The Ken Masters Thread

That’s not true.

His lp DP and fierce DP have the exact same invincibility as in SF4. The fact that Ken’s jab DP starts slower actually makes it worse than his SF version. Also his step kick start up is identical.

I think that Ken’s DP’s seem better because every other character in this game has normals that put them at frame advantage, meaning that Ken is making much better use of his invincibility frames.



hope some of you guys can make some noise with Ken. unfortunately, i’ve decided not to main him in this game :frowning:
good luck guys!!

i came to realize this is “SFIII&3/4” Ken and pairing him with akuma makes it more awsome

im new on here but ive played ken for ages now, just though id join the forum to find out new info about him in sfxt. so far, ken is very different from his sf4 counterpart, but ive come to accept this is a new game with new workings so im gonna roll with it. im not a frame data person at all but it seems like ken has got a bit screwed on the links side of things (compared to ryu anyway), but im still really enjoying him after getting over the initial hump. the fact its really difficult to link crouching shorts and jabs into srk is really annoying me (i still cant do his trial 13 wtf!), and linking crouching forward after a standing jab during a match is quite hard, was so simple in sf4, but at least it easily hits far crouching opponents. im still sticking with him though, and im using him with guile on point and it seems to be working. he just requires a really different play style. overall he is playing quite like 3rd strike. cross up tatsu all day is working a treat to.
anyone agree?

I’d have to agree with you on all fronts, this Ken is very different. He really did get screwed over though, why he can’t combo into his CR.HP is beyond me, and you’re right about linking into his mediums, it does seem quite difficult, even though it was so easy in SF4. Overall I feel we’re going to have to play Ken differently, perhaps more like his 3rd Strike incarnation, what with relatively easy meter gain with whiffed specials.

Any advice on his frame data? As his crouching mediums don’t look good for frame traps, and neither do his lights for that matter.

Yes, Ken can, he can combo into it standing or crouching but you have to finish it off with an EX special or booster combo + cross rush.

Agreed with G77 100%

Definitely potential in this game, no question about it, but this split of “point characters” vs. “support” is a huge turn off for me as Ken is part of a support team, thereby sucking complete balls as a standalone character. Everything about this game is pretty cheesy actually. The sparkling ultras, the glowing greens and reds around your characters from gems, the fact that throws are practically useless and it’s super hard to anti-air in the game. It just feels “off”

Even looking at top players go at it, the smoothness and back’n’forth gameplay of SF4 or 3rd strike is not there IMO. While I’m sure other characters make more sense (ryu for example) I just feel the game itself could have been designed better. This whole juggle thing is just whack to me. I would have simply like SSF4 with Tekken characters thrown into the mix, increased the offensive pressure on most of the cast and be done with it.

This adoption of 3D mechanics in a 2D plane feels clunky and rushed, even landing a successful 15 hit combo feels exaggerated. Ryu’s donkey kick to EX srk should be satisfying, yet it’s ruined with bright glowing yellows and golds which screams at me I’m playing a freaking lolipop version of SF. Dropped the ball on this one Capcom…I’m sorry for the rant fellas, but I just spent $60 on this game, and it’s rubbed me all types of wrong ways lol…

same here. I use Guile to zone and chip out opponents with meter building gems, and then bring Ken in off launchers or tag cancels to put some hurt down. Ken seems to only be decent imo if he has meter to burn. Also loving how safe tag cancelling a blocked hp.srk can be if shit gets hairy.

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Sorry, I meant outside of that, you know how in SF4 he could link CR.LP into CR.HP? I’m pretty sure that’s not possible in this game, outside of magic series.

he can link cr lp to cr hp but it’s a very tough one framer that really isn’t worth it imo.

Not according to the frame data he can’t.

cr.lp is +3 and his cr.hp is 6 frame start-up.

Can’t be done outside the cancel combo mechanic…

Still not feeling this game right now but I have developed a few strats.

Using the fact that Ken’s sweep is fairly safe, I’ve been throwing out and buffering his chain. This basically makes Ken’s sweep a 5 frame sweep that’s -4 on block (one of the safer sweeps in the game).

Once I get the knockdown, Ken can still mix up pretty well with any air tatsu for a cross up, back into, knockdown.

If I don’t cross up, Ken can throw out his target combo without any worries of a punish on block (-1 on block). If it hits, I can just about hit confirm into tatsu or EX tatsu. If I’m really on point I’ve been playing around with back dash cancelled tatsu back into, or jump in air tatsu or b+mk OH.

Trying to play the block string game with Ken just isn’t going to work with almost every normal being negative or neutral on block.

Any one fancy some SSF4? This game is making me ultra salty…


ah damn. i didn’t even notice. i must’ve been delaying the cancel mechanic those few times when i thought i was linking it. sorry for the mix up anyway. man, i hopethe expansion comes with some balance changes because ken needs better frame data.

i think the -1 on block for the TC is a mistake. I have been punished for doing it by 3 frame moves, and im almost positive its the tc and not the chain combo

Can someone help me with trial 16… Well it is even a better question for other characters as well…

In trial 16 you have to link a combo from down M kick into a H Tatsumaki… But everytime I do it in time instead of a Tatsumaki a normal hard kick or launcher… And seriously I never have a problem to link combos into quarter circles and if I try down M kick into Tatsumaki there is no problem… But somehow with this combo system into launcher it isn’t working…

you have to LINK from standing LP not chain… chaining LP>cr.MK you cant cancel MK into H tatsu

You’re pushing MK too early after LP. Its slower than SSF4 timing, so if you’re using that you’re gonna push it too early.

This, It’s definately not -1. There are a few other mistakes in the guide too so I wouldn’t be surpised if this is wrong aswell.

damn checking out a few character boards, im surprised to see this one not having many peeps. I had the impression Ken was pretty average, but i guess that confirms it. really strange what they did to the character.

lol…yeah you have a couple of people trying to defend him, but his normals are just whacky. They put too much focus on Ryu i think, kinda forgot about Ken. His Tatsu is very good for setting up combos though, really, that’s his stregnth it’s just probably not enough in this game.

Then again, I think when you treat ur partners as one entity you do better, so perhaps ken doesn’t HAVE to have awesome block-strings and combos, his main purpose is to get that friggin tatsu off.