The King of Fighters 2002: Unlimited Match Thread

Nico vid with Nameless gameplay

For what sounded like a midi, the Netherlands stage bgm sounded majestic, and was way better than the rest of the game’s music. I really like that bgm. I wish this game had an ast.

I’m about to crash.

Here’s some new screens:

Lol whats with that king dm.

Also new guy looks like someone said “I hate k9999 design he should be more like a kyo clone, but with k stuff too” So far the graphics on his attacks look terrible, red blood shit that sets people on fire?? I want my k9999 back.

Lin has 2k rekkas with the 2k1 ground move… and 2k super.

Im hoping hinako still has her crazy links, just sans 2k1 infinite. Also looks like jhun can’t infinite headstomp?

I really like what they are doing with this game so far, New art fuck yeah

I guess people here won’t complain about scrub players playing the game,lol

edi:definetly looking good lots of missing characters coming back

lol, team psycho ball

and BAO

Top Tier

New HSDM Secret Mirage apparently.

When you buy the game select NEOGEO mode. You’ll get your K9999 back along with the horrible stages, a lot less characters, worse artwork, and shitty music. You think that’s a fair trade?

Super violent Trap Shot, I hope…

Fuck K9999, his story was cool though but nameless seems a bit better so far. And a o. shermie character select pic would be good right about now.

I do not think its a fair trade. at all. But I mean the new guy just looks dumb. I mean his character is okay, but they need to change his standing animation and improve the effects sprites. Maybe actually make them turn red from his fireballs or something.

I think it’s probably due to the Akira guys bitching or something. So yeah, Nameless was probably something they through together overnight just to use his moveset.

So I mean if you liked playing as him, be glad they didn’t scrap him completely.

Huh? I clearly saw him do the 2k1 rekkas in the video. I didn’t see any of his 2k DMs either.

He has the ranbu DM…i wonder if he still has the hokuto no ken DM or the SDM poison thing

I saw him do 2k rekkas, 2k ranbu DM and 2k1 arm attack. You should probably watch it again.

Okay, I did see the 2k rekka once in the whole video now. Aren’t his 2k and 2k1 ranbus pretty much the same, though? I thought by “2k super” he was talking about the Throat Slit or the Poison Stab.

Ranbu isn’t in 2k1 I thought? if so it doesn’t look like that. That is the 2k ranbu. Which is what I was refering to. I don’t really ever even remember he has the poison dm or the throat slit haha, I always just ranbu or activate counter mode and go for the infinite.

hahaha well yeah, the posion dm was pretty cool but, you had to be pretty good at escaping/pressuring in order to make it worthy. Now if he has it on 2k2 um, along with his 2k1 arm attacks and the Hyakuretsu Ken move, it would be like the perfect Lin IMO (I hope he has some good BC combos too)

PD: oh and I hope he has his DF + A (I think) from 2k1, the OTG hair :rofl:

lol I forgot about that.

I like 2K2 a ton. But I don’t let the music, artwork, or stages stop me from enjoying it’s contents. =P

Not sayin’ it’s a better tradeoff. But it’s an option xD

Yeah, that is pretty much my feeling. I probably won’t try to use him all the time because it looks like they toned K49’s moves down in Nameless, like how Eddie was nerfed in the form of Christie in Tekken 4, but I am glad the option is still there.

All the characters almost got me more hopeful for 2k2UM then I am for KOFXII.

nameless’ blood flames look super ugly

it’s like that one mugen kula that uses flames too (and is super broken)
