The new and improved League of Legends Thread

Holy shit that new Nasus skin is sick! While I really don’t think he needed the update, overall it is pretty awesome so far.

Popstar Ahri is pretty cool, if I am not mistaken it was previously a popular custom skin that was made? Good on Riot for making an official version.

Naaah. I think blink on a short range once in 5 minutes is fair enough.

New turrets very different now. They are paper thin now (1 cast\crit… really) but capable to do Tons of damage with lazors and avenge your death. Heimer still not a competitive pick because his rework changed things that was making him ““toxic”” but not things that was making him not viable pick.

Regarding Sivir, just how much is that boomerang blade putting out? Is it her major source of damage early? At level 3 as Draven she hit me with her skillshot and an auto and it was nearly half my hp. Throughout the entire laning phase I couldn’t even reasonably trade without eating 1/2 or 2/3 of my hp. Maybe it’s lack of matchup knowledge couples with that I’m a bad ADC but I would like to think I’m well enough versed in the game to know when something doesn’t seem right. Her damage output even early on is ridiculous. On the level of pre-Draven nerfs. The damage I was receiving from the number of attacks is way off the charts compared to any other AD I’ve faced. Riot tweaked her wrong. I tried her in a few games on my alt. I was surprised at

This. Get a gank, get them to use it. Come back two minutes later

the AD ratio is like 100% on her boomerang blade, def don’t wanna get hit by that twice

What do you propose doing to fix this? Make Flash an active on an item, increase the CD, decrease the range, add a delay to physically teleporting, make it cost 10% of max/current health, introduce the penalty of not being able to flash within 3 seconds of enemy champion damage? Realistically, since Flash is so widely used, until a time when Riot changes the core mechanics of it, you’ll have to work around it. As others have said, get someone to gank or force them to blow their flash. It’s a resource that costs 5 minutes (without summoner CDR) to use. If they really have such horrible positioning they’ll get caught out of position again within that timeframe and you can kill them. And even with flash it’s possible to kill someone, it’s not literally a 1-UP.

Holy crap that’s a lot of damage. Does it scale down for each enemy it hits or is it full damage all the way?

yeah it does, this ain’t season 1 no more

Flash after them Flash rewards smart players if the other person has flash and you don’t you wasted it. If you both have it you can follow him up.

Thanks. And I haven’t been playing since S1, I’m just not familiar with a lot of details about the champions.

I wonder how Dyrus will shine since pretty much everybody is gonna have to camp Bjergsen. I honestly don’t even know how good he is/isn’t because he hasn’t really played a real game where he didn’t just get raped by jungle in so long lol.

is ranked 1v1 gonna be a thing? if it does wonder what excuse people will use instead of elo hell. i’m s5 cuz blah is op.

not sure but, he is rather easy to ban out.
Bjergsen is ok. he will more consistent than Regi. he’s no faker or xpeke
I am excited for a chance to see Syndra played at a high level.

I would argue Bjergsen is as good as xpeke and instantly the best mid in NA so I wouldn’t say he is ok lol. Dyrus is actually not easy to ban out he plays a lot of champions. I like CLG though don’t get this confused.

ban shen? might be better now that jax has returned but, didn’t really see him break anything out other than rumble, mal, and shen all season. he said he was gonna try and get a deeper champ pool. i like tsm but, it’s so many twist and turns. they’re hot then they lose 2-3 in a row.

so chaox is playing again. wonder why the garbage man didn’t find a team?

edit. looking at the new masteries spell and blade weaving. wonder how much it would impact laning on swain but, not sure what i would give up for them.

He played 15 different champions in the EU LCS (Tied for 2nd Most in EU with Alex Ich behind Froggen).

Honestly, I think Bjergsen is arguably better than Xpeke (He’s at least on the same level). Xpeke just has a top lane that can actually win lane sometimes. There’s something to be said when you are in the region with the best mid laners and you still get camped in every professional game.

Tried new Heimer finally. I like the new kit and all but I don’t know if I was doing something wrong in regard to build, I never had enough damage to pop someone unless they decided to sit in the middle of my turrets.

He would make an excellent Support if it wasn’t for turrets targeting minions cause well, you know. I do like the utility of his ulti though. Turrets for kills, Missiles for single target damage, or Grenade for bouncing stuns to initiate team fights is pretty nifty.

Other than that playing IC, got into my first game on Coast City (The LoL type map) and got LoL type drama. Fun times!

Yeah not sure how anyone can be downplaying this move on some “it wasn’t ALL Regi’s fault” kinda shit, when the upgrade at such a key position is THIS huge. Bjergsen is a MASSIVE upgrade over Reginald. They aren’t anywhere near being on the same level. And again, Regi shut down and stopped making calls when shit was hitting the fan for him, so a new play caller is an upgrade as well. Will there be an adjustment period? Sure. But this needed to happen, they definitely won’t be any worse for this move.

If we’re talking competitive picks, he can also play Vlad, Renekton, Karthus, and I think he played Zac once or twice. Dyrus can play a lot of different stuff.

trm plays teemo tho. gg

Popstahri preview. I feel like there was real potential with this one to not do as many particles updates but to overhaul the voice acting and people would’ve loved it.

To play mid and be shot caller is hard as hell tho. Go against faker and shot call for the team. That why it better for the support plus the support ward and pay attention to the map in the most detail. Of course this vary between teams.

Season 4 is going to change this though. Less map coverage gonna be scary as hell. I ward alot the time for every role.