The Ken Masters Thread

honestly your ken wasn’t that eh lol. but i feel you didn’t anti air enough ( you let murduk get alot of free jumps ), and at one point or so, you didn’t convert a few air to air hits into nice damge. like you could had mp dp after that air to air vs rolento. and never frame trao with kens cr short. it’s negative on block. if you want to frame trap use ken standing normals instead seeing how they provide decent advantage on block. other than that, well played!

Played a good Gief/Hugo player last night. If I ever decide to take this game seriously, I’d definitely settle for playing for clock in that matchup, especially if Hugo and Gief are running power gems.

use far standing mp

This Ken is too dumbed down…everything based around his tatsu…only good normals being standing ones feels awkward and presents weak block-strings and frame traps. rh sweep ken’s best trap??? wth?

update should give ken at least one blockstring or make his st.lp and c.lp link with his and He is too friggin barebones, I don’t care if he is designed to be a support character, it’s disrespectful to Ken. Just booting back up SF4, Kara throw, kara FB, c.lp & st.lp links, tatsu mixups, two OH…Ken should be god-like in SFxT. They friggin dumbed him down to make him support Ryu–lame character now. I dont see the use of doing Ryu/Ken when you can do Ryu/Kazuya. He may not have Tatsu, but you can get the same damage off a tag in as with KEn.

either way, ryu/ken looks too good together for me to quit them, but it angers me Ken is made into this pathetic concubine for Ryu…

ken ain’t that bad man lol. i honestly feels he’s solid. but he is boring as fuck compared to his 4 incarnation no doubt.

Ken feels gimmicky to me. His normals feel weird. I feel forced to either play super amazing on point footsies and spacing game with his decent walkspeed, use stand jab or strong pressure, step kick into DP or throw or normal, or abuse air Tatsus.

It’s just my opinion but he doesn’t feel very shoto-y to me, more like a funky rock-paper-scissors character.

I love his Alpha Counter into tag cancel but that’s really all I like about Ken besides his good anti-airs.

I really hope someone proves me wrong…

3f low short let’s gooooooo

safe shoryuken tags let’s gooooooo

air tatsu un-anti-air-able let’s GOOOOOOOOOO JUMPER’S JUMPERS

Im using ken and hwoarang and my only problems with ken are hit confirms but im still beasting online with them.

Oh and I surely miss lp lp srk :frowning: and the kara throw.

and let’s forget he has consistent aa’s and we all know how this game lack those for a good portion of the cast.

Which are his best Anti-airs?
I’ve Been using Cr. Hp and Lp Shoryuken with good bit of success if the match isn’t stammering around in lag. If it is lagging the slightest bit I’ll usually get counter hit.

Also I noticed there wasn’t any actual video thread for Ken yet. I want to post some videos for Comments/Advice in the future. Should I just post in here?

mp dp, and cr hp for close jump ins. and air to air j.hp/j.hkfor far jump ins. and auto correct mp dp for cross ups.

Hey, is there a way to anti air ken’s jump hurricane kick? It feels like he has no hurtable box on his lower body. He always sails above my cr. hp anti air.

imo it’s best to just dash under it and try to punish him rather than challenge it. the move is pretty stupid.

Dude kens fs hk crumples and then u can do f hk and ground bounce and get some pretty stupid damage afterward. Its insane. Noe im seeing why the japanese think he is s tier. He.can rly set up some big time damage.

Shotos are good. Ryu/ken. Dat natural synergy.

Can ken kara shoryu with sweep? Any other normal?

ken’s not good on paper like ryu, but he’s real solid and the system works w/ him. he’s pretty beast.

Just to get it clarified…

Ken does have a kara grab. Plink far and grab. You definitely see him move forward. Problem is, it’s only and not, so you cant do jab, jab kara grab. The forward movement isn’t significant enough. BUT, you can do, jab, plink and grab. You don’t see him move forward, but it definitely does, as without plinking the I can’t grab them. I’ll probably upload a youtube video showing this in a bit.


Hmmm - Kara throws. I’ll have to work on those

quick question: Has anyone had troubles with Cr.Mk xx Hk Tatsu whiffing on some crouched characters or is it just situational errors I’m having

I’m using this combo or some variation of it when this happens: Cr. Lp, Cr.Lp, St. Lp, C.Mk (all hits) xx Hk Tatsu (sails over opponent if they crouch)
should I use Mk Tatsu?

and why when doing Cr. Mk to St. Hk (Hk) for launcher does he sometimes do a Cr. Hk even known I’ve allowed the stick to the fall back into neutral positioning as the Cr. Mk comes out? Seems to happen when I’m online a lot – where the game is pretty wonky to begin with.

Couple of matches I wanted to upload for advice on Ken. Let me know what I’m doing right, wrong or need to do different - better options etc.,


Made a new video of me using my current team, Ken & Lili. The main focus of these combo’s is practicality and less on style, though some are just styling. Please leave a comment and tell me what you thought.


I just found out while training that Lili can Pandora Mode setup into herself. I made a short video showing a few more Ken and Lili Pandora combo’s, though you can do the solo setup with any partner because they are only used to set up Lili’s entrance. Well, you watch. Enjoy :smiley:

Edit: Removed the combo that was not possible outside of training room and added a new one.