The Ken Masters Thread

Don’t worry about Ken, unless they nerf him badly he’s going to be one of the best SF characters in the game. HK Tatsu Tag alone is massive (guaranteed way to get your second character to have a jump in and do any combo of their choice) and it looks like his F.SRK might be the only dp that’s safe to cancel on block. Ryu’s isn’t and neither is Sagats. Ken also isn’t hurt as much as the other shotos by the Tekken characters being able to ignore projectiles for the most part.

I’m curious to see what gems you can unlock for Ken if they do character specific stuff like less recovery on your fireball, ex tatsu knocks down etc.

Hey that’s Nin, playing Steve and Bob lol

How does Ken’s target combo work with the new “must link a normal to cancel into special” system they implemented for the SF side in the TGS build? I mean now you can’t do c.lp,, st hk x hk tatsu TAG (which was going to make Ken real good) but of course you can cancel from Ken’s TC but does that still count if I use a light before it?

So st mp, st hp x hk tatsu will work but will c.lp chained into, st hp x hk tatsu still work? So does the TC override the can’t cancel from a chain rule (unless it’s a TC) or does hitting a light prior to the TC means it’s not a “TC” anymore?

Oh well at least we can chain into a sweep…

I hope Ken’s Alpha hair is one of his customization options in SFxTK… heck I would’ve paid for an alt costume of him with longer hair and having it included with the game (hopefully) is nice.

Don’t mind his swap costume, it could’ve been worse, look at Ryu’s… hopefully you can tweak it a little to make it better.

Is Ken’s tatsu the only special move so far that gives enough time for your next char. to come in with a full combo starting from wherever you wish? It’s looks SO good right now. Even if they block you can still use your tagged in character for what looks like to be some great mix-ups.

I am most likely going to be playing him in my main team.

Every character has at least two move were they cancel and leave enough time for the character to get in and continue the combo. Just few leaves them grounded like yoshi’s windmill, Chun li SBK etc…

I am aware of everyone able to tag after a special. I suppose what I meant was one that keeps them grounded and offers a good chunk of time for your second character to do whatever they please. Thank you for pointing those other moves I forgot about.

cool thread
can ken chain combo into stepkick in this game?
can ken cancel his stepkick into hadoken in this game?
i dont know much about game mechanics. thanks!


I’m gonna miss the “Sora!” sound when he does the step-kick haha, now he says something like… “taraki” (?)!/ProtomCannon/status/169870884658610178

we got EX TATSU LOOPS!!!1

Ahhh that’s bullshit what was capcom thinking about giving ken posibbly +4 frames on hit from an ex tatsu

I don’t see what’s so bad about it. If it costs meter then there’s nothing wrong with it; it’s not like it’s an infinite or anything.

Didn’t you guys see LI Joe comboing F.SRK after EX Tatsu on the fingercramp stream? Besides with his removal of his kara throw he was bound to get something… also this was -1 on hit in SFIV…

It was positive 1 and ken can’t kara anything anymore???


I tried to find some stuff with all this bounce moves etc… But at the end of the day…they just kinda seem… “there”… not a whole intresting you can do with them it seems so didnt really well… show em’ off I guess…

Ken has a nod to Daigo in one of his dialogue lines.

“Time to unleash the beast.”

Kens EX dp causes untechable knockdown!!!

Anyone knows what Ken can link after a cr.LP or cr.MP?

I can only get cr.LP > st.LP/cr.LK and cr.MP > cr.LK.

I wish I had his frame data already :frowning:

i know you can link cr.MP to cr.LK