The Kuma Thread

his normals seem bad.

Well they’re not that bad though they look feasible. His roll is quite quick so I guess going for the headbutt is preferable though.

His seems to have good range and priority. But yeah, seems like he will be low tier? Ono really knows nothing about the bear.

What I want to know is whether or not his Cross Art starter is an overhead.

waitaminute, rock and roll throw is not a special throw? Hmm

I think you can see Yoshimitsu standing up when the CA occurs so maybe he didn’t block or the thing crossed him up.

And yeah bummer RnR circus does paltry normal throw damage while they made the headbutt a command grab. Darn. Cause that is the Mishimas schtick. RnR was Kuma’s thing. o_O

brb killing myself

Looks more like a cross-up to me. But Yoshimitsu was still most likely in the recovery of the launcher, which is why he got hit.

Kuma is gonna have the toughest match ups in this game he can’t even jump over the entire cast unless he is dead in their face. at least he doesn’t have any floaty jumps

Can he even jump over Hugo?

If he can barely jump over Cammy I think the taller characters are definitely out of the question

Was there any footage of him at TGS?

There was barely any footage from TGS at all from what I can find.

Yea nothing guess there was no camera’s allowed in the center

ftfy. Anyways what are the chances of Capcom uploading direct feed of the entire stream? I mean they did it for SDCC but I guess I’m still waiting on the Gamescon footage. :bluu:

I wonder if frolicking bear when positioned right on the opponent’s wakeup might cross them up. Besides who cares If he got the Hakan jump, he can still hop, frolic and roll. :sunglasses:

I’mma just leave this here.


I knew from day one that that line would become a meme.

Lol don’t forget Dark [insert character name] rises

Spent some time with SFxT this weekend at New York Comic Con and used Kuma a few times. One thought kept popping in my head:

Have we ever seen a confirmed command list for Kuma?

The setups for the game didn’t seem to have a command list for him, and I didn’t see anyone play Kuma but me. So it was largely a case of trying a bunch of commands and seeing what takes. I won a match using the bear, but that was mostly a combination of luck and having my other character (Poison) do most of the work.

I am definitely looking forward to the moves breakdown for Kuma. The second we get a decent one, we’ll really start to explore what he can really do…which I believe to be quite a bit.

Well Jae the one did say he is able to get photos of the movelists up in that Q&A thread.

Good timing too, my assuming from the Tekken notations is bound to be wrong somewhere.