The Julia Chang Thread

JayCee Alternate Costume. Do it Capcom.

^ I would love her even more if they did

Good stuff in this thread!
been watching some pax footage and noticed how cool Julia looked so I’ll be keeping an eye on this her from now on :smiley:

I feel that Julia is gonna be underestimated, and its gonna result in her owning the opponent

She’s really a character that I don’t even hear a lot of Tekken players talk about
and I’m instantly drawn to those sorts of characters, lol.

I don’t see why, she’s really good in my eyes, beautiful too. She’s a heavy hitter and intelligent. A perfect babe, and that’s why I’ll main her. Plus people are too busy using Bob.

Not much activity going on here, is there? :eek:

and Lars. There are some top Julias out there tho like Bronson Tran and Devil Jim. Hopefully my T6 secondary is as fun in sfxt as she is in tekken.

Played around with Julia for about 10 hours, here’s what I can tell you so far (I don’t know the names of the moves and this will be a kinda messy post, so apologies in advance for that):


I don’t think Julia’s normals are particularly great. She’s got HP, which is similar to Rufus’ towards + HK in that Julia takes a step forward to hit, then a step back. It’s got huge range but in a real match, it’s a little slow for anything besides situational poking. It seems to cause a weird stagger when it catches a crouching opponent on counterhit - maybe something can be made of that in the corner, but I didn’t have time to see. It can’t be cancelled. She does a different version of HP up close which can, however.

Crouching MK is her only viable ranged low hit. Cancellable but feels like negative frames on hit. Bit slow as well.

Crouching MP has no real range.

Crouching HK is a double sweep. A lot of Julia’s stuff can be stopped with neutral jump, so this isn’t a great option for her, as it takes so long to come out.

Towards + MK, towards + MP, towards + MP is a great target combo for her. Can be cancelled at any point, can’t be ducked, gives you years to hit confirm, pushes them towards the corner, etc.

Jumping HK is a great jump-in, hit box goes waaaay down below her.

Jumping MK is a great cross-up too (reminds me of Blaze’s jumping attack in Streets of Rage). It crosses up in the corner but you have to hit fairly deep. That seems to apply for all corner cross-ups though, not just Julia’s.

Dash Punch (qcf + P)

She’s got three versions - empty dash (LP), dash punch (MP) and delayed dash punch (HP).
The EX versions are empty dash (LP + MP), dash punch (LP + HP) and delayed dash punch (MP + HP).

MP dash punch is good for a quick punish if you’re not close enough to do anything else. Delayed dash punch crumples the opponent. You can either combo them straight away or wait until they’re about to collapse and reset them with cr.LK or whatever, similar to SFIV after Focus Crumple. I was going a fairly ghetto mix-up of HP Dash Punch > delay (for opponent to fall following crumple) > cr.LK (reset) xx HK Windroll (crosses under) > cr.LK xx Elbow Throw from the other side. As it turns out, that’s not safe because they recover from the reset before you do from the Wind Roll, but I’m sure there will be more stuff people can do. Mixing up between delayed dash punch and empty dash punch > throw might be the only way you can tempt players into pressing buttons once they’re used to Julia’s dash punch options.

The EX versions all have armor that absorbs one hit but they seem to be on start-up - I tried using the EX versions to pass through fireballs and she kept getting hit out of it. The only time it would work was leaving the EX version quite late, in which case whoever is throwing the projectile usually recovered. You could also use it as a ghetto wake up move but the nature of the game means people will likely be pressing more than one button on your wake-up if they’re applying pressure (to fish for light, medium, heavy, heavy combo) and that will shred through the armour before any move comes up. MP Dash Punch isn’t safe on block either, so that’s a risky EX wake-up option.

Rising Kick (SRK + K)

SRK + LK/MK - Travels furthest horizontally (didn’t notice any real difference between the two versions)
SRK + HK - Travels furthest vertically
EX SRK - Same as HK but with more invincibility
Has noticeable start-up - has to be used earlier than you think to be valid anti-air

Didn’t mess around with these too much but what I do know is 1) the HK version has no invincibility (it trades at best) and 2) EX SRK wasn’t beaten once, so that definitely has invincibility. The LK/MK version, when blocked by a crouching character, floats over them as she recovers.

Wind Roll (hcf + K)

Strength affects how far Wind Roll travels
Wind Roll passes through projectiles, very easy to time
Wind Roll -> Down + K -> LP = Low hit out of Wind Roll, second hit is should barge (note: It HAS to be LP, none of the other strengths did anything. Could be a bug.)
Wind Roll -> Punch -> Punch = First is overhead, second hit is overhead. Strength of punch used seems irrelevant.
Wind Roll -> Kick -> Punch = Roundhouse kick, second hit is barge. Fastest move out of Wind Roll, can’t be crouched. Seem of move used seems irrelevant.
Empty Wind Roll builds meter (good way of closing distance after knockdown is to two LK Wind Rolls)
Empty Wind Rolls travels through grounded opponents, couldn’t find any ambiguous set-ups though

This was what was getting me wins with Julia, because no-one knew about the overhead. Obviously, this will soon be known and then players will have to mix-up between the low hit and overhead. On block, the pushback for the shoulder barge makes Julia safe to most conventional punishes, though I’m sure some reversal supers will catch her (there’s still notable recovery). The overhead string doesn’t push back as far, so isn’t quite as safe.

Another problem is if the first Wind Roll attack is blocked, Julia can be hit before going into the second - I got caught by SPD, reversal shoto SRK and also light, medium, heavy, heavy after the first Wind Roll attack was blocked. So you’ll have to hit check with Julia and be ready to block after the first hit, this protects her from reversal shoto SRK at the very least (not sure about SPD or light, medium, heavy, heavy chains).

I was going into Wind Roll from Julia’s towards + MK, towards + MP, towards + MP target combo but there’s a gap between the final towards + MP and the Wind Roll move where she can be reversaled. I don’t remember stand HK being a great move and far HP can’t be cancelled, so I’m not sure if Julia can get the extra hit stun to make Wind Roll entries safe. Which is why players will have to be creative with how they go into Wind Roll.

Elbow Strike Throw (qcb + P)

Hit throw, can be blocked (think Ibuki)
All versions seem to do the same
Still goes into full hit throw animation when you hit aerial opponent
EX version launches at the end, may need tag to follow up

Hit throw that can be punished by most cr.MK’s on block. Does great damage but also leaves Julia right next to them, great position for her next mix-up. Couldn’t find a way to follow up EX version on my own but if you want to burn two bars, you can tag in your partner who has ages to follow-up with whatever (in my case - Ryu can do cr.MP, cr.MP xx HP SRK)


Jump in HK, towards + MK, towards + MP, towards + MP xx Wind Roll HK -> HK -> HP
Don’t think the strength of the final two buttons matters, I was just pressing them out of habit. This is her best BnB I’ve found so far. Also takes them quite far, so likely to put them in the corner

Jump in HK, towards + MK, towards + MP, towards + MP xx Elbow Strike throw
Slightly weaker than the above but it leaves Julia in a better position to follow-up

Towards + MK, towards + MP, towards + MP xx Elbow Strike throw
Brain dead day 1 follow-up for when Julia is tagged in following light, medium, heavy, heavy chain. Good damage, great position on their wake-up after.

(With Ryu) Jump in HK, towards + MK, towards + MP, towards + MP xx EX Elbow Strike throw xx Tag xx (Ryu) cr.MP, cr.MP xx HP SRK
Monster damage for two bars and you have forever to hit confirm it at the start.


Julia is a very easy character to pick up but one thing I think really hurts her is how awful throws are in this game. I can’t remember any game with throws as bad as this. Stronger throws would definitely buff her Wind Roll pressure, as it would make block > throw a valid option for dealing with reversal SRK sparking her out of Wind Roll strings when your strings are blocked. As it is, if you cut your Wind Roll strings off early because they’ve been blocked and you want to bait our reversal SRK (or whatever), and your opponent does nothing, it’s almost resetting the situation. You can’t stop the strings short and do block > throw because you have to walk too far to throw for it to be a strong tactic or mix-up or whatever (another point - can’t find any kara-throws with her. Even Ken’s towards + MK kara-throw doesn’t work in this game!)

Projectiles are not a problem for her as she can do empty LK Wind Rolls through projectiles and build meter. So she effectively neutralises fireball wars. Neither side gains.

She does huge damage for almost no effort and as people find more of her target combos and resets, I think she’ll only get better. The challenge will be people getting creative with Wind Rolls and finding ways around her poking game, which I don’t think is that strong.

That was a really nice Write up Mike. I might be using her a long with poison.

Yea someone was playing her yesterday her rekka type moves seems to put the opponent in some serious block stun and Julia has another launcher??? sweet, she has a command launcher and an ex launcher . Now she is missing a wall bounce and floor bounce

I believe she has a wall and a floor bounce.

Really never seen them??? hope this game comes to the east coast during PAX 2012

The game would be out before then XD

isnt PAX in in Januaray?

A very late reply, but what a nice write up. You had me at “very easy to pick up.”


hopefully someone picks her up on cross assault, just so i can see more gameplay.

Julia seems to be really struggling to keep up in the last few streams I’ve seen with her. Her normals are awkward and her specials are meh. Low-tier or not, I’m maining her but I can’t help but hope that my matches with her won’t be an uphill battle. Still, know it’s too early atm to see what she’s really capable of.

We’re in luck! Bronson’s a top Julia player! Not a sure thing that he’ll pick her up, but it’s a good bet.

I always liked Julia and Michelle in 3/TTT, the last Tekkens I played. She seems like the closest thing to Sakura in this game, the cute girl who hits like a truck.

Hopefully Bronson puts her on his team, can’t wait.