The Ken Masters Thread

well i’m always looking for tools to utilize to improve my overall gameplay and strats.

Well, just decided to double check the frame data guide for Ken, and it looks like they just have their numbers mixed up; it says that it’s -7 on hit and -1 on block. When in fact I believe it should be the opposite.

So, it appears that CADC-ing his target combo reduces the overall recovery by 2 frames. So his target combo xx CADC is +1 on hit.

Not sure if that really means anything though, since if you hit with it you’ll probably want to go into tatsu or something like that rather than CADC it. Though the fact that it’s +1 on hit means that you could set-up for a frame-trap on hit…though it’d probably be better to just go for the damage.

Hey guys, I just discovered a SF4 technique for Ken that is present in this game – his cross jumping hard punch. I haven’t got it down fully, but it is possible mid screen after a throw. When I can get it down consistently I will upload a video of it. :slight_smile:

when sfxt 2013 comes out i want to give it a chance so im learning ken and asuka. what gems should i use with ken?

I usually use either meter gems with Ken. He can build meter pretty quickly, and the meter gems help him to build it even faster. Power gems aren’t a bad choice either, but I think meter gems are better for Ken.

i think theres no perfect loadout my gems determine how i fight if my ken will be a bit more aggressive I use power if he’s patient meter i dont mix and match my gems but some people do adjust your gems to your playstyle as long as its not speed gems or assist gems on ken thats pointless

So Ken’s SRK ender after multiple normals is now good, his far roundhouse is great and he can TC xx CADC > cr.LK. I’m liking the new Ken!

i’m trying out sfxt again. what does tc mean?

Target Combo. :slight_smile:

Ken’s tc is def +3 on hit after cadc. He can hp srk, and super arts. liking ken so far. Gonna lab up with im to learn his ins and outs again.

I think Ken is actually +5 on hit after a Target Combo CADC, -2 on block. I tested this before (you can see in my posts above) and found that if you CADC Ken’s Target combo it takes off 2 frames of recovery. So if the new target combo is +3 on hit, -4 on block, if you CADC it (therefore taking off two frames of recovery), you’d be +5 on hit and -2 on block. So you should be able to link a after a CADC’d target combo on hit if I’m right.

Man, I wanna lab with 2013 Ken so baaaaaad. It sucks being stuck on PC sometimes. :frowning:

okay i will.

What are some combos into Tatsu against people who are crouching?

so, what is the general consensus on Ken in v2013? overall did he get better? If so, by how much? Does his overhead feint cancel give him better options? is he more solid overall / better than he was? Because to be completely honest, I used Ken on point, but I used him mainly as a setup for Julia. I could get over 500 damage for 1 bar with them…I am just hoping that ken as a character himself got better and is more viable when compared to other point characters

I’m on the fence on whether to use Ken or Ryu on point to team with Paul. Ken feels like he has the better tag options, but Ryu can hit hard all by himself.

Opinions on 2 speed gems + 1 meter gem on ken? I play him on point and feel that the speed gems help with footsies a little. Opinions / comments? I don’t have a damage gem on him cause he doesn’t do a lot of damage solo meterless anyways, so I felt that I would rather give him meter for tags And speed for footsies

Did any of you see the “shoryureppa” combo Sanford Kelly did in savage Saturdays? He basically landed 4 dps in a row.

Yup. That “Shoryureppa” was pretty damn sick!


Man, it took me forever to find this place again. The Character Discussion forums are all over the place; we have MvC2 and SF3 Ken forums there! :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t wait for the 2013 super. I tried to punish Jin’s special step launcher (which is -3 on block, practically unpunishable due to the pushback) with Ken’s super and it whiffed completely. :frowning:

What’s Kens maximum damage after comboing a LP SRK in the corner?

I’ve been doing 3 cr.MP > cr.HP xx HP SRK.

Also, when did Jade, Gill, and Liu Kang join this game???