The Jin Combo Thread

Yeah, I noticed that hk shoots them across the screen more than mk. I like that because I love the corner pressure of the team. I don´t know the exact damage values but hk dp tag dash shun masatsu dash mp hp SS mp should be in the same area. I guess it comes in handy to have both combos ready as you can do another tag better with the combo ending in hp median line or ss lp. If you want awesome corner carry, pick the hk dp dash combo. I did both combos some minutes ago in endless and it worked great to have either one ready.

I was talking about the angle of julia’s rising kick making it easier to land and the followup attacks :P.

Did some combos here using the team:
mk rising kick tag cancel, cr.hp xx SS xx mp for 429 damages
hk rising kick tag cancel MA lp mp 340 damages
hk rising kick tag cancel cr.hp xx MLD hp tag cancel on second hit (first will whiff) (forward if midscreen, nj if corner) fwd mk fwd mp xx 214P for 565 damages
I’m thinking that 565 is pretty decent for 2 meter on a raw heavy shoryuken, it should do around 545 with mk rising kick which is pretty cool for a wake up srk.
And god I have a really hard time with MLD’s input >_<.

I was referring to your earlier post where you asked if it was possible to conect a with the CADC combo after you connected a DP or any other attack.
Miscommunication galore :open_mouth:

Heres a 7 hit combo you can do that does 415 dmg ( with guile ): do j.:hk: c.:mp: c.:mp: FK then TC to jin then :b: :mp: :hp: S.step :mp:

So I’m not sure if I should post resets here but I’ve been messing around with jin’s step mk tag cancel with cammy and here’s what I got:, cr.hp xx ss mk tag cancel close hp and here are the options you get:
Close hp xx hooligan and then either slide kick into super or command throw or
Close hp cadc throw or
Close hp cadc delay close hp, far hp xx 623hk (doesn’t combo) or
Close hp cadc tk ex j214 into combo
Close hk jump cancel crossup.

There are a few more possibilities but writing on iphone is a pain. But this could truly be deadly if you replace cammy with akuma. Dem vortexes with demon flip!

Yeah, thats a super powerful reset. I often use it with Julia in the second spot, she can cancel the normal that resets them into a Wind Roll and depending on spacing and strength of the roll you´ll cross up or not. This is so incredibly ambiguous that often I don´t even know which side I´m going to land on.

Instead of ending combos in ss :mp: why not end in ss :lp: sweep? I think its more damage and meter build but is the knockdown not at efficient?

Damn, Jin got alot of extra swag from the last time I came here it seems like <__<

I’ll try to update the OP within the next week or so ^^; should be current with all the currently used combos once I’m done…

Is it okay to follow up ex MLD combos with Swaying Willow, Leaping Side Kick? I’m guessing not because you might not be able to get that HK in there, I’ll have to test. [edit: it wiffs]

Great thread, not enough likes for the OP, it’s like nobody appreciates it, whereas I come here looking for a 1 meter combo and bazzinga there it is.

Can anyone tell me his BnBs after tag and meterless? I have no idea if all the combos in this thread are still viable or if they are outdated. But I HAVE to learn Jin!

Get out of here you tier whore, just cause Jin is getting buffs we dont want any fraud jins at play. lol

anyways, the combos listed here are still very viable, will become much easier to pull off once the patch hits too.

an easy BnB that everyone does is


> c.


> f.

xx SS uppercut > s.:mk: xx SS EWHF (doesn’t do a lot of damage since all the lights but it’s super easy to pull off)

work on linking your c.

and you’ll be able to pull off the more damaging combos.

As for tag in midscreen I just do c.

> c.

xx SS EWHF/ SS uppercut if you want to tag out.

Can Kazuya do anything good off of this set-up? Ive been trying some stuff but I want to make sure I’m doing the best available options, also you guys know your stuff so I’d like to hear your opinions…

First part of this made me lol sooo hard. I’m open to more jin players but there is some truth to your opening, aloooot of tier whores gonna try outJin I foresee, it’s the gift and the curse of being a really good character, especially on paper :stuck_out_tongue:

The last part made me lol too. Why would you do jab from a tag in?

Your best bet is: shun matsu - scdc - - cr.hp - ss ewhf

You can cut out the shun matsu on longer combos for obvious damage scaling reasons.

Now go and show them fear! :slight_smile:

Simply link as early as you can into his launcher, more often than not it does more damage than his regular BnB’s, i know it isn’t flashy but it works.
-cr.lp,cr.lp, cr.hp xx launcher.
-cr.lp,, xx launcher.,, cr.hp xx launcher.

Solo combos:
Try to link into Jin his Shun Masatsu(>lp) or cr.hp, or from poking range with st/ buffered into his special step, from there:
xx ss.lp, walk a pixel forward, xx Median Line Destruction(f,b,f+hp).
xx ss.lp, walk pixel forward, xx

After Tag:, cr.hp xx
-Shun Masatsu, CADC,, cr.hp xx

Meter Tag:
Don’t ever tag cancel from Jin his ss.lp, always from his hp MLD.
Good:, shun masatsu xx MLD>TAG
-cr.mplp, xx MLD>TAG, shun masatsu xx EX Powerstance xx Mental Alertness xx Swaying Willow, dash, cr.hp>launcher.

Bad:, shun masatsu xx ss.lp, walk forward pixel, xx ss.lp/MLD>TAG

Meter Solo:
Don’t waste meter on EX MLD and EX fireball combos, they are USELESS.
-Shun Masatsu xx EX PS xx MA xx SW, dash, cr.hp xx ss.lp, walk forward pixel, xx

Corner juggle:
Don’t use MA>Leaping Side Kick.

  • ss.lp,, cl.hp,, cr.hp xx

Meterless Anti-Air juggle:
*With the upcoming patch LSK will hit alot more, so learning Jin his CADC combo after hitting it is a must.

-MA>LSK,, cr.hp xx
-MA>LSK, shun masatsu, CADC,, cr.hp xx

Meter Anti-Air juggle:-MA>LSK,, cr.hp xx ss.lp>TAG
-MA>LSK, xx MLD( don’t have xbox atm, so unsure if it works, however to get a good Tag of off MLD you have to hit the very late. A very advanced technique which i don’t use nor able to do is: xx Powerstance xx MLD, very very difficult)

Basically ALWAYS try to link into launcher when you don’t have meter, when you have meter try to tag from a MLD as soon as possible.
A very damaging punish combo is something like this:
-[Jin], cl.hp xx MLD>TAG [Nina], cr.hp xx skullsplitter, cr.hp xx blonde bomb.

Solo meterless:

In an ideal world his best meterless is:,, cr.hp xx ss lp, xx parry xx H. MLD

or on the ground:, shun matsu xx ss lp, xx parry xx H. MLD

And you can throw a fireball after for some chip damage to push it over 400 but if they roll you’re screwed.

For my bnb’s I just end with ewhf for consistency. But if I’m feeling it then I’ll go for the above mentioned.

I really have to disagree with this one. A fireball juggle is my main go to combo if I want to spend a bar because its just just so much easier to do. What you suggest does more damage, sure; but the risk of dropping the combo is too great. Plus the damage lost isn’t even that much. Hell, from an optimal jump in, the damage is only 2-10 less with the fireballs.

Now this all depends on who your partner is and if you even can tag in at all, so to keep it all about Jin I’d say:

-MA>LSK,, cr.hp xx ex fireball, (chain this, don’t link it), ss ewhf for 400

-MA>LSK, mk xx parry xx EX MLD, ss ewhf for 380

In regards Fastlane wanting to learn the character I can’t agree with this either. You should be keeping Jin in as much as possible instead of trying to tag him out as soon as you can. If you want to spend a bar then do it, but keep Jin in if you can.

Maybe its just personal preference but I can’t stand launcher combos. They’re scrubby and more often than not do less damage than you would with one good character. If you want to do a chain, then chain to sweep and then go for mix ups after. Or chain to launcher and then launcher again back to Jin and charge counter hit or whatever you like. You’ll learn more about your character that way.

I mean no offense here, its just the way I feel about it. :slight_smile:

I think doing a combo into a fireball is absolutely worthless, less damage, no setups, less meter building, can’t tag from it etc. Also i hate Launcher combos also, however they do more than Jin does meterless…unless you have a second character that has trash combos after getting tagged in(rolento) Also i’m not chainning, i’m linking into launchers. Like hell i’m going to chain in a sweep, especially with the patch coming up.

The AA juggles solo with meter i was unsure about, ususually just tag there for nice damage, however i cannot do xx PS xx (EX)MLD. If you can that’s great.

Yes you can. You can carry someone from corner to corner with it.

That would be me.

Ah, well the same thing applies. For me anyway. Jin’s BnB’s always net me more damage, if that’s what I’m after.

And obviously one would hit confirm the chain. I hardly going to advise chaining to sweep on block!

I think it’d be easier with an octo gate because of the speed required. Can’t be bothered to go swapping them out to check though XD No reason to ever do that combo from the AA anyway. Unless maybe you’re setting up a pandora or something.

You can’t tag directly from Jin his fireball, it just isn’t possible, also assumed you meant on block with the sweep chain, because you said “mixup”

Used Cody with Jin for a while, really dislike how he plays compared to SSFIV, mainly had him for his AA and he was my main in SSFIV.
However i really like this combo:
[Cody]Criminal Upper>Tag[Jin] LSK,>lp CADC,, cr.hp xx, assuming this also works with Lars his DP.

Wait, I’m not sure what you mean now. I’m saying you can tag in from the orb itself.

I meant try for a mixup afterwards. I shall edit the post! :slight_smile: