The Ken Masters Thread

i don’t think there’s a kara throw honestly. It may seem like it if you’re holding forward, but it’s really just you walking in between grabs.

From the videos I’ve seen, it seems top players use Ken by using launchers often, which makes me think Ken is more of a battery/corner pusher. The thing is, I think Ryu can do the same and more. I’m trying to figure out Ken’s real competitive advantages. Ideas, guys?

Na its a kara throw try it keep the stick in neutral and plink grab from also with law and and ken I did j.rh cl.rh xx rh tatsu tag into law then I just did Laws best bnb and got like ~530! But I still don’t see how we are supposed to get that initial hit with ken and wtf was capcom thinkin not givin us block strings and y. Is it so hard to hit confirm with him I can’t consistently hit s.lp xx special, also why can’t we atleast tag cancel our oh into combo like ryu

ken has the dopest alternate costume, that suit.

okay, I see the kara throw, but man, it does seem negligable. you’re better off just holding forward while throwing instead.

ken is kinda shit in this game. but hes like the only shoto i can play with well lol. at least juri is an monster so its not that bad lol.

This Ken is a throwback to 3s Ken, with target combo being good again, post LPsrk juggles and most of all 2 frames jinrai (which means Ken will be able to punish lots of stuff which is completely safe against every other character in the game).
Can’t be played sf4-like at all, but I think a 3s-like approach (considering the different engine of course) will do good for him

Anyone know anyways to land full ultra in the corner with ken? FYI>Cr.lp>St.lp>Cr.Mk> tatsu or ultra or launches is a combo so i use that ALOT!
if you get that link down it will help you ken game i beleve st lp hits on crouching also

it does hit on crouch. one link i’ve been doing alot is cr lp, st lp, cr mk xx srk or ex tatsu. decent damage. but the link is kinda strict.

Iam starting to see the 3s in him but that would make more sense back in 3s. Ryu in this game can pressure way to well, iam hella salty all ken needs is just some blockstrings and he would be alright again

Kens standing Lp hits on crouch up close and at far. thats my main block string and hit confirm when i jump in because it gives me time to know what to fo. my only problems is when i tag ken in and i got my opponent in the corner. if i pull an ultra it does not hit fully.

ken is good in this game. he may not have the best block strings but he can support his teammate like crazy. Cr.Lk>Cr.Lp>St.Lp>Cr.Mk> EX Tatsu>Tag Teammate> Jumping Hard punch> your combo of choice

you can also do a regular tatsu an cancel into jumping hard punch. I also think a good thing for him is to reset and force a mix up on the opponent after the tatsu. So, switch cancel after ken’s tatsu, have your character dash up once and twice and do an ambiguous jump in that they have to guess.

aye normal tatsu or ex tatsu being abel to tag out of any of his tatsus and keep his opponent on this feet standing brings synergy to the team. because of kens tatsu he brings really good synergy to any team because of his tatsu. as the game goes on and we find out more i think ken will just get better.

My current team is KenxRolento and im happy to say i have a 10win streak yay for me!!

btw guys cross up fierce still works in the corner. after a throw, a is about how long you wait to let it cross up. funny enough it’s actually a fake cross up sometimes and sometimes it’ll hit you in the front and ken will land behind you. tricky.

C.hp seem way better as an anti air normal compared to sfiv? Maybe I got lucky a few times but I was hitting jump ins clean with it whereas in sfiv it would trade most times.

Yes ken is a little off in this game. hard to do cr.lp xx f.dp. like the best block string he has is cr.lp st.lp cr. mk xx tatsu charge and dash in or out.

I’ve done fine with him, but the game is new and I just do his 3S confirms.

ken is a support char in this game, with his tatsu tag outs, air tatsu and launcher set up by chaining into a that will hit both standing and crouching chars, he is suited to support another main character. he has no blockstrings to hold his own. and his step kick, overhead hk and fake hk feel slow as shit.

Ken’s booster combo using kicks is sick. You can go into launcher from sweep range or so. I dunno if other characters have the range as he does but it converts far pokes into pretty solid damage, ~320-350

well, i agree with everything except the part about his step kick and fake overhead being slow.