Glad to see some Julia fans/players around, she will still be one of my mains no matter her tier place.
This chick probably on my list to check out and experiment on her. I hope there are more threads on her too. She has decent pokes I give it that and huge as damaging combos, I love it! I hope I can get some command setups soon. Thanks too Shinnkuu for putting up the basics for Juila.
julia dat backdash o_0 she looks like a hella tricky character but i get the sense many people won’t use her, which will just make her stronger when they face a good julia.
Julia fans here you go
I’m telling you the gameradar guys do an awful job. Well I’m not gonna lie the link combos he figured out was good. But he forgot about her command launcher her command grab.
So she’s a mix-up character…I can deal with that. That’s basically what she is in Tekken (plus being above-average at pressure), so its nice that they got that right.
Hnnngh, gonna get me some King/Julia action come launch title. Asuka’s shaping up to be pretty good too. Very excited.
her alternate outfit shouldve been Yun, they share alot of similar moves >__>
also her ff+1 looks weird, unless she can do it like a million times in juggles then its not really Julia…
she looks like she’ll be very confusing and mix-up heavy upclose, looking forward to seeing what top players do with her.
Yea I can’t stand the games radar guys’ walk throughs. A lot of times it seems like they don’t know what they’re talking about and they misss a lot of things for the characters. Guess I have to wait until the 6th to fully explore what Julia can do because I know these guys aren’t doing her justice.
Crackfiend’s walkthroughs are nice, he actually shows everything. LPN is whack though he just shows what he likes it seems and just skips some stuff.
to be fair its just a character demo not a full walkthough , can’t expect to see everything in a minus 10 min video he’s just giving you the idea
I think LPN has done the best walkthroughs when he cared enough to show everything. (Nina, Asuka mostly.) Or to spend enough time on them to learn more move properties.
Fortunately there’s been somewhat decent information on Julia from other sources so you can combine that information with what new information is in that video.
Spooky just confirmed that Julia’s super is 1 frame. Sounds good man.
damn 1 frame lol. that can punish anything. lol
that chun super speed lol
once you get two bars NOTHING is safe
New Julia/Vega combo from Markman. Julia’s towards+Fierce is an overhead that groundbounces.
denshuu, nice!
bronson y u no represent julia in CA??? ;_; oh well, tekken team’s not doing too hot either way…
Are we absolutely sure its a 1 frame super? I’d hate to get my hopes up only to find that that’s not the case.
From looking frame-by-frame in the gamesradar videos it does seem that way. They’re nice enough to show anti-air supers so you can see in Julia’s video, Chun freezes in the air until she gets hit by it. Other characters’ supers let the opponent start dropping.
Spooky’s source was a capcom employee named Brian Oliveira. Take that for what it is.