning, and then after she fed, she left the game. The second came because our Jarvan never connected, and Rammus got mad and disconnected. Yeah…I think I’m going to give up that climb to Gold V, it’s bad enough that I have to try and coordinate between 4 other people whom I’ve never met yet, but I have to worry about trolls, feeders, rage quitters, and a host of other things. It’s pretty silly.

Solo queue is rolling the dice man, I come up 7s most of the time in solo then I get to promos and start rolling snake eys, claw my way back, roll 7s in promos, snakeyes in my next matches and back down a division.

Was on a 8 game winning streak and just took 3 losses in a row despite winning my lane hard and roaming even harder. Wtb an ADC who can farm / position or a Jungler that knows who he should be helping

Goals… reaching em

most of the people i duo’d with feel like anchors. kinda gave up on duo’ing with people. seems easier soloing it any way.
grats on the gold. i want at least plat1-2 next season. hopefully wont get corn holed into support as much.

Best of luck to anyone trying to play. There have been some terrible lag issues lately.

Also, goddamn James. Almost 1500 ranked games. You wanted that shit bad.

Grats on etting gold for those that did. Hopefully I reach that goal or at least don’t end up stuck in Bronze like I have been this season. It’s just so discouraging sometimes, I’ve climbed up to BI extremely fierce from BIII so often then choke in promos and get trolled back down to III. Worse part is how I’m not actually learning anything from my losses and I’d say out of all my games only like 5% have actually been competitive and fun.

Also still say hiding skins behind a Rank wall is the dumbest thing.

What was the link for that LoLSkins thing? The client side hack. Google is giving me everything but that.

Raptor go nuts in 3v3 instead and get mechanically good first, one of the better ways to learn the basics imo.

And easier to get gold in :stuck_out_tongue:

Doing good in your initial 5 games to get into gold then winning 5 more for rewards is waaaaaaaaaay easier than climbing solo queue.

Also, the lag in game right now is pretty bad. Shitty that it happened to coincide with the end of the season.

Went up 2 divisions today. The moment I hit Silver 1 I get 5 LP gains. Well, Victorious Elise, it’s been a good run to try to get you. T_T

Im playing a ranked game to level up then all of sudden my teammates start trolling and feeding purposely so i would get repeatedly ganked by 2 people at mid all the time. so i gave up and tried to surrender then none of them voted yes so i just stood at the base (no point in continuing ) moving around to make sure i dont get banned,5 mins later my team surrenders and i still get banned

Riot needs to do something about ranked game trolls,your teammates feed the other team so you die in battle instantly then have to wait 50 secs to spawn again then die again.theres just no point in continuing games like that

How would you get banned for afking in one game? I don’t see how that’d be possible unless there were some long history of reports.

last week i got banned for 3 days (got unbanned today) for the same thing then got banned again today for afking a game where my team were trolling.people warned me not to play without friends and they were right lol

Ive been playing this game a long time. Also when you spend months out to sea when you come back into a big maintenance avail at the end of the day you just want to veg out at home, so I play League

In other news, Carry Fish carries

Poppy pretty baller on ARAM, little smurf just won’t die. I actually took a liking to her and will probably look more into a dedicated page for the girl.

Think I have settled on Vi for my next Champion, she seems pretty cool.

Hi. I have a friend who plays LoL, but I don’t quite understand it (mostly because he wouldn’t take the time to explain it to me). Can someone explain its goals, general strategy, etc. to me in SF/general FG terms?


LoL is a very different game from Fighting games. I got friends that are like “He’s just throwing gimmicks at me and I know his trick now, but I still can’t kill him.” and I gotta tell them to just remember for next time 'cause you ain’t ever going to kill him this game, after feeding him 5 kills. A loss for you is a gain for them, the game will never return to the start state, minus some health on your side. There’s no downloading your opponent for a round then sweeping the rest of the match. There are ways to mount comebacks, but it’s not as simple as just blocking.

LoL is a very large game. Not just controlling the game, the amount there is to know in this game is simply huge. (Not to mention, ever changing) Once you get 1000 games under your belt, you will understand why your friend doesn’t want to take the time to explain shit to you.

All for One is a thing