The Julia Chang Thread

If you can’t do 3 elbows into the Wonder Juggle, I’ll be disappointed.

Based on that backdash alone, I can already tell Julia will be a super annoying hit and run character.

I think she will be played like Rose. Very defensive footsies but with small offensive bursts.

Aw man, elbow juggle <3

Julia footage from latest build
This guy wasnt the best but he shows alot of her moves.

More is being uploaded and hopefully my julia will be recorded i found some interestin things with her and i will DEFINATELY be maining her

Used her the whole day I enjoyed her and will main her definately.
Drawbacks are her walk speed but her backdash is real real quick.
Has a couple groundbounces.
Ultra comes out really fast one of the quickest ive seen. Makes for a very easy but rewarding punish.
Has invincible anti air, very very similar to cammy.
Very good mix up (Examples: Her lunges. L is empty so u can fake and grab or go low, M is very unsafe in block, knocks the opponent semi flying so u can tag and continue, H is a Mid and hits overhead it also crumbles so you can combo into it and then start a combo all over again) + Windroll mixups.
Windroll evades fireballs VERY quickly leaving you ample time to do some REALLY REWARDING punishes.
Windrolll will get stuffed out by all normal so use carefully.
Her combo grab, QCB+P does alot of damage and can be comboed from anything
J.HK works exactly like Sakura’s and also crosses up.
EX Lunge punches 1 point armour and is very useful especially the crumple.
All target combos are very good, startin low for example then hitting mid and then also canceable into lunge punches or windrolls for extra mixups.
BnB:LP,MP,HP, HCF+HP, LMHH, Tag, Partner Combo Tag, F+MK, MP, HP, Ultra

Alright! We got our first female fighter with 1000 health. That’s the highest on the tekken side, about to do the street fighter side now.

Sweet! Julia totally deserves 1000 health!!! I’m surprised Nina doesnt have 1000hp either


I just got the game. Still don’t know what I’m doing quite yet. It’s tough when you don’t know the properties of the moves… Julia’s b+mp,lp seems good. It’s either only -1 on block or it’s even frames. I think it’s even frames though. Right now I’m just trying to hit confirm whatever I can in qcb+p. If a move hits, I’ll just confirm into it. If it doesn’t, you can just hold p and backdash out of it to make it safe. I’m really trying to see whats safe in this game with her and trying to confirm off of those moves. I hope she’s doesn’t turn out like T6 Julia in the end (a high risk high reward character).

EDIT : I think her Mountain Crusher series will be very important. She can cancel the 2nd or 3rd hits of the series into qcb+p, Wind Roll, or Swift Step.

Also, someone said her qcb+p is a grab. IT IS NOT A GRAB. It’s just a hit that goes into a mini cinematic animation. But it is not a throw at all. It can be blocked and punished.

Someone did Julia’s trials on stream and put it up on youtube.
at the 57 min mark

Unfortunately he doesn’t go through all of them. :frowning:

So far my BnB has been:
f+MK > MP > F+MP xx HCF LK > cr.LP, b.MP > LP xx either HCF LK for more mixups or her HK DP/Super for damage.

You can also just do a chain into the magic series switch out thing (I don’t know the official names) so like
f+MK > MP > F+MP xx HCF LK > LP > MP > HP > HP > whatever your partner does.

julia’s f.HP seems to groundbounce but I can’t land it after a switch cancelled qcb+K from nina.

Julia has almost full screen punish (Swift Step Explosion) which is also an overhead. I’m thinking that it can be used to punish ‘safe’ raw tags from a good distance. I will record the combo I have with her that does around 329 I think no meter, 514 with 2 bubbles of meter and 57something with 3. Lol your opponent thinks their safe full screen?

I don’t think Julia can do any links off of her lows. It seems that off of a low, she has to go into a chain (which is unsafe on block), cancel into a special (and I don’t know yet if Julia has any safe specials) try to cancel into a safe EX move or do a safe tag. Unless there is a way to make her chain safe, I don’t know how you can confirm anything off of a raw low… That also basically means that you absolutely have to hit your links with her and she’ll need a strong partner to do big damage off of a launch from her… At least that’s how it seems to be so far. Back to the lab.


Again most likely will use to punish raw tags, I can link into tiger strike which will make the damage around 320 if I want to save meter. Super gives me 514.

Just tested it using The Brady Guide preview. Jin’s cl.FP is -1 on block. Jin’s f.LP-MP-MK chain is -2 on block.
Blocking cl.FP, then reversal super, no punish.
Blocking f.LP-MP-MK, punish.

Technically, whoever said whatever is correct. Julia’s super is 1 frame of startup. As in, 1 frame of true startup. But most of us understand startup as time-to-hit. Which in this case, Julia’s super takes 2 frames to hit. Or, 2 frames of startup.

I may be understanding this wrong but you can do cr.jab, cr.strong as a link

Yea, I’m talking about linking a low into another normal. I haven’t been able to do that yet with Julia. I know she can do cr. jab cr. strong. But she can’t link cr. short into any normal (not even itself), she can’t link cr. strong or her cr. forward either. But there are other moves you can link into cr. short and cr. strong. So since you can’t link them to anything else. You have do your chain or a special after it.

If you’re concerned about pressure what I’ve been doing is linking into a chain then cancelling into a shoulder charge on block then dashing out of the charge

Yes I’ve been doing this too, but that does require meter since you can’t cancel your chain with specials. What I was trying to do is see if I can confirm anything off of her cr. forward because the range is crazy. But since you can’t link into anything off of it, it doesn’t seem that you can confirm.

naw what I meant was like cr.jab, cr.jab, b+mp > lp xx qcb+P dash out. Yeah I can’t find a link off either but it does let you get a knockdown if you buffer lungepunch behind it, her oki is sick so it’s definitely worth it. use the “throw” in the corner though, it does more damage and you stay on top of them