The new and improved League of Legends Thread

Who’s with me in petitioning for that skin to be a real thing? C’mon fellas!

  1. If you go all in and get Mejai: 1. buy some wards to not lose stacks or to get sweet R shots. 2. Roam. 3. Don’t buy Mejai if support don’t ward map properly.
  2. Use skillshots to pull jungle monsters for dirty farm.
  3. Don’t listen music while playing Lux you need to hear if you hit someone with Q in fog of war.
  4. cast shield in the direction you running if you running away.

Can you explain the reasoning of this? Casting the shield away from the direction you’re running gives you more shielded time, at least if the opponents aren’t already on top of you when you might not survive long enough for the shield to come back.
Also thanks for the tips, I’ll try to implement them in my next games.

Cast shield in the direction that suits the timing you need.

I would never buy mejai’s. Buying it sets you back, and then you have to put in work to get back to where you were. Like, you could buy an armguard or huanting guise and keep your lead. The snowball items are just for smurfs.

So playing ranked again. You really do need to talk to your team if you wanna win. Cooldown arguments and suggest plays. Be a leader (babysitter). And of course you gotta win your lane before anyone gives a damn about what you think.

Definitely not Taric? :tup:

Haunting Guise is a excellent snowball item for any mage not just Lux, gives you a nice damage spike for the amount of gold you spend while slightly delaying your larger items.

Haunting Guise was always good. A lot of people didn’t like it though because it was one of the midgame items with no potential end game item. You’d eventually have to sell it at a loss. Now that midgame items have at least 1-2 things to build in to, it’s much more popular.

I buy big gulp and a hat. Then I shoot lasers constantly.

My Jinx is officially cursed, 4 games, 4 terrible teams. She’s so strong though, I almost managed to pull that last one out of the fire. Almost.

Kind of excited for Season 4 and the rolling changes, hopefully it mixes it up.

Still waiting on at least visual changes for Summoner’s Rift, kind of sick of seeing all green same map all the time.

season 4 jungle will have a new creep or something
that and the old blood razer will return possibly.
Stats are:
Atk speed, Atk dmg, 40% increased gold from killing creeps, and bonus dmg based on how many creeps youve killed with bloodrazer.
Confirmed on manclouds stream.
rank Que has been a bitch latetly gives me s2-3 kids against G1 and plats. don’t know how they were higher pick than me.
oh well i guess.


dbL post for new vision

I wonder if Saint is even on that site? Those things just fish randomly for pictures to add, a lot of them aren’t from real profiles.

The ward changes are going to be huge for support players, particularly in lower levels, since nobody buys wards consistently (often times, not at all) in Silver or Bronze. I still don’t know how I feel about that yet. Overall, I think it’s good that they want to encourage other team members to help pick up the responsibility on warding duties, but this seems kind of far reaching. I guess we’ll have to give it time.

Saw this coming. Not too fair that one person can buy sightstone and wards to show 90% of the wards.

Encourages other to ward as well.

Although it will cause less vision on the map since people will just not ward. Should be good overall though.

Any junglers here play Trundle? He seems like a really fun champ to play. I always like playing champions who are in the fray of team fights, beating up on everyone. But he still seems kind of like a niche pick.

Trundle is a better top since the remake. He makes a strong duelist but low team fight presence. Which means you want to split push with him so get a hydra and tank items visage/randuins. The problem is if you are in the mid gold division and lower then split push is risky.

The new Rengar rework info makes me a bit sad :frowning:

Yeah Trundle definitely need lane farm to be a factor and he’s really good at shutting down melee champions on top of it. His ganks are pretty subpar and his burst damage is none to speak of, I wouldn’t recommend playing him the Jungle.