The Ken Masters Thread

Can some one tell me what kens best air to air normal is please?

I would assume neutral jump MK and diagonal jump FP

very nice find, thanks for sharing.
so i was using akuma for the last month but have decided he is pretty ass without the vortex so i’m coming back home to ken. forgive me ken masters.
hope to share some information with you guys soon to make up for my un-loyalness to mr.masters
he seems like a really really really good character now that i know the game mechanics and strategy.

This Ken is still ass though. =x Like trying to throw a brick under water.

In this game, Ken feels like a nerfed ryu.

He is supposed to be “aggresive”, yet Ryu got all the good blockstrings AND THE DONKEY KICK!

I picked him up because of the Tatsu xx tag -> Mixup.

However, all tatsus are crouchable high after the first hit, so if the opponent is crouching he can retaliate.

He’s not really that bad just really fucking dumbed down. His mu’s are all gonna be based off of wheter or not a char can reliably beat air tatsu or not. I really don’t know what capcom was thinkin really it was really a dumb decision and he’s prob gonna have it get nerfed and be useless

I would prefer nerfed air tatsu and improved normals.

Hey guys, Gief x Kuma player here, need some help from you guys about Ken.

Ken’s air tatsu is really all I need to know about. Does it -always- cross up? What can I do to punish it, is there a certain way to block it, is he negative at all after a cross up tatsu?

I know sometimes Gief can lariat it, but the timing is really strict, because I have to lariat at the frame I turn around since Gief has no hitbox behind him on lariat. I think Kuma can feral crouch it, but I haven’t tested yet (kind of like blanka’s coward crouch in SF4).

Is my safest option just blocking? Any help is appreciated.

best option is to be proactive and neutral jump alot to stuff his tatsu. its too ambiguous to block and the punish is too heavy if you guess wrong. best to prevent it rather than react to it.

Usually tatsu trades with Gief’s air normals. Headbutt is a trade in my favor, but I wish I could figure out a way to beat it clean.

Hi everyone,

I just posted this message on Ken`s thread at SF4 session and I decided to post it here too…

So I was playing SFxT these days and since the first day I had this idea that Ken is very slow compared with his SF4 version. And I was thinking the same about Ryu. But yesterday I decided to play a litte with Ryu just for curiosity on the training room and for my surprise SFxT Ryu is pretty much the same of SF4 Ryu. A better version of SF4 Ryu in fact.

Ken is so laggy, his SF4 links doesnt work and in my opinion his only good things in this game is the Ex Tatsu that gives him +5 on hit and his hit confirm using strings finishing with hadouken. Like far c.MK->hadouken. In this game his hadouken always hit after c.MK. But just those modifications.

Ken’s far jab is 4 frames on startup now. Thats bad. And I think that his c.jab just give him +3 on hit so you cant link it to c.MK that is 5 frames now on startup. We dont have kara and we dont have the old links. The air tatsus still good, but they changed the trajectory too. What about his walkspeed and dash? He is so slow. What they did to Ken? Man…

You can play Ken? Yes, you can, but keep in mind that he is a laggy version of SF4 Ken with no big improvements. Why would you play Ken when you have Ryu in this game? Ryu is so damn good, he is flashy, his hadouken cancels after every normal move, his new special move (that kick that capcom brought back), his air tatsu that gives him a free juggle, his c.HP that starts at 4 frames, etc. He has so many good tools and the most important thing: His links stiil the same. He can do pretty much all SF4 combos, included Ken’s strings. Like: c.LK, c.LP, s.LP, c.MK -> Shoryuken/Tatsu. He looks like Ken with safe blockstrings and more knockdown tools. Thats ridiculous.

Im really considering drop this game and start to play KOF in the meanwhile. Until Capcom rebalance it and maybe give Ken his old combos from SF4. If that dont happen, Im dropping it. In fact Im one of the few players here that had hope and is still playing it. Everybody here bought and sold it afterwords sayning that this game is bad, broken/unbalanced and noob friendly.

Is it just me or do you guys are enjoying the game and the new Ken?


U can choose to have it crossup or not but my friend playin poison would beat it clean with n.jump hp or mp and cammy can dp it everytime if u can’t do any of those then always keep moving and outspace it and punish on whiff.

@churros. Ken def fells like shit but I’ve always liked his char so I still play him he’s just not my main unless I want a free win on some of the cast.

@kara101 it would take way more than that if they want him to be good and not spamable. His walkspeed would have to dramatically improve along with his dashes. His normals hitboxes would need to get get better along with the speed recovery and adv on hit and block. And imo he needs a comboable oh (shits retarde that ryu and akuma have one but ken doesn’t he’s supposed to be a mixup char). And they should speed up tatsu startup so we could actually frame trap with cadc. The prob I see is that capcom doesn’t like spamable things but also don’t like to make dramatic buffs to chars which makes me think that they are prob just going to nerf tatsu but give him only a little bit making him hella low tier.

just to correct my previous post… Ken’s far jab is 5 on startup… its worse than I was thinking… if you look at his normals he basically doesnt have frame traps on this game… Just one normal move has 3 frames on startup, his c.LK and doesnt give him advantage on block. For instance, Paul that I was trying to main with Ken, has better moves for frame traps than Ken… How can that be possible? I just cant find a reason to understand why capcom made Ken’s normals so bad in this game.

Yes, I agree with you. There is really no reason to play Ken in this game, when Ryu can do pretty much everything Ken does better.

there is a reason to use Ken. You can only pick one Ryu :-/

Question on blocking Ken’s hurricane shennanignans: let’s say he does the tatsu at or around the height of where you’d hk or hp. I know where to block, but because of lag online, I don’t know if it’s something I can react to, so do i just have to guess if he jumps in on me?

You people are crazy, Ken’s specials are unbelievably good and form the basis of why he’s so good in this game. Ken’s tatsu is way better than Ryu’s tatsu and is close to the best tag-in special in the game. HP shoryu is an absurdly effective way to tag in any character. Ken’s air tatsu is pretty much broken, and gives him air to ground dominance against characters that can’t stop it equivalent to Rufus. His super is extremely good at shutting down the incredible plethora of slightly unsafe stuff in this game. But boohoo his links are gone? Seriously?

He’s kind of one-dimensional, but so are a lot of characters in this game. It’s a tag game, who cares. Ken trades versatility for enormous upgrades to team synergy compared to Ryu and the best jump-in attack in the game.

Man, Im sorry… But if you are a Ken player you cant be saying that…

  1. I agree with you when you say that his air tatsu is good (not broken), its good but not that SF4 good… If you are a Ken player you noticed that his air tatsu’s speed is slower, has a worse trajectory, and doesnt have the same cross up application of SF4. You can cross up and you can hit an air tatsu. But its not the same move. It is a worse SF4 version. I just dont understand why people are complaining so much about his air tatsu. In a game that has roll wake up and alpha counter. Ken cant frame trap you after a blocked air tatsu man, he doesnt have kara throw and 3 frames jabs anymore, just block dude.
    Ryu’s air tatsu gives him a free juggle. You can easily get high damage combos from it. Not to mention the fact that it crosses up very well too.

  2. Yes, his HP SRK is very good for combos, has the bigger damage output of all 3, still a very good reversal and a nice way to tag. It has a larger hitbox and better hit confirmation in this game. But if you are a Ken player you noticed that they changed his MP SRK and LP SRK. LP SRK has 4 frames now on startup and MP SRK is 5 frames. They gave him a better HP SRK that is not a good anti air and changed the others. EX SRK is damn good. Is 3 frames on startup I think, and 10 frames of invincibility. But all Ryu’s SRK have 3 frames on startup (cool right?). Just the EX version is 5 frames. But it has 18 frames of invincibility (very cool right?). With Ryu you can do pretty much all the tag and anti air jobs, and reversals as Ken’s does. You just have a bigger window to tag with Ken’s HP SRK. Simple as that.

  3. His tatsu is a good way to tag as you mentioned before. But the combos that usually led in a tatsu hit confirmation dont exist anymore. You cant do c.LK c.LP, c.MK->tatsu for example. They changed pretty much all his normal and special moves. He is a slower Ken. Yes you can tag a character during his tatsu. But did you see the damage scale of the game? If you care for damage and not for safe tag, its not that good as you said before. I will use the same argument for the +5 frames after his EX Tatsu. For instance, you can do 3 EX Tatsu in a single combo, but did you see the damage scale of the game? Yeah…

  4. Lastly, lets talk about his super. His super is useful. Comes out very fast but you have to use it when the opponent is on the ground. And dont have much invincibility. It has a very similar property with SF4 ultra combo 1. You dont get the full animation sometimes. Like, if you tag in Ken, and goes for: s.MK, c.MK-> Super it wont hit with the full animation. Now try to do a similar tag in combo with Ryu. Like c.MP, c.MK-> Super. I definitely prefer Ryu’s Super, with no question.

  5. My point is… Ryu still the same of SF4 with real significant improvements. Ken is not. They changed him a lot. And the buffs (HP SRK, EX SRK and Ex Tatsu) dont pay off. The nerfs are much more significant for his game. You cant play SF4 Ken in SFxT. You have to adapt. The same thing dont happens with Ryu. You can play SF4 Ryu in SFxT with much more tools and safer. For example, one of Ryu’s weaknesses, his c.HK blocked, is now special cancelable, and the hadouken can be feinted. How good is that? I just cant see a single defect in Ryu. He is now the “perfect Ryu” if you know what I mean. And dont come with “boohoo his links are gone? Seriously?”… His links and kara commands are one of most important things in his game. Im not going to enter int the Kara subject that is a natural big nerf, its unnecessary. If you’re a Ken player you know how important kara is. Dont get me wrong, but you can remove all his insignificant buffs and team synergy, and just bring back his jabs and c.MK properties. That’s enough to starts playing Ken again. And he will be much more powerful in my opinion.

I know its a tag game (but you can play Kazuya and Ryu alone if you like… they dont need partners…), and I care because Im a loyal Ken player, and that character is just not Ken.


Yo are very wrong with a lot of ur thoughts. Kens air tatsu is the best air special in this game and I get 400 of a hit confirmed no meter one u can’t do that with ryu and also if u super jump tatsu u will land in front if u reg jump tatsu u land in back. And air tatsu has a bigger hitbox than before so it barely miss and u don’t have to be precise in ur commands. And ya its slower but soo what it still works it doesn’t change much and again the majority of the cast can’t aa’ it which is a big fucking deal many if not most of my matches are. Over in less than 20 sec. If ur having a hard time crossing up with tatsu than ur doing something horribly wrong. And its a tag game there nothin wrong with not being a one man team. Also kara throw has only been a major part of his game plan since sf4 but kens been around since like 1989 there was a good ken before kara throws. And his f.dp is only second best to akumas just for tagging ability alone. And ryu still has a harder time aa’ing than ken his shit trades constanly. And I don’t have a hard time comboing into super unless iam in the corner again ur prob doing something wrong. And ya ken bad frame traps but we get our dmg in other ways. And when I tatsu cancel on the ground from a punish ill be doing 500 plus everytime or reset and do 75 percent of your life. And also I don’t think most the cast use bar just for themselves usually its for tag combos.
But u are right he is slow and doesn’t really have frame traps but he still effective just cuz of tatsu and he can still punish stuff with low foward

@at the gief player. Ken tatsu rapes gief and hugo. Ken tatsu can hit on both sides sometimes. That makes blocking it is near impossible without the gem. Ken can super jump the tatsu and make it very hard to block as well. Ex tatsu is also fast and nasty and doesn’t really trade as often on the bigger characters.

@at ken player. yeah ken is garbage compared to his sf4 iteration. Ken only has tatsu going for him. If he can’t tatsu he’s just a broken ass ryu.

Here is the thing fellas. Ken sets up and that’s all he’s really good for. Also he’s got a great super arts that is a 2 frame start up, much like shoyreppa in sf4. Ken has a dp and can do an okay job at zoning. So he can stop high pressure characters and grapplers. I play lili and that’s the thing he gives to my team that helps make up for her poor match ups and lili benefits from his combos and Lili’s unscaled launcher. Ken is probably the best set up character in the game and has natural synergy with probably the whole cast. His set ups give him a lot of damage and lead to many things such as damage or mix up. Ken on paper is eh. His normals are def a shadow of his sf4 self. No chara throw makes him eh close up. He does have a great empty jump because of his 3 frame cr.short. He has a mix up game on the ground but it can easily be mash jabbed if your opponent reads it, which isn’t hard. Tbh i like ken because i know he isn’t better than ryu so you have to work a tad harder. You can play ken herp derp but eventually you’ll get messed up and that when you have to play with your noggin; unlike ryu who doesn’t afraid of anything and does stand strong hk donkey all friggin day. I chose ken because i feel he suits the kinda game i wanna play with my team and how much natural synergy they both have with one another. I don’t regret picking him up in this game and really enjoy him!