The new and improved League of Legends Thread

Yeah, still kind fo want it but not as much, was hoping she’d get some VO changes.

We in dere GOLD V

Tips: Junglers are easiest for climbing the depths of Elo hell.

Going for PLAT season 4’ all support fuck wit me.

EDIT: My Mantheon can 1v1 any champ in the game.

Dunno why they’d bother doing a full voiceover for the Pop Ahri, since everyone will buy the fuckin thing anyway. Even without different recall/dance, people would have still bought it, and then bitched after, and still not refunded it. Dat weeaboo dollar too stronk.

lol, no shit riot

The reason that TSM isn’t doing well is for a few reasons, that most of you have already mentioned. The first thing is that Regi was a cancer to that team, as player/leader Regi doesn’t have it in him to lead the team and be a top mid laner, the meta has changed far too much for Regi to adapt to (this might be me talking out my backside a bit, but it’s what I observed).

The other thing is that they force dyrus to play all these tanks, the thing is, Dyrus has amazing instincts and mechanically Dyrus is very good, he can beat any top laner in the world. The two things holding Dyrus back is emotions, and the fact that they force him freaking tanks. Dyrus can CARRY, let him play a hyper carry top laner, Jax, Riven, etc, and he’ll thrive.

Turtle is a more solid ad than Chaox, but turtle isn’t extraordinary, The real problem lies within Odd One, Odd One’s jungling style doesn’t mesh well with someone like Dyrus. Every game I see people try and shut down dyrus and oddone is trolling around the jungle somewhere. TSM needs a jungler close to Meteos or Saint Vicious, someone who completely understands the game flow and can influence that, OddOne is a solid guy, but he can’t provide the support Dyrus needs to thrive.

With the addition of Bjerg, TSM has a more solid roster, however I would like to see some changes at jungle and ad carry, in order for them to make a run at worlds, tsm needs to pick up a better jungler and ad carry, if I was them, I’d go sniffing around korea and see if I could coerce one of them to come over here. I mean, TSM is definitely stronger overall with the change to mid, but they aren’t world title contenders yet.

The reason I think fighting gamers can relate to League, is because in League, since you have to “buy” the champ you use, you build a strong bond to that champ, since you probably grinde many matches with them.

Fighting Gamers are unique in that you have to have a connection to the character you use. You learn the ins and outs of that characters, good (item) combos, their strengths and weaknesses, etc.

At least, thats why I got so attache to League. Early days of GP Nid Cho and Heim grinding is fun. Now I just want to “catch em all”

Is anyone who is using FIOS getting ridiculous lag spikes? :confused:

I was getting ridiculous lag spikes yesterday, but I don’t use FIOS. Then again, I’m using my university’s internet…

Played Darius for the first time tonight and damn he’s fun.

I had those and disconnects, others as well complained. It was weird since literally nothing else but League was doing that.

I did. And here I thought that switching to fios from cox would be the best thing ever… They both have their shittiness.


Every couple of months there’s a guy that makes an account and posts up an MK video. Just mark it as spam and let the mods re-ban him.

I’ve seen people with several different ISPs mention this as being a problem for them, so I’m not sure what is happening. I monitor my ping when it happens. My ping doesn’t spike, but it is as if I’m getting huge packet losses. It usually happens when I’m near a creep wave or an enemy champion. I’m hoping that this will lead them to extend the season at least for a few days, because this is making games almost unplayable…but I doubt that will happen. It’s pretty frustrating, considering I took a day off to grind for the last few days in hopes of getting to gold, but I can’t even play the game because of these issues.

Finally climbed my way back into Silver 1. Sitting at like 65 points trying to get Gold 5 before the season ends. I play mainly mid or top but do ok in bot or the jungle. If anyone wants to duo let me know

Well the ranked queues come down on the 12th, I’m making my run to Gold V from Silver IV, anyone down to help me get there? I’m winning like 25lp per match, so…I believe I can make it.

I still cant’ even play the game due to horrible packet loss. It sucks, because I set aside 3 days in advance to grind back to my promos and for every one of those days the games are unplayable. Looks like no gold for me this season. I’m disappointed, but I’ll have more time to play ranked in the next season. I’ll get gold and then some eventually.

Disappointed, but not defeated!

It’s stupid as hell Elise finally get another skin and it’s stuck behind a grind wall.

Stuck in Bronze III, no way am I gonna make it.