The Ken Masters Thread

<blockquote class=“Quote” rel=“Joutai”>What’s Kens maximum damage after comboing a LP SRK in the corner?

I’ve been doing 3 cr.MP > cr.HP xx HP SRK.

Also, when did Jade, Gill, and Liu Kang join this game???</blockquote>

I think 3x cr.MP, cr.HP xx HK Tatsu does the most damage.

Unless all 2 or more hits of HP SRK connects in a juggle, I think HK tatsu does more damage.

Copied from my notes. I’m pretty sure solo you won’t get any better. These are all also maximized to give you more bang for your buck [meter]:

1m = 1 Meter
2m = 2 Meter
c = corner

[326 DMG] s.MP > s.HP xx DP+LP, c.MK xx DP+HP
[164 DMG] c.LK, c.LP, s.LP, c.MK > c.HK
[389 DMG] [c] s.MP > s.HP xx DP+LP, c.MP, c.MP, c.MP, s.HP xx DP+HP
[391 DMG] [1m] s.MP > s.HP xx QCB+KK, s.HP xx DP+HP
[462 DMG] [1m][c] s.MP > s.HP xx QCB+KK, s.HP xx DP+LP, c.MP, c.MP, c.HP xx DP+HP
[489 DMG] [2m] s.MP > s.HP xx DP+LP, c.MK > s.HK xx Super
[505 DMG] [2m][c] s.MP > s.HP xx DP+LP, c.HP xx Super

DP Bug?

Dang, I never realized just how much damage you can get off of counter-hit standing HK. Got 554 damage mid-screen with Ken/Jin with one bar off of it, 556 damage in the corner with one bar (2012 Ken and Jin though, might be a bit less damage with the HP DP nerf). And standing HK was buffed in 2013? O.o<div><br></div><div>Can’t wait until the PC version gets 2013 so I can test all this stuff out. :)</div>

Sup fellas, trying to get some info on Ken so if u guys can help it would heal a great deal.<div><br></div><div>I would like to know what type of character Ken is in this game, his fireball game seems like its just for some chip after landing but for some reason his hold seems useful (something like Sagat’s tiger). Im seeing most Ken players all over the place using him no safe pressure, footsies are really good but other than that its just random…</div>

Ken has a lot of good tools in this game that you might take for granted in other street fighter games. <div><br></div><div>Kens’ footsies in this game are really solid.</div><div>He’s got decent frame traps from close s.MK</div><div>He’s got good damage potential by himself as well as with partners. [s.MP &gt; s.HP xx HK Tatsu [Tag] is very powerful and allows you to get damage upwards of 550]</div><div>but what I think is most important is that he has a 3f reversal move. In this game I think that’s a very valuable tool for punishing things that are unsafe. He also has a 2f super that goes a decent range forward. I think of the shotos, he is the better to play. </div><div><br></div>

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/11390/nappydude">nappydude</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Sup fellas, trying to get some info on Ken so if u guys can help it would heal a great deal.<div><br></div><div>I would like to know what type of character Ken is in this game, his fireball game seems like its just for some chip after landing but for some reason his hold seems useful (something like Sagat’s tiger). Im seeing most Ken players all over the place using him no safe pressure, footsies are really good but other than that its just random…</div></div>

<br><div>He can Kara specials like Sagat with F.Hk.  Kara Fireballs, and Kara Uppercuts are all possible.  Kara fireballs actually make his fireball game better then all the shoto’s, and be able to match Sagat from long range.  You can also move pretty quickly across the screen with just two consecutive ones.</div>

understanding Ken alot better now, and after i get a combo into fp-Dp i get a safe jump for more pressure… The safe jump only works if they quick stand as u know, i just walk back a few steps after doing my safe jump so i can start back my pressure with b-mk or f-mk.  

Question…if you do forward throw, xx lk tatsu, will you pass over your opponent in time so their roll input is still flipped? Usually after a forward throw I just lk tatsu over, but since tatsu no longer builds meter on whiff in 2013 I figured, if this worked, it’d be a decent replacement that gives you the same result but still build meter.

I’d test this myself, but as I’ve mentioned several times before, I’m PC only and thus can only play version 2012. :frowning:

The roll input isn’t flipped, but it does build meter.

Any tips for his oki game?
and also, what is the common air tatsu?

I’m so in love with my Ken/Christie team (juggle hp dp actually gives Christie quite a lot)

Update on those Ken combos from above:

One Meter Mid Screen:

Target Combo, EX Tatsu, S.HP, LP SRK XX HP SRK. (437 DMG.)
Two Bars Mid Screen:**

Target Combo, EX Tatsu, ST.HP, EX Tatsu, ST.HP, LP SRK, Cr.Mk XX HP SRK. (505 DMG.)
Two Bars Corner:**

Target Combo, EX Tatsu, ST.HP, EX Tatsu, St.Hp, LP DP, Cr.Mp, Cr.Mp, Cr.Mp, Cr.Hp XX HP SRK. (519 DMG.)

Are those 1 frame links?

They are, but they’re fairly easy to plink. And once you grind it out in training mode, you’ll hit them in no time.

I want to create a realistic combo list for Ken into EX Tatsu. For example, things such as Cr.Mk, Clst.Hk (chain) XX EX Tatsu. Just to compile the damage.

Realistic Links/Chains/Combos:

Clst.Mk, Cr.Mk, EX Tatsu, St.Hp, LP SRK, Cr.Mk XX HP SRK. (407 DMG.)

Cr.Mk, Clst.Hk, (Chain), EX Tatsu, St.Hp, LP SRK, Cr.Mk XX HP SRK. (410 DMG.)

I need a -lot- of help on my Ken game.

I’ve been off SxT since it came out and I’m kind of in the dark. Any advice on linking his combos or mobility would be great.

First things first, you might want to update your game to v2013 lol.

Other advice I could give:

  • When you’re coming in from a tag, you can do something like cr.MP, cr.MK, HP Shoryuken as a followup.
  • You can juggle after a LP Shoryuken with stuff like LP Shoryu xx HP Shoryu, or cr.MPx3, cr.HP, HP Shoryu.
  • fMK is a good way to close distance
  • Fireballs are good but be careful about tossing them out at close range.
  • Ken’s crouching LK is great for hit confirms and close-range poking as it has a nice 3-frame startup.
  • HK Tatsu sets up damaging tag cancel combos.

A gimmicky little Ken/Lars reset.