[LEFT]Okay for those living under a rock, our friendly neighbourhood bear has just been confirmed for SFxT! Towering over the puny humans Kuma arrives with all her usual shenanigans and can of tuna ass whoopin.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]:lp:: Basic jab or swipe.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]:mp:: A more stronger version of the previous swipe directed a bit lower.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]:hp:: Butt attack![/LEFT]
[LEFT]:hp:+:hk:: Launch! A fierce backhanded swipe upwards.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]:lk:: He lifts one of his feet up a bit to slightly hit the guy.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]:mk:: This time he actually puts effort into it.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]:hk:: A strong frontal kick. Looks to have small range.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]:lp:, :mp:, :hp:, :hp:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynS0_4u6cYs#t=55s[/LEFT]
:f:+:hp:: A forward downward diagonal swipe. Has some decent range.
[LEFT]:d:+:hk:: Spinning Kuma sweep kick! Grants knockdown If it hits.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Unique Attacks:[/LEFT]
Bear Knuckle: Joins both claws and does a downward strike.
[INDENT=1]*Claw Uppercut: *Followup upward strike of the previous attack.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Notation: :lp:+:mp:, :lp:+:mp:[/INDENT]
[LEFT]*Bear Heaven Cannon: *A staple move string from the Tekken games that usually launches.[/LEFT]
[INDENT=1][LEFT]Notation: :lp:, :lp:, :lp:[/LEFT][/INDENT]
[LEFT]*Megaton Claw: A *strong thrusting palm move to another thrusting palm. The second thrusting palm can be turned into an overhead swipe when EX.[/LEFT]
[INDENT=1][LEFT]Notation: :hcf:+:p:[/LEFT][/INDENT]
[INDENT=2][LEFT]Overhead Swipe: Causes groundbounce if EX.[/LEFT][/INDENT]
[LEFT]Rolling Bear: His effective method of getting around those pesky fireballs. Similiar to Abel’s Marseilles Roll. The strength of the punch determines distance of the roll.[/LEFT]
[INDENT=1][LEFT]Notation: :360: + :p:[/LEFT][/INDENT]
[LEFT]Frolicking Bear: Curls up and leaps up+forward. Seems to function as a decent anti-air and EX version causes a wall bounce.[/LEFT]
[INDENT=1][LEFT]Chargeable: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kg9P0aIHgVM#t=2m10s[/LEFT][/INDENT]
[INDENT=1][LEFT]Notation: :hcf: + :k:[/LEFT][/INDENT]
[LEFT]Headbutt: A classic ‘stonehead’ Mishima command grab that has been taught to the bear.[/LEFT]
[INDENT=1][LEFT]*Notation: *(near opponent) :360: + :p:[/LEFT][/INDENT]
[LEFT]Rock ‘n’ Roll Circus Throw: One of the most demoralizing throws in the game, the Rock N Roll Circus has been the bear’s strongest command throw since Tekken 3.[/LEFT]
[INDENT=1][LEFT]Notation: :hcb::f: + :p:[/LEFT][/INDENT]
**Cross Counter: **
[LEFT]Grizzly Fling: His Alpha counter to speak, the great part is that it launches.[/LEFT]
[INDENT=1][LEFT]*Notation: *(In blockstun) :f:+:mp:+:mk:[/LEFT][/INDENT]
[LEFT]**Super (Costs 2 bars): **[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Fatal Wind: A fierce swipe to the chest and a giant fart to their face. I’m not kidding.[/LEFT]
[INDENT=1][LEFT]Notation: :hcb: + :3k:[/LEFT][/INDENT]
[LEFT]Cross Art (Cost 3 bars):[/LEFT]
[INDENT=1][LEFT]Notation: :qcf:+:mp:+:mk:[/LEFT][/INDENT]