The Julia Chang Thread

Her :lk:dp is the best option she has

Yea I was playing agaisnt my friend yesterday. I did it and cammy was holding het stomach for quite some time.
Also if you hit crouchers on counter hit they stumble on their back

I’m going to play devils advocate and ask questions at the same time so please don’t get offended…

Can this be hit confirmed? Is there enough time?

Why would you link close standing Rh to cr. Fierce? You can only cancel cr. fierce into launcher right? Why not link into cr. Strong or cr. Lk which would net you a safer hit confirmable combo with a possible frame trap in there as well if you miss the link?

I would use cr. Lk. It has the speed and range. B+mp is fast, but it doesn’t have great range. Even if they are closer, I think I’d still even use cr. Lp over it and then link into b+mp. I don’t think b+mp is faster than cr. Lp. I’m the type of player that goes for reliability. I don’t want to think about my combos and punishes. I want them to be brainless and automatic to me.

Also that string the forward plus HP can be cancelled into wind roll and you have time to link st. lk to go into standard chain to launch if you want, the st. lk is tough after the wind roll but its doable.

Forgot, also don’t forget you can punish with Julia’s super.

I still like b+mp,lp over mountain crusher. If mountain crusher gets blocked, your offense ends. With b+mp,lp, you can continue to pressure.

Yes majority of the time i can get off a forward medium punch to a light punch (Slow Power Punch Combo)

for damage reasons.

Also if u want to hit confirm, close rh, cr jab, cr fierce is a nice link as well

close rh is +6 on hit according to the guide, and cr fierce starts up in 6 frames. pretty natural timing for the confirm.

Just got the guide during lunch. Did not know you can backdash out of qcf+lp/hp. Thats gonna be real helpful :slight_smile:

Played some matches against vega/guile. Vega is a problem, but I love supering sonic booms on reaction from half screen. I did realize Julia is very meter dependent it seems like, and im also pairing her with poison for zoning(good zoning helps her get life back).

yeah the guide indicates her super as being a very good punishing move, says u can block ryu’s cr mk, and super that free.

also cr mk ftw

Post midscreen Tiger Strike knockdown vs. forward roll. MK windroll.

1 step = crossup
stand still = same side

Until now, Julia is really fun. I love her moves, specially :f::f::mp: and cr.:mk:.

Are b+2,2 and f+4, 3 totally useless? I couldn’t find anything after b+2,2 and all I could find after f+4, 3 was to cancel into super. My execution sucks, though, so maybe I missed something.

I only just picked her up because I enjoy the way she keeps up pressure, but her super is insane. It has one frame of start up (the only Tekken character that has a 1 frame super btw), so punishing moves that are -1 or -2 and people generally consider safe need to take caution. I think putting her with a good battery and meter gems so you can just threaten them with a super will be a good strategy for her. Feels strangely similar to bionic arm.

midscreen after b+2,2 you can land cr short xx tiger strike, and in the corner cr fierce xx tiger strike.

also, after tiger strike in the corner, a backdash will place you facing the corner still if they roll forward, but if you take a small step forward after backdashing, you will cross them up and end up in the corner.

OK, I see. I don’t know why you’d want to use b+2.,2 over f+2,1 as a launcher though… unless it’s safer on block?

neither of them are safe on block (f+2, 1 being way more punishable).

I actually only use b+2,2 in the corner after tagging into julia from a launcher

Just to add to f+MK talk a bit above. on CH standing you’re +35 and on CH crouching you’re at +18. Coming from the brady guide.

So you have enough time to do a jump in combo off the standing CH version…

What are people using to open people up?

I may be missing the point but why is :f::f: :mp: so good? Can you combo off of that or is it just a good poke?

i use light punch, light punch, medium kick or medium punch. this chain can be reversaled b4 the second hit (one has reacted to yet <_<) but the last hit can be a low or an overhead and both are special cancel-able.

you can keep pressure with it and you can combo after by using :lk: or cr. :lk: and off CH you can get :f: :mk: :mp: :f: :mp: or K