The Kuma Thread

That’s the problem: there was no movelist available for some of the newer characters at the NYCC booths! The movelists they did have seemed like they were from and earlier build before characters like Kuma and beyond were revealed, so I doubt Jae’s photos will tell us much that we don’t already know.

When I was playing him, I accidentally did a rolling move that was probably the Prowling Grizzly Roll, and I wasn’t able to replicate it. Things like that lead me to believe that until we get a build with newer characters and movelists, we probably aren’t going to learn anything big about Kuma for a while.


This movelist, my brain is full of fuck. :crybaby:

Those inputs are kinda odd.

Finally! An official move list! Let’s see how we… Oh crap. 360 motions. My nemesis.

Funny, I never really thought of Kuma as a grappler. I’ll still probably give the bear a shot, at least he doesn’t use 720 motions.

EDIT: Come to think of it, where did that move list come from? Did an event just happen?

Apparently from TGS. (Find emoshunzzz’s posts on this page)

Anyways some of his throws do crappy dmg compared to Gief but I guess thats fair since Kuma has some tools to get around. But then again there always was that green hand… And everything is atleast a half circle motion dear lord. Kinda want to rename the thread to Kuma’s Thread Keep rollin’ rollin’ rollin’

Is this thread a fucking joke to hurt Mika fans?

Not anymore, and it better stay that way.

Awww. :arazz:

Okay I’ll quickly restore the rest.

Ladies and gents, can we at least agree on two things?

  1. This pretty much confirms Rainbow Mika once and for all
  2. Kuma in a Mika outfit is the scariest f’ing thing in the game

We good?

Is he going to be a much decent character because he’s broken to me in a way

Man I’m not too sure If that costume confirms R Mika (I get my Jinpachi?) or other characters.

And damnnnnnnnnnnnnn dat bulge.

Well its kinda tricky to play as him right now so finding all the nifty tricks and techniques is going to take awhile. Or we can just ask Capcom to buff the bear. Win for Kuma players all around.

That’s nice I’ve never been a huge Kuma fan though

I’ve always been a Hworang fan I know I spelled his name wrong

Spelling Hwoarang isn’t the hard part, its saying it. :rofl:

Well anyways how about a Hwo/Kuma team for you then?

Use Hwo to open people up and assault and use Kuma as combo filler and turtle with him when you need to heal Hwoarang. I’m not sure if its do able to combo Hwo’s A,B,C into his super but with Kuma you can easily do it. Or use A,B EX frolicking bear for wall bounce into another chain I guess.

Yeah I’d rather team him up with yoshimitsu that’s my favorite tekken character besides Hwoarang

My Kuma Guide:


HCB+K= curls up into a ball and jumps in the air. No invincibility but OK anti-air. EX gives a wall bounce but if near the corner you can’t follow it up. The EX can be stuffed at start up too, meaning he has no truly invincible move other than supers (I think)

HCF+P (+P to follow up)= Palm strike. Good range poke and safe on block, this is his go to move for combos and general mix up, because of the follow up:

Jab = small follow up punch. Hits mid but is safe on block. Probably the best option. This combos off any palm strike so is the safest and most guaranteed (combos on hit, safe on block but lowest damage)

Strong= Big delayed slash that hits overhead and does great damage AND ground bounce- you can follow this up with crouch short and combo into super! This doesn’t combo and it’s unsafe. So your best hope is to hit it if your opponent turtles your initial palm, although they can just stand up. I reckon this will eventually be useless as nobody should fall for it and crucially he has no low option after the palm, apart from wait for the recovery to end on the palm then sweep.

Fierce= Looks the same as the Strong slash, but doesn’t hit overhead. So what’s the point? It combos. Drawback? Unsafe. So his best palm combo is palm, fierce, his best block string is palm, jab and his best mix up is palm, strong or palm, wait, sweep/command throw.

EX- a cross between strong and fierce- it combos AND bounces. This sets up a true combo into super off a palm combo.

HCB, F+P= Command grab where he spins them around on his paws. Looks funny, shitty damage. Throw isn’t instant. Best thing is that it has BIG range.

360+P,P= Roll and headbutt. If up close just instant headbutt. This does hit faster and does better damage, but the range is very small and if you aren’t in range he rolls, which is punishable- just crouch and sweep the roll, or avoid the throw attempt.

^with this in mind you realise his throws have specific applications and aren’t go to moves. He’s not a true grab character, more a Tonk Alex/Abel type who relies on short damaging combos and super rather than tick throws. The roll is standard in that the length is further the harder the punch used, goes under fireballs etc.

**KK- Stance Change- **Kuma gets on all fours. Can’t block, jumping puts him back in default stance, so does most special and super inputs.

During low stance- three normals (punch and kicks of the same strength do the same thing) weak->medium->hard all chain. Hard knocks down. All pretty standard, good length, hit low slashes.

**B+MP= **Barge. Goes through fireballs and wall bounces, good damage. Can set up a good combo. Good option for getting in, good range. Bad recovery

**B+HP= **Spins about on his back. Can work well as a runaway and as an anti air. Not too unsafe as he moves away

F+HP Massive Launcher, can combo

**F+MP **Less Massive launcher, might be safe

**Special normal chains **
B+ferce X3
Strong X2, Back Strong – Both do good damage for auto combos. The fierce one is a bit unsafe, the stong one is safe after the first two hits.

Key Normals- Crouch strong is his best normal, good range, hit confirms, doubs as far anti air. Looks like a MASSIVE version of Blanka crouch strong.

All his kicks are useless. Crouch RH is OK sometimes for a quick knockdown, crouch short is used after his palm strike ground bounce, apart from that AVOID.

Stand Strong is the best poke.

Kuma cant jump over his opponent unless they are crouching. He has a VERY low jump so jump strong and fierce are great as overheads.

Most of Kuma’s game is hitting mid and high, which is why you need to throw and sometimes sweep or crouch jab/short to keep them honest- I really think you can neutralise his mix up by stand blocking (no need to crouch) and mashing jab into a hit confirm.

Best BNB combo I have found:

Jump fierce, / f+ jab, strong, fierce (target combo, this is NOT the same as his normal jab, strong, fierce combo that goes into luanch/tag) xx HCF+fierce, fierce, crouch short xx HCF+ fierce, fierce. 9 hits, does about 1/3rd damage against regular health character and is meter free.

Alternatively at the end after the first palm you can do, crouch short, crouch forward XX Super or XX team Super for 50-60% damage or you can tag cancel into another character.

I found out after the thre hit target combo you can also stance cancel and then do his low chain of jab, srtong, fierce for six hits. Better though, you can go target combo, stance change (KK) f+fierce to launch from low stance, then another target combo to juggle, XX special ender or a EX special to wall bounce (HCB+KK) Or a super after juggling for two hits after the launch. Great damage but a hard combo to pull off for more than 10 hits.

So good, I added it to OP. Bottom mind you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh and the stance cancel from the target combo to HBS (The all fours stance) sounds pretty damn amazing. I imagine you would be able to cancel into the stance from the roll too?

Kuma better have the highest vitality rating