Dat Heimer rework looks fun, hope it goes live this time. I’d love to see his skin updated alongside this, and they are discussing it, but I doubt it will at this moment.
Either way, they did state his swag walk would stay intact. SWAG!
Come back to play him and I think he is actually a solid champion. He has kinda of a odd poke game with Q,W, and R but it can do quick some decent damage actually. His Q is way better than I thought it was. Excellent line poke actually.
Also recently he was picked by the Koreans in some major tourney.
Lucien looks kind of strong, he has quick recovery time on skills and can harass well despite minion wave interference. I think his R is pretty neat as well, I am sure if Korea is picking him and he does well, the rest of the world will hang onto them as usual.
I want to see if Jinx as well ends up as a solid ADC. Though I hope at some point we get an ADC who isn’t human. Poor Kog, basically all alone.
The ratios and AS she have is a bit over the top in my opinion, I expect a ratio nerf on W (1.2 instead of 1.4?) and an attack speed nerf on her Q (100% instead of 130%?).
Yeah she’s banned pretty frequently, insane when she snowballs but is still a good pick even if she doesn’t. I only ban her when I’m not playing support though.
I hardly see Twitch used, and when I do it is usually Jangle/Roaming. Most LoL tournaments fall on weekends involving fighting game majors or tournaments, and considering this is SRK that is where I usually go. Sue me people.
Anyways I probably have at least two Infinite Crisis keys to give out if anyone here has been wanting to play, this time I think they are legit keys as well.
I’m already in IC, haven’t really played much since Dawngate came out. Still haven’t decided whether or not that’s IC’s fault, because I usually get pretty crappy teams when I do decide to play.
My experience and knowledge in the game is very limited, but as far as I can tell, I think people just haven’t gotten used to Jinx yet. I don’t think she’s all that broken. People too quick with the nerf bat.