The Ken Masters Thread

Ken can still cancel his target combo into a non-EX Special if you get both hits. Besides that, -> seems like a good hit-confirm off a crossup etc. hk tatsu is so good for tag combos. So easy, so much damage.

EX Tatsu seems useless compared to tag combos. Unless your other character does awful damage.

Ryu and Sagat can combo off their overheads with a tag cancel. I couldn’t get a combo off Ken’s. Anyone have different results? Don’t say on counterhit.


[quote="ImagineVC, post: 6298948, member: 3672"can ken cancel his stepkick into hadoken in this game?[/quote]
Pretty sure no.

[quote="ImagineVC, post: 6298948, member: 3672"i dont know much about game mechanics. thanks![/quote]
It’s SF4 linking with additional chains that can only be combod into a launcher or an EX move.

No, kara throw did nothing when I tried.

ken can combo into his cross art from step kick. but its a 1 frame link. his cross arts it a 2 frame start up(FAST!) and he +2 on hit from step kick.

Does anybody have anything to report on how well he gains meter? Im just curious on how he compares to others.

Apparently, Ken’s cr.LK is -2 on block. I punished it in training mode with his Super Art.

his ex tatsu is SOOO LONG OMG

ken is really solid. I bet hes gonna be top tier. Damaging super, excellent tag in partner, good footsies, good from range and his overhead gives a groundbounce for a full combo. Yeah he has options…

So, I was playing him last night at UFO and learned, too little too late, that his SFIV bnb of c.lp s.lp tatsu doesn’t work ;_; I don’t understand this game engine at all. What exactly is supposed to be Ken’s game plan here with out kara throw?

That does work, but the timing is different. It took me a while to get use to, I’m still getting use to it. But it’s important to learn this hit confirm, because of how it’ll lead to easy tag in combos that can be started with a jump in. Just work on it, trust me it works. The only issue is all the wonky hit boxes in this game. Doing that hit confirm will cause s. LP to whiff a lot. So you’ll just have to chain c. LK into s. LP then link into cr. MK.

im getting the game tomorrow evening in europe but i wanted to ask are there any special properties on kens neutral throw there has to be a reason why they added it maybe throw range damage or a setup afterwards?

Yeah, Ken’s links are a bit weird to time for SFxT. I would try and plink the from the st.lp and comes out due to using that button to plink the - in fact, I would wonder if the magic series start ups take more priority… I’ve managed to get it more consistently in this game without execution aids.

What are you guys doing after a tag from a launcher?

Currently I’m just doing Target Combo to lp Shoryu, juggle EX Tatsu tag cancel OR
just Shippu Jinrai Kyaku

It does 140 damage compared to 130 and 120 of the other throws. Also, you are left close to the foe, but not as close as f.throw

Ken had some awesome combos, but they’re mostly gonna be juggles

Combo 3 and 4:

Thanks shit tight but wats the most anyone got for no bar- 1 bar?

Off a tag in?
I just do TC-> lp shoryu, ex tatsu
or just to super, should be full animation.

Na with ken on point

EX Tatsu loop is easy and you can keep it going as long as you have bar, or go for a tag out.

I love ken!
He makes my Kenxlili team work well. Ken can cover her bad match ups and his tatsu and srk lead to big half hp combos for lili. It’s just too good man =D

These are the only hit-confirms I can find:

cr.LK > st.LP > cr.MK xx Special
cr.MP > cr.LK xx Special or Chain Combo(Cross Rush?)
cl.MK > cr.MK xx Special or Chain Combo
Target Combo xx Special

I don’t have the guide so I don’t know his frame data but are there any more hit confirms?

Edit: Got the guide… Kens normals don’t seem too great… especially his crouching ones… at least you can combo into his super from a step kick or b.MK overhead but it’s a 1 framer.



A few other things:

His TC is -1 on block.
LP DP starts up in 4f with 2if
MP DP starts up in 5f with 7if
HP DP starts up in 3f with 4if
EX DP starts up in 3f with 10if

Just to clear things up, at 1:43 in this video:
Works on a lot of the cast, and in some cases goes behind, so it can cause a pretty good unexpected mix up (almost instant) cross up from one standing position to another.

Does anyone know of any “decent” hit confirms from crouching? the short jab jab shoryuken is too tough for me lol. I end up using short jab short > mk>sweep as my ground combo.