The Ken Masters Thread

USD on Neogaf said…

**It’s hard to say if the game will stick around, but there definitely are a lot of notable Japanese players trying out SFXTK. Definitely has a better reception than (U)MvC3.

And yeah, about that “Japanese” tier list, it’s just one guy’s ranking, and no where close to a representation of Japan’s overall perception of the game. Calling it the “Japanese tier list” is quite a stretch. Though it does seem like some players think highly of Ken, heh.**

Personally I feel like Ken is one of the most well rounded characters in the game; he can footsie, zone somewhat, play battery or blow a bunch of meter. Having a bloody 2 frame super just opens up so many doors in terms of punishment options. Right now I run him as a point man for King; HP SRK and Tatsu just lead to so much damage on a tag cancel

Have anyone else seeen Kens third throw?
Hes first one is the standard forawrd throw and the second one is his back throw.
But he have an other forward throw where he takes them into a klinch and knees them a couple of time.
I have seen it two times. What is it?

A throw without a direction pressed so just LP+LK.

He’s weird, in that either SFxT has severe input problems (as opposed to the moderate problems and the utterly insane shortcuts we know it has), or his forward throw… throws them behind you.

been playing ken like always my impression so far is that ken is a very good character and is an excellent partner for pretty much everyone in the game stuff i have noticed is

1 - ryu seems to have amazing crouching normals while ken has amazing standing normals

2 - ken has a kara throw with close making him i think the only character that can throw someone after hitting them with a up close
(ex: will work while normally the throw whiffs)

3 - st.lp and blockstrings are amazing you can frametrap with them and good for 4 options afterwards 1- sweep 2- mk overhead (has more reach than in sf4) 3 counter hit them with fs.rh which will crumple them 4 - go for a throw

4 - all 3 of his throws leave you with a good counter charge into overhead setup

 forward throw - counter hit charge dash cancel
 neutral throw - counter hit charge dash cancel walk up f.rh
 back throw - counter hit charge dash cancel walk up

5 - step kick seems even more important in this game than in sf4 with the lack of focus attacks its alot safer and it does 80 damage now

6 - tatsu’s go through projectiles alot better now

7 - kens is an amazing anti air

stuff i dont like about the new ken are

1 - 4 frame started with 2 invincible frames lp.srk meaning it wil get stuff by all meaty’s i would like to see them either make it 3 frames again or increase the invincible frames to 3 right now the move has little to no practical uses

2 - 5 frame revert it to 4 frames the move has alot of recovery now

3 - long recovery on i would like them to reduce it so we can fake a target combo into throw like in 3s

4 - no longer forcing stand

5 - kens super shippuu jinrai kyaku whiffing in the corner during juggles

7 - kens ex shoryuken does not seem to have much going for it aside from the long reach

8 - the hitbox on kens c.hp seems terrible and its 6 frames now

9 - target combo has to much recovery and target combo is something we really need because ken does not really have good hitconfirm combo’s

10 - cs.lp being + 6 while fs.lp is +7 make both +7 no need for this crap

11 f.rh is really hard to land in this game with rolls and ppl actually looking for overheads i would like to see this move cause groundbounce without counterhit

12 - still slower than ryu WTF capcom?

“4 - no longer forcing stand”

it doesnt need to force stand anymore really. after you land one and do a into tatsu, the tatsu forces the stand from really far away anyway. or if you do a chain into launcher it doesnt matter if they are crouching.

i went into the lab with ryu and ken and ken definitely has some tools that ryu doesnt. (ryus tatsu isnt nearly as useful as kens because it doesnt force stand from any range. and it seems ryus shoryu has terrible juggle potential) they are more different than they have ever been. the more i play as ken the more i enjoy him, and when you can consistently land cr.short, st.jab, cr.forward into tatsu, your sorted. im loving my guile point and ken back up team.

its funny how they have tried to balance the charge characters in this game, guiles links are so easy now and kens seem quite hard. the opposite of sf4.

Can someone make a combo thread

Who likes dragon punches??


Just for fun.

Kara throw is using st. mp or mk? i can´t see any difference using st. mk but with st. mp he indeed goes through a little bit, but impossible to do on a saturn pad, i hava a 95% hit rate on Ken´s SSF4 Kara throws, but here on SxT i can´t see any advantage on it or i´m doing something wrong… does anyone have a video of it to help us?

yeah i retract what i said earlier in this thread, ken is godlike!

What made you change your mind?

-understanding game mechanics
-his fierce srk allowing free tag cancels
-learning to space his standing normals, and never using cr lp, always st lp when pressuring. far st mp giving great pressure options.
-air tatsu being borderline broken and own the big characters
-grounded rh tatsu into tag cancel into jump in combo from partner dishing sick damage

  • good overhead that leads to ground bounce if opp backdashes or try to jump out sets up some nice oki

there were all well documented in this thread, but putting it all together makes him quite beastly

i was playing him wrong at first, sf4 style, and upon reading his frame data, while his pokes are relatively slow, i think he is very close if not as good as ryu.

im running him first with kazuya in the back, and its working so well.

What is a good air to ground option?

people like kazu can stuff it with a standing Hp :frowning:
-Am i doin it wRong?

How does Ken fare against Rufus?

This is the furthest thing I’ve ever seen from the truth.


Target combo is “good”… In 3s it’s -2 on block in SFxT it’s -7. Its not any good this isn’t a throwback to 3s Ken. All he has that is reminiscent to his 3s counterpart is Shippu, which kind of sucks because reversals pretty much suck in this game.

lol yeah he is nothing like in 3s.

but target combo into tatsu (then cancel) is ok , though dashing forward doesnt give u much, unless u go for a shoryu or ur opp is sleepy/mesmerized by ure skills

According to the brady guide, the target combo is -1 on block. It’s 23 frames of blockstun, so a CADC forward dash puts you at neutral

Here are some vids of my Ken x Lili team. Can you guys give me some pointers on my Ken. Most ppl say it’s pretty eh. I want to try to improve it the best i can so he can win on his own if i don’t want lili in.

any tips for trial 10? I can’t for the life of me connect st.MP with cr.MK :frowning: