The new and improved League of Legends Thread

Replays would be cool, I could share all the stupid ARAM situations that arise when I play.

My goal right now is to be Secret Santa’d Santa Gragas. So I can start some kind of Santaception.

Broken isn’t in Riots interest. Nothing is more miserable than playing against pre nerf Xin or ap Rengar top. As long as something has counter play I am fine with it but I played in the old Dota meta where Lycan and Omni were perma banned from some tournaments. It’s not that enjoyable from my memory and could kill a lesser game.

Tons of people love trist for her uniqueness and she is still good and gets picked a decent amount.

That mystery gifting sounds weird as fuck. I’d be down.

Round Robin mystery gifting would be funny.

Man, this x1000. If Starcraft could do it in the late 90’s, then ideally Riot could have had it by now. I hope that is something on the agenda for Season 4. LOLReplay doesn’t count, since it’s too unreliable and practically breaks every time the game gets patched.

Whoever I get…prepare for Teeto. What goes around comes around.

I love Teemo so hopefully it is me.

Season 3 extended for an extra 2 weeks. Good luck to everyone trying to get to Gold. I went from Bronze 1 to Silver 5, then Silver and Silver 1 promos recently, so it can be done! Best advice I can give to climb this quickly is as follows:


They really extended it? Nice. Thank you for letting us know. :slight_smile:

I’m clamping hard the last few games, so gotta get unclamped. Sitting at around 45lp in Silver 1 right now, but I’ve only played a total of about 23 games.

I’ve been going with the losing method but maybe I’ll adopt your strategy, we’ll see.

Do the DST method. Exaggerate shit other than just a “gj”. I had a game with an ezreal that listened to my countergank without hesitation at bot and we picked up a triple kill and gave him double buffs. He even stayed like i asked him to to bait out yet another double kill. I kept complimenting him and telling him “Man I want to put you in between two slices of bread because you’re so HAM!”. We won convincingly but when I lolking’d him, that was his first game that he had won in a long time. He kept thanking me for letting him know that maybe he had a bad streak and that things might turn for the better. TBH if I had lolking’d him during the loading screen and seen that match history I might have been hesitant on ganking bot, but opportunity and performance-wise it was the right call. Got a win and made someone’s day better. Win-win.

Don’t Lolnexus/Lolking for that stuff. You’ll psych yourself out before the game even begins. It’s fine to use it to check runes/masteries though.

Knuffles, what times are you available during the week. I don’t think our schedules match up at all…

morello is still silver so it will be extended till he gets gold. agree with pacifist don’t use any BS sites. just play only thing that shit does psych you out and look to blame other when you’re sucking.

Like 5-9 pm EST ish? Aren’t you doing FFXIV?

Nah, I’ve been playing Terraria mainly. I’m good enough geared to do the end game raiding but my friends raid before I even get home, so I’ll be done with FFXIV unless I transfer to another server.

I get back at around 7 PM PST if you want to play.

Anybody here try out Prime World? It’s a solid game with a bunch of different elements.

That said, I’d love to hop on a team and get some wins in. :tup:

That feeling when you thought you made a good investment in getting someone fed as the jungler, then they turn around and throw their advantage away.

guessing it was the AD that threw. sadly i have never heard of Quas. seems like a good talent for curse.

I play to many MOBA’s, and all of them casually. Oh well, I don’t really enjoy taking them to seriously anyways outside of rare instances.

Probably would obsess over IC more if the damn camera got fixed, never seems to be a priority.

In my games, it’s usually the solo laners.