I was pretty disappointed with the role queues. It’s like the easiest and most obvious solution ever, if that’s what they were going to do they shoulda just done that like, 2 years ago. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy it’s here now that I only really like 1 lane, but I feel like they should have had a better/more creative solution or done this way faster.
I feel it was because they kept resisting the whole “forcing the meta” bullshit excuse. Thing is a crazy high percentage of people can’t even play the standard team composition in the first place. Have people have a solid foundation first and then let them be all creative.
I wish I knew how to play Kassadin.
Ya Kass is really tough… Not forgiving at all… If only he could function with 50 cs after 11 mins… Oh wait.
I’m wondering if they’re planning on making it so that duoing in ranked is more restrictive. Getting kind of sick of having golds on my team with their Bronze friends or having that on the other team. I’m not against duoing in ranked, but it sort of feels like there needs to be some restriction, because some of these people that duo in just cannot play at the level of the other players.
oh, who am I kidding. People don’t play at the level of other players constantly. What difference would it make.
Also, does anyone know if this makes a difference in your LP gains/losses?
Thing that I don’t understand about him is balancing his mana. He has that crazy burst with R+Q+E but that charging requirement for his E just seems very blech…unless I’m supposed to be activating W for charging it or something. I just don’t have very much success with him and considering how late it is in the season, I rather just go Renekton top or Zed mid.
IMO no point in learning kassadin now, there’s no way they are going to let him or zed stand as they are.
Tolore is right no point because he is banned or on the nerf train unless you actually like him. The key is you don’t use your mana until 6 really just q to cs or deter trades. There are a couple build routes for Kass you go RoA or Tear some do both but I think that is too slow. If you are running oom you are probably using his ult too much.
Yeah, both Zed and Kass nerfs are being foreshadowed. Doesn’t matter since the one champ I want to sit down and figure out one day is Lissandra. There’s like no counterplay to her E.
Kass, Fizz, and Ahri definitely on the chopping block. I don’t know what Ahri did to get mixed up with that crowd but hopefully she learns her lesson from all of this.
League, forever nerfs lol. Poor Thresh was unique then nerfed, woe is me.
Zyra too. Ahri’s up there because she’s too good, just like everyone else.
Just bring everyone else up then, that is my immature way of looking at it. Nerf/Re-tool city.
On a different note, when the heck is Tristana getting a rework. Or did Riot forget she existed, her kit is terrible. I really don’t see where she gets love, like some diehard AP Tristana fans who jump out at night to scare sensible posters every now and then.
Trist seems to be fine to me. It is a lot easier to nerf a few then to buff fifty or whatever with each potentially breaking the game. They do buff people as well it’s just popular to say just keep buffing characters don’t take mine away. Eventually that snowballs to looney levels.
Looney is fun. My only issue is a lot of champs get an overnerf and leave play casually as well as competitively, and just rot away somewhere. Look at what happened to Rengar and the mess of his nerfs/buffs, that still continue to this day. I liked the new blood Zyra, Thresh and others injected into Support and gave them a dual role. But Riot kind of shot all of that down.
Tristana is just funky and like Sion has that old play. She is supposed to be an ADC right? She has nothing that scales off of AD, and her skills are rather lackluster in comparison to newer Champs. Her ult is meh, her E I think needs a retooling as for competitive play the explosions on last hits messes with people’s laning, and her Q while I like it just seems rather ho-hum.
I just never see her brought up in Red posts regarding an update. I don’t think they know she exists anymore.
How so? Zyra, Sona, Annie, Thresh are all pretty much the popular supports atm.
And late game Trist is ridiculous.
Zyra ratios and CD’s are being touched again, after having this happen twice before. I don’t know if that will keep her in the competitive spotlight or not. Thresh should be fine honestly, his looked about right.
Sona always going to be there, but Annie is new to me. Wonder how that works other than she has a long range poke to harass with and can sometimes stun.
Speaking of Zyra.
And Victorious Elise spider form is as good as I hoped.
Edit - Ew. The only 2 Harrowing skins are that Zyra one and Officer Vi. Source = http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1ol53y/the_harrowing_approaches/cct1cnx
Sounds about right.
Side question, would anyone here be interested in Secret Santa like skin gifting during Holiday seasons? Harrowing, Snowdown Showdown and what not?
I know a lot of you tend to be antisocial so maybe not, but just tossing it out there, could be fun.
EDIT: Yeah added those to the front page earlier. Not really mad about the Harrowing only having two new skins.
One: The two new skins are permanent, and aren’t a temporary thing.
Two: 16 Legacy Harrowing skins are popping up. And unless you old as dirt and rich to boot I am sure there is a few you could get.
Victorious Elise looks like a Protoss Carrier… so cool. Too bad I suck so much that I never got past Silver IV. Feels more like Cardboard VII though.
Really wish we had replays. It’d be nice to be able to watch/analyze replays people posted here and give feedback.
I’d be down for Secret Santa.