The new and improved League of Legends Thread


nah she’s a bit too strong. thinking about picking up top lane. bored with jungle and support. stupid adcs.
If only Garen could carry harder. Liking Shen just not in soloque.

I didn’t know we had a League thread, that’s pretty cool.

Summoner Name: B1ackOkami

All that needs to happen to Jinx is just a slight ASPD reduction on her minigun and either a range or AD ratio nerf on her W

They could nerf range on missile q. Honestly don’t think she needs one though she has no reliable escape and doesn’t out dps Kog. Just because something is good doesn’t mean it needs to be changed. Unless there is a build I don’t know about.

The width of her ZAP can stand to be thinner, or make the indicator thicker.

I don’t think she needs to be nerfed either, but this is riot and we know how they work.

is this a bug? sometimes when i walk to an area it shows a recall graphic but no one is actually recalling or this bug when i summon elises spider gorge it just disappears sometimes check out the throws and throws at 45mins

Who is that? he really needs to stop buying every gp10, banner of command etc. and get extra normal/pink wards and Oracles instead, a lot of the deaths could have been prevented with proper warding instead of running around doing nothing.
Luckily for him the opponents threw equally hard.

The recall graphic bug is normal. Means someone backed there before you had vision of the area.

His poke and kite game is strong actually. Q is excellent line poke. W allows for kiting.

His ult is bad? His Ult is good actually. Check out the cooldown of his ult. Very low late game. Add some cdr and it is a very high dmg with low cooldown ult. Also good utility as you can use it for multiple things.

All adc good except perhaps sivir and mf. They aren’t too bad but this assassin meta crushes them.

That’s me, lol. That’s how I got out of bronze.

And I agree on all points. It’s just, frustrating. You light the way for your team, and sometimes they still run in to the wall. I’ll switch back to as you say and see how it goes for a month or two. That’s probably how I made my way through Silver the first time. Can’t remember, been playing aram since aram came out.

doesn’t his ult do less dps than just auto attacking and only face one direction in a narrow beam so people can just walk out? I guess it’s probably useful for running away or chasing since he doesn’t have to stop to auto.

I’m waiting for the perfect vid of Lucian chasing down 5 low HP heroes in a lane where they can’t dodge it, and he gets kill after kill while dashing around into perfect position. Jk, one creep got in the way and blocked 10 shots.

I got my Hearthstone beta key finally. Goodbye league. See you in S4.


It is ranged and less risky. His AA range is quite short. People can walk out of it but that where you have to position well.

His Q and R require some good skill to maximize.

Send me your blizzard ID

I only play Lucian if I get ADC so I will share my thoughts on his ult.

Overall it is complete trash. Think about it in skirmishes it loses to trist jump ez e graves dash corki valk Vayne tumble. So you have to cancel and he has mana issues already. It’s better to just cycle his regular attacks and use his good passive. It is also awful in team fights because mostly all the damage goes on the tank.

It’s rare optimal uses are chasing low life targets out of range of regular attacks when no creeps or team mates can block. The other is pre fight poke before a possible point of contention. Which can expose you to strong gap closers. The reset on e is the lone benifit when chasing you e first auto finish with ult when they are super low then e again to get 2 gap closers.

Also Karma mid picking up steam. People finally figuring her out.

Decent utility damage mage. Also her shield can help with initiation for you or another person.

Have to disagree on Lucians ult said above but new champ is new. Apparently he picking up steam too.

Played a couple Jinx games. She seems strong, but I couldn’t get a decent team fight in. People just running into AoE ults instead of disengaging and looking for a better fight.

I don’t even…

There are some things that you just don’t want to see before going to sleep.
That picture is one of them.

Anybody have any tips for mid Lux? I’ve been playing her for a while and have a good idea of what I’m doing (I think) but get wrecked early game a lot.