Overall i think s.lp>s.mp is a really good blockstring, gives you multiple options and still in range for cr.mk.
After s.lp>st.mp i also like to walk forward ever so slightly for another st.lp once in a while, from there you can go into the st.lp>st.mp chain or whatever you like. yes they are 3-4 frame gaps, but the range at which you stand there is like no one with a long reaching crouching 3 frame move, and you don’t want to press buttons when Jin can go into a chain from far st.lp anyway.
Reversals are always a possibility ofcourse.
Sometimes i go into powerstance after a blockstring, messes people up…lol.
Comboing from Jin’s SS.lk(tag) really benefits some characters.
Wish i could tag cancel after Jin’s(EX) Penetrating fist, would have opened up so many more combos and shenanigan possibilities…
Whatever xx SS uppercut -> s.mk xx power stance xx fp median line destruction.
The power stance allows your opponent to drop a bit, which allows all 5 hits of fp median line destruction to hit. There is a timing involved. Does more damage than uppercut -> s.mk xx SS mp. It does leave your opponent across the screen though, so unfortunately you don’t get a following mixup.
the part where you had ryu come in with a cross up tatsu into super…
godlike, sir.
is that better lol.
I still don’t really understand the CADC stuff (for Jin) I think it was said that you do shun masatsu fireball motion and dash out of it, is that right? It seems like its tough execution wise but I may try it at home later on today.
I recommend learning it, it’s good stuff, and so many characters have max damage punishes that you need the skill for. I learned all of this stuff in a couple hours for Jin/Ryu…but execution is sorta my thing. I had a friend request me to send him some Jin/Ryu combos, couldn’t find a good video, so I made one lol.
It has been bothering me for a while, but whenever Jin does a launcher in the corner the second character almost always crosses under making the timing even more difficult to connect the followup combo. Anyone has some ways to not make the second character cross under?
These are all the combos I currently use (of course not always starting with j.HK):
No bar standard BnB:
j.HK, c.MP, c.HP xx SS xx Uppercut, s.MK xx EWHF (375 dmg)
1 bar (Ibuki on anchor):
j.HK, c.MP, c.HP xx HP MLD xx Switch Cancel, s.HK xx jf.HK, HK Kazegiri (515 dmg)
If I omit the c.MP at the start the damage is 524.
2 bars:
above 1 bar combo xx switch cancel, s.HP xx HP MLD
MA xx LK, Shun Masatsu xx SS xx EWHF (307 dmg)
MA xx c.MP, s.MK xx SS xx EWHF (299 dmg)
or just Cross-Art when I have 3 bars
Are there more damaging combos I could do instead?
j.HK, c.HP xx HP MLD xx Tag Cancel, s.HK xx jf.HK, HK Kazegiri xx Tag Cancel, c.HP xx HP MLD - 605 dmg
j.HK, c.HP xx HP MLD xx Tag Cancel, s.HK xx jf.HK, HK Kazegiri xx Tag Cancel, c.MP, c.HP xx SS MP - 601 dmg
j.HK, c.HP xx HP MLD xx Tag Cancel, s.HK xx jf.HK, HK Kazegiri xx Tag Cancel, c.HP xx SS MP - 599 dmg
Hitconfirmed with c.MP:
j.HK, c.MP, c.HP xx HP MLD xx Tag Cancel, s.HK xx jf.HK, HK Kazegiri xx Tag Cancel, c.HP xx HP MLD - 572 dmg
j.HK, c.MP, c.HP xx HP MLD xx Tag Cancel, s.HK xx jf.HK, HK Kazegiri xx Tag Cancel, c.HP xx SS MP - 568 dmg
j.HK, c.MP, c.HP xx HP MLD xx Tag Cancel, s.HK xx jf.HK, HK Kazegiri xx Tag Cancel, c.MP, c.HP xx SS MP - 564 dmg
Shun Masatsu > EX Power Stance > Mental Alertness > Swaying Willow > cr. mp > st. mp > cr. mk > st. hk > EX Median Line Destruction > Mental Alertness > Swaying Willow
I was trying it out but couldn’t complete it because I had to leave the apartment and head to the parents for Mother’s Day Weekend (don’t forget), but it seems like it’s pretty solid and very do-able. From my calculation it’s 411 dmg. 12 hits. Counter hit required on first Swaying Willow which comes from EX Power Stance cancel into Mental Alertness. 2 meters required. Or you can substitute the last two moves for Special Step > Right Roundhouse punch for an additional 3 dmg with a hard knockdown although the timing is more strict. This is a great Switch Cancel combo ender for Switch Cancels if you use Ken after Tatsu or any other character with a longer special.
J. HK, Shun Mesatsu, EX PS xx MA xx SW, Far St. HK xx Special Step xx Uppercut, Shun Mesatsu xx CADC, c. mp, c. hp xx Special Step, Right Roundhouse Punch, 462. I think.
There is a slightly better corner combo around afaik. Instead of doing the Shun Mesatsu xx CADC, do a very early cr.mp, cr.hp, cr.mp, cr.hp. Not that easy to juggle, but adds a few more damage points.
So I wanted to try out but I can’t right now, I thought about shun masatsu in juggles and wanted to learn it after a regular launcher but can it work like this?
(Julia being the first char) MK rising kick (or any shoryuken) cross cancel to Jin, j.hk, shun masatsu cadc cr.hp SS mp? I’m pretty sure that if you do cr.mp before cr.hp the cr.hp won’t connect cause of the juggle limit but since I can’t test right now it’d be good if someone could. Definitely want to max out my damages out of a shoryuken in a combo or in a wake up situation from my other character.
I play that exact team and I can tell you that j.hk into shun masatsu does not work unfortunately. Seems like the second hit of shun masatsu always whiffs when there is one other normal before it. After a hk dp with julia you can however do the following combo: after the tag immediately dash with jin and then do the normal shun masatsu dash mp hp SS mp combo. Thats the best option I found with this team yet. Should also work with mk dp (maybe omit the dash) but why do a lesser damaging dp in a combo?
Because of the angle that launches hk rising kick at, mk makes it the easiest midscreen while hk you have to walk forward just a bit before jumping hk, which is much harder. Also mk got some invincible frames while hk doesn’t have much, if any. Thanks for the input.
If you do a j.hk or any jumping attack before shun masatsu, cadc cr.mp, cr.hp xx ss.mp it doesn’t work. You have to either do a j.hk and cr.mp, cr.hp or omit the jumping attack if you want to do shun masatsu CADC cr.mp, cr.hp xx ss.mp. It doesn’t have anything to do with the angle but more with the way you used the juggle points.