The Ken Masters Thread

i suuuuck at linking, and I can ussually do
short st.jab heavy/ex tatsu. perfect for tag cancel. but i prefer launcher combos.

I don’t think Ken has any “decent” hit confirms from crouch; he doesn’t have many +frames on hit and his crouch normals have slow start-up. (ie: The image I posted in my previous post of his crouching frame data.)

Does cr.LK xx cl.MK > cr.MK xx Special or Chain Combo work?
How about cr.LK xx cl.MK > cr.MK xx st.HK xx Special?
Does cr.LK xx cl.MK force standing on everyone?

The problem I was having for awhile was trying to cheat by linking st.lp to but then the tatsu doesn’t come out because you can only cancel normals into EX unless you link them instead of chain. Don’t know if this is any help

I’m not sure if you can link cr.MK after a cl.MK after you’ve cancelled it from cr.LK. Does frame advantage change on hit when normals are cancelled into each other? I’ll try it out when I have time.

If you cancel cr.MK into st.HK, you’d have to use an EX Special or Tag Cancel.

cl.MK forces standing on everyone.

Edit: It looks like you can’t link from a normal that’s been cancelled, so no cr.LK xx cl.MK > cr.MK :frowning:

use,cr.lp as your hit confirm, if they got hit then do xchainx xx launch
so,cr.lp, xchainx xx launcher, from a jump in is a good easy link that is special cancelable and super cancelable.

what a horrible crouching normals =(
meanwhile ryu has a +7 on hit and +6 on hit cr.lp AND he can cancel his sweep =(
and again, ryu’s uppercuts are all 3f start up (except his ex srk, 5f)

anyway, im just reading numbers haha, i haven’t played the game yet, i just hope ken isn’t that bad.

lol, I think ken’s pretty bad in sfxT. I feel naked without any kara moves. But well see, I’m just running cr. LK cr. LK chained into MK sweep all day long

YO ken has a KARA grab!! Plink that shit with stand medium ken is on my team again! Edit:Not sure wats going on but when I get in range to grab it doesn’t want to kara as easy. aight so messin with it more and I guess cuz ur close comes out but does work but its nowhere near the same as before its like ryyu’s from sf4

Ken feels like ass in this game. Where are his B&Bs? Why do they have such terrible damage? They’re harder to do with less damage from it. Other characters I know with B&Bs can do around 300 damage. Ken doesn’t get close unless he uses meters or somehow lands a raw target combo. Plus, how the hell do you do his oki game with rolls in mind? Sigh, I don’t want to drop him but jeez, what did they give this guy?

Ken’s far stand MK pushes him forward a good amount, his close stand MK doesn’t, that could be why you can’t Kara well up close?

I don’t like Ken in this game…

Ya iam on the same shit right now I don’t understand y people were thinkin ken was really good in this game. And with the kara throw u could someone then grab them. But this will prob be my first sf game where I don’t main ken extra sad face. They should have given us the ability to combo from oh’s or somethin right now he doesn’t really seem like he has anything over the rest of the cast.

Kind of a ghetto option select but after a knockdown, do a b.MK overhead and time it so that if they roll you get a step kick to continue pressure… I don’t think it’ll be very useful but it’s something to add to his pressure game I guess :\

every combo video i’ve seen has him using meter for sub par damage, being mainly flashy combos anyway. The only cool thing I can think of for Ken is his ability to juggle after lp.dp. DPs aren’t that good in this game though, and I’m hesitant to use it terribly often.

Ken also has a hard time synergizing with characters. If you cancel his dp for more juggle, sometimes you land on the wrong side and mess up your follow up. However, I think he may be pretty viable as a character to put your enemy into the corner, cross cancel into a chracter like Juri whom can dish out 426 damage meterless in the corner.

What characters are you guys thinking of learning? Any characters with playstyles that feel Ken-like? I’ve been picking up Heihachi, whom can be pretty aggressive and has crazy cross ups.

I’m sticking with ken but yea capcom made him more of a role player then a main character, he’s only good when seting up his partner with launcher combos or hk, ex tatsu tag outs. Ryu feels more solid.

Fuck you capcom, they should of copy pasted kens frame data from 2012.

Looking at his frame data, his sweep is -4 on block AND knocks them back. He’s got a safe sweep and you can cancel a ton of his normals into sweep. This makes him pretty good. for instance, you can cancel his standing mk into sweep, which is a pretty damn good range for a knock down. It’s free pressure too. now I just need to figure out a solid oki game…

Got this game a few minutes ago.
I can’t link cr.LK st.LP cr.MK into tatsu anymore?
Some of the easiest Ken combos from SSF4 don’t seem to work anymore or maybe it is just me who is bad at the timing in SFxT?

Pretty disappointed with Kenneth. Is it just me or does it feel a bit weird when you can’t perform simple BnB combos after playing Street Fighter for years upon years, after hours of practice with the game, as Rolento beats you with his stick effortlessly and seemingly safely…

I’ve really enjoyed Ken in this game so far.
cr. LK, st. LP, cr. MK into tatsu is decent damage and good meter building along with giving you years to tag in your partner like people said earlier.

All of his combos ending in tatsu give you so much wall push, that it’s really easy to shove people into the corner.

He gets great damage off his lp. SRK via cr.MK into tatsu afterwards while they’re in the air, which can really turn a defensive read into nice damage… especially if you tag.

f+MK still moves him around well so that Ken doesn’t have jump until he wants to.

Air tatsu gives you enough hitstun to pop some popcorn before you need to start your combo.

Both overheads giving a bounce juggle on counter hit have been fun, along with st.HK doing a crumple stun on counter hit. I’m still trying to work these in more reliably, but they are more opportunities for just a little bit of extra damage.

I agree that overall he’s much better at setting up his partner versus doing great damage by himself, but he can hold his own and get the job done if he needs to. It also seems like he gets extra damage off so many things, so when others are settling with just an anti-air Ken is still pushing people towards the corner. I’m working with Hwoarang on my team with Ken and they seem to mesh really well so far.

I’m excited that st.MK still helps us Kara-throw, so I can’t wait to try it out when I get back home from work.

Ken is very good in this game

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