The Ken Masters Thread

TC is most likely -1 on hit and -3/-4 on block from the (very little) testing i’ve done

I thought seth said ken is better then ryu lol. His normals suck, gotta learn to use chains for ken which do less damage. His mp srk seems decent from what I’ve experienced. Tatsu is still strong, super aint that good since it can whiff in the corner. It’s probably one of the worst supers in the game. It’s just like sf4 when ryu was stronger the first iteration, maybe it will change on the next one.

ken crouching normals is eh, but his standing normals are good. and they hit all crouchers. and what!? jinrai is one of the best supers in the game simply because it’s 2 frame start up. people won’t even dare challenge ken with stuff that is safe on most of the cast once he get two bars loaded which is VERY easy to get in this game.

Maybe they know something we don’t? To be honest Ken builds meter quickly and I feel like he is one of if not the best support character in this game. You can pretty much match him with any character and you will have a solid team. He can also cross up on any character with HK tatsu then cr.LK > > cr.HK then repeat… S tier though? Nah

Well I just meant that it doesnt have great reach and has a lot of recovery. You gotta keep in mind that a lot of the cast have far reaching supers and many of them are pretty good on block. Plus pretty much everyone can easily combo into their super just like ken.

I was wondering if someone could post some of their more easier combos such as chains theyve come up with.

Im really bad at links. I can do them sometimes, but im more interested in working on some chain stuff. Obviously SF characters have less chain potential than Tekken, but I know there has to be some out there.

For instance, ive been doing a cross up medium kick into LMH xx Ex Tatsu (tag cancel).

Another question: Can a shoryuken be combo’d into from a tatsu? I couldve sworn someone did this to me online but I cant seem to get the timing down. Any help?

from Ex or air tatsu only afaik


Ken was changed dramatically in SFIV form 3S and I am among the multitudes that dropped him for other characters. His SFxT iteration is much more similar to his “glory days” and apparently people are having a hard time adjusting. Putting on point with a damaging character behind him (I’m using Kazuya) is very effective.

In regards to people wanting the game devs to just drop in his SFIV frame data and call it a day, he’s not meant to play the same way. Until IV, he wasn’t about frame traps. That was Ken being forced into the style of SFIV since the game was very focused on them. He’s a decent character in this game if used properly.

Tldr; 3S Ken > SFxT Ken > SF4 Ken

So how should ken be played in here? I didn’t play 3s much but his playstyle made sense to me because of parries. But his bplay style always seemed to be aggressive and in ur face I just don’t see how he could do that in here.

I’ve got a couple of pretty nooby questions to ask which may not be ken specific:

When should I aim to to combo into a launcher rather than do a bnb? Currently using > st.lp > xx Hp.shoryu/tatsu as a hit confirm bnb. Can also launch using > fs. Hk and I don’t know when to tag in and when to just combo.

Is tag canceling hp shoryu safe and allows you to continue pressure with partner? Also fireball cancel (haven’t tried this at all).

Everyone talks about frame data and damage for links and cancels being different. Anyone know the exact difference? For example I’m currently doing pokes with buffer so that I can (hopefully) react and launch on hit. is -3 in block which is pretty safe at that distance but if it becomes -5 then stuff like guiles flash kick will start being able to reversal flash kick it. Btw what do people mean by magic series?

What’s the optimum damage for ken off a launcher tag in? Atm doing c.hp xx hp.srk.

Currently using guile on point (3 frame bnb link to fk is bloody simple + great normals) with ken as support. What gems would be recommended for ken? And also if i swap arrangements around? Are dlc gems worth it?

Thanks for any help guys. Haven’t had much time to log hours with the game to test this shit put

Edit: was looking at wrong frame data for It’s -8 on block it seems =[ but question remains about link and cancel frame data

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When u chain moves u make it very negative I belive beweent 7 and 10 frames I haven’t found any so far I couldn’t punish most with hwo’s raw super. And f.dp tag cancel is a tru block string. And imo chain scale so badly that I wouldn’t even use meter on it

Is that 7-10 frames MORE negative than what it originally were? So for example is -4 on block normally… lk>mk>hk will be between -11 and -14 on block?

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That is correct

Ooo that isn’t too good. There a general formula for determining the differences between links/cancels?

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Are there any japanese videos?
I want to see how are they playing Ken cause I can’t find a way to play him…
He’s not like SSF4, with that frame data he can’t be a poke based char so I really dont’ know how to play him (I didn’t play 3s)

Lets complie a list of everything Jinrai punishes. I’ll make the thread if you guys want.

Kens air tatsu is probably one of the more broken moves in the game, you can basically air tk it for viper like mix ups. Also I think Bob is gonna be one of his good freinds or anyone with an extended ground combo. Ken/Bob can get s.hp xx Tatsu xx switch cancel, (Bob) SS xx Cannon as many reps as you can 1f link.

In this game Ken can cross up tatsu to sweep meterless… he can also get creative and cross up tatsu to Shinpu Jinrai or lp.srk to hp.srk…

He easily has one of the best reversals in the game and can apply a +40% gauge gem to activate when performed (its not that hard at all). I think people need to stop paying too much attention to the SF4 mechanics of this game its another game

I know this is gonna be stupid hard (Especially Online) but im gonna try to start getting the timing for attacks after lp.srk good. so far ken with very precise timing can connect lp, lk, and mk after a lp.srk. (i find lp to be the easiest).

so far what I’ve gotten 465 damage with Target Combo xx lp.srk > c.MK xx Jinrai.
this is most likely improbable to use during a real battle but ya know.
the sucky thing is that i don’t t think this can be done after a launcher cause i think a character can only be hit in the air twice.

but ive been messin with it and you can do the certain chain combos after lp.srk such as c.lp,,c.hp or clk,,s.hp.
i tried EX shoryu and EX tatsu after the chain combos but they only seem to hit once.

oh! and has ken always been able to tatsu after target combo? or am i retarded for not noticing?

Simply put, kens best method is to be played as a support char that comes out first. You got to be smart and anti air well with mp dp, step kick to get in, and get a launcher combo out so your partner can come in with gems on and then “start the match”. His dp tag out is a good way to get out safely and his air tatsu’s cross up so well from so far.

I use ryu as my partner so usually I go with ken starting, I analyze my opponent while I set up a cross up tatsu, mp dp any of his jump ins while I’m analyzing, find the opening, cross up tatsu, xx xx launcher, ryu comes in with 3 gems on, cr.hpxx hp dp, and now I feel like the match has started, 1/3 of ur hp is gone, I got perfect hp and 3 gems on.