The Julia Chang Thread

Yes, I’ve been doing that also as a hit confirm. If it hit, just let go of p. If it doesn’t, hold it and back dash out of it. You said chain. That’s why I said you had to use meter. But if you are doing links like you listed, you’re straight.

So I’m in the lab. As a Tekken player, first thing i did was test elbows lol (f,f+mp)

-It’s safe and at LEAST +2 on block. Ryu’s reversal dp doesn’t punish(it actually whiffs lol), and you can jump out the way if Gief tries to reversal SPD. If he does try it and you do, you will hit him before he grabs you(but not if you do…so its probably 5 frames). EX SPD will still grab you though.
-You can link a on normal hit and Mountain Crusher(,, f.fp) or another elbow on CH, but you have ALOT of time to confirm the hit. the Mountain Crusher link feels like a 1f link.
-You can negative edge elbows off dash cancels by doing qcb+mp(hold), f,f(release mp). This gives you a way to continue pressure of dash cancels but you can also do this with ex Tiger Strike by using qcb+mp+fp(when you dash cancel an ex move, your next move will be a CH), so you can do this combo for example:

CH f,f+2,, s.fp xx EX Tiger Strike~f,f+2, Mountain Crusher xx Super-454 dmg

-You can also delay the f,f+2 command much like in Tekken, but the input window is much much shorter. If you practice it though, you can make it around the same range as Ryu’s

That’s it for now. I’ll test alot of stuff tomorrow, still sleepy from Final Round.

Shout out to Realyst, nice to see another Tekken Julia vet playing her in this!

Hi all

Just introducing myself, I am going to be spending a LOT of time on the Julia boards.

I’ve been hype for her since Tekken 5, but I’ve only ever been good at 2D games, so this is my time. Any chance we can get a video thread going?

Her best normal so far are :f::f:+ :mp: and standing mk. Her best tekken string is :f:+:mk:, :hp:, :f:+:hp:. Julia players are gonna use that a lot

What up Shinkuur! Yea, I’m trying to rock Jules in this game. Who are you teaming her with? I’m still on the fence, but I’m thinking Nina. She’s brain dead and does way too much damage… Also messing with Ryu, Kaz, Rolento and Lili.

Anyway, here’s what I found so far.

As was said, f,f+mp is good. I’ve been linking it to cr. Lk though. It’s fast and has the most range of all the things that elbow can link to. Sometimes if you do f,f+mp from a far range, most other normals will miss.

I think Julia’s b+mp,lp string (or target combo) is really good as well. It’s either only -1 or 0 on block, it has a little push back on it, and it’s easy to hit confirm qcb+p or dp+k off of it. It’s almost abusable I’d say.

Another great normal Julia has is close standing hk. It’s definitely plus on block, it can be used for frame traps and links to or on hit. But most importantly, it links into her b+mp,lp target combo. Pretty good stuff. You can go for the launch by linking into b+mp,mp instead, but I couldn’t find a good combo off of that launcher outside of the corner and it’s unsafe on block
while b+mp,lp is safe and you can still get good damage off of it.

Lastly, Julia cr.lp is really nice also. You can also link that into b+mp,lp… Anything good it seems links into b+mp,lp. I’m thinking it’s all about that string at this point. I’m starting to use it more then doing Mountain Crusher confirms because it does almost as much damage, it’s easy to hit confirm off of and I’m not forced to back dash out of my pressure like you have to do with Mountain Crusher if it’s blocked since Mountain Crusher is unsafe after the second hit while b+mp,lp is safe as long as it doesn’t whiff.

That’s all I have for now. Dunno how good Julia is going to be but I will probably stick with her just because that’s the character I’m most known for. shrugs

I see some serious potential in this character (not that what I think matters at all). She has scary damage, a lot of safe stuff, and some good mix-ups from what I can tell. I think a lot of people are really sleeping on her. Let’s work to make people regret that mistake =P

^ I agree wholeheartedly

May I use your write up in the Julia Combo Thread The Realyst?

I’m pretty much a noob at SF but even I can see that bmp,lp is pretty good. Also her lp,lp,mp string. For some reason everyone seems to want to crouch the last hit…

And is just me or is it really hard to time wind-roll even when people are blatantly throwing out projectiles? It gets hit out too easy for me to use effectively, but maybe I’m just forcing it too much.

She’s a lot more fun to play than I expected her to be. Plus she has some mean damage. Going to try her out for a while.

Her 1,1,2 is an overhead at the last hit and is around -6 on block. You can also mash dp in between the last two hits.

BUT her 1,1,4 links into super on the last hit and thats why people don’t want to take the 1,1,2 mixup, plus you cant mash out of the last two hits.

She has a really good back dash fast and it has some distance. Imma try to see if I can catch a tech roll with it.

Excuse me for the noob question but 1,1, 2?

Light punch, light punch, medium punch

CH forward medium kick has a stumble effect can follow up with pretty much anything!!!

So yea guys I confirmed it. Julia can catch someone out of the tech roll. Her back dash makes her end up in front of the opponent again…lol…so no one should be able to get away from you… Now time to find some safe string I can use

He s.:lk: is quite awesome, link it twice (for hit confirm) and then link to b.:mp: TC of choice.

By the way fellow tree lovers, any solid scary AA? her DP ain’t that bright, and people sure do like to jump this game…

Since they’re doing cross alternates why do I sense t.Hawk’s daughter.

But yeah. Jay Cee.

Julia’s lookin good. A female that has 1k health. Hits like a truck. And character model looks good too.

A girl in glasses too.

I like Julia a lot too

close rh, cr fierce also connects

cr fierce comes out super quick. Jump mp is very good, stay in the air forever. jump rh also is great.

How would you punish with her, beside from auto tag in combo? i feel it has to do with b:mp::mp: for meterless, or b.:mp: :lp: :dp: :hk: :mp:+:mk: if you are willing to spend the meter

Hello. I like Julia since Tekken 3 and will be picking her up thats all. Elbow fanatic. Kazuya/Julia it looks like.