Guys, Bison’s lk scissor kick is 0 frame advantage on block which means that if you block it and use spark it would be as if you both were just standing and you use a random spark.
i’d love to play him but i’m on psn
I sent him a friend request.
I made a few more matchup videos, I just took random matches I fought instead of compiling stuff, so they aren’t amazing, but some tips anyway.
Any recommendations for future matchup videos?
Aye lol, this is hilarious to me but Fuerte’s cr. mk straight up beats Ibuki’s Ultra I.
It also beats abel’s ultra 1.
Regular guac beats guy’s jumping off the ground to air throw move. As does ex. I air grabbed him out of it 1/3 times.
His jump in air, stop and drop elbow does NOT hit overhead.
Lots of Guy players are really eager to use ex hurricane. Ex guac stops it cold.
Fuerte vs. Rufus plz.
I must be doing something wrong or you can’t reversal ultra spark sakura’s ex hurricane.
According to EventHubs’ frame data on Sakura, she has a 4 frame advantage, and with Ultra Spark requiring 3 frames of startup, she has 7 frames to escape a reversal spark with a jump.
fuerte vs rufus is very easy once you understand a few key things. if you need me to elaborate, i will.
Elaborate, please.
when rufus dosen’t have meter, abuse the shit out of f+mk and c.rh. when rufus has meter, see abuse f+mk and c.rh. reason? f+mk (corpse hop) will go straight through rufus’ ex messiah and you can c.rh punish or ultra. you have to be pretty close though. same with c.rh, if you’re pretty close and you do it, you’ll take a few hits of ex messiah and the rest will whiff over you. well spaced crossups will make ex messiah whiff, and will make ex snake strikes whiff. if he has u2 and has the meter, don’t bother doing anything. if he has 1, safe tortilla and a nice crossup will make his ultra whiff. lk guac/s.rh xx guac to stop his gay divekicks.
basically run stop pressure will make them mash and burn their meter, so make sure your etc combos are on point.
Bingo. Found out the hard way. But thanks for confirming.
Edit: Rufus’ crFP (long reaching poke) was counter hit out by a Qbomb.
I did shower kick and ran into Rufus ultra 2, it knocked me down but I only took a hit, not full ultra.
I made like an idiot and ultra 2’d after he blocked my focus attack, he hit me out of it with ex messiah kick.
I was able to focus crumple Rufus out of his dive kicks pretty well.
Also, I still feel like saying crmk to far mp is a frame trap. Or maybe it’s just me I dunno.
Vs vega after a knockdown I went for dropkick to get the overhead to hit. He did the single flip. Right when i recovered I counter hit with target combo.
Gotta weather the crmp spam
When he single flipped meaty slide, I was able to get in a crmk. So have the crmk combo down to punish.
St mp stuffed bison’s st rh. This normal is really good.
Trying to focus bison’s 2nd attack after headstomp is unreliable due to his possible angles and how fuerte sorta kinda ducks a bit
I’m pretty sure Bison’s followup after headstomp breaks armor. After I block it I go for an airthrow though. far RH goes over mp and hp sonic booms. Guile can’t airthrow you our of the first couple frames of Fuerte’s walljump (w/o tostada/fajita). And shower kick goes straight through Guile’s U2.
Oh wow! That jump over Ultra on wake-up was nice! Never thought of doing that. My gimmick usually involves an empty wall jump and then Ultra. 1 of 2 things happen: I get hit (anti-air) or it works.
it only armor breaks if he does ex and hits u twice.
A couple of notes I have to add to the Ibuki match-up:
-The double kick overhead air special (whatever it’s called) leads to free guac on block and hit (assuming she doesn’t follow up with super).
-If she tries the kunai mixup game on your wake up U2 will beat it for free and auto correct if she crosses up. You can also escape with ex guac or ex run.
-Neck breaker cannot be RSF’d reliably on block, use U2, throw or xx mixup to punish.
Did you try this off-line?
Yes, the only good ibukis I’ve ever played or seen are offline, specifically buktooth and fubarduck…and a few locals.
Just noticed a missed note on the overhead special thingy, it works on hit if they don’t combo with kunai or super of course, on block the kunai after isn’t a true block string so guac your little heart out. :tup:
U2 vs the kunai mixup game isn’t a good idea. She can very easily delay the kunai so that the ultra misses, or even do a normal jump instead of a super jump into the kunai, (i might have this backwards) and her crossup will be slightly later, meaning U2 wont autocorrect. Its best just to try and block the kunai shit, and wait for a hole in which to escape.