The Jin Combo Thread

Tag in so you can continue the combo from a fireball.

I gave him something a monkey can do. No new Jin player will be able to pull of the cadc on their first try.

Yeah you can do that.

Oh jaysus, well that’s a fine how-do-you-do!

I think since he’s played other characters and is actually posting on SRK that we can assume he’s capable of pulling off a cadc. Or at the very least a in place of a jab.

Please explain to me how you can extend the combo with your second character after you’ve hit them with a fireball, how is that possible?
You can only tag cancel from direct hits.

Just wanted to verify something.

The only links into EX Powerstance>MA>MP are off:


pretty sure most of his normals as special cancellable. LP,LK, MP, MK. Is that what you mean?

No, I mean, which normals can you link EX Power Stance>Swaying Willow off of.

If you do it off LP is won’t link.

Are the combos in the OP still good?

Sent from Cyber Athlete Academy

yea they are. Prob will still be after the patch too.

Wow I completely forgot about replying to this post haha. Sorry! Yeah so you just tag in from the hit of the orb. Its tough to time it; you almost have to hit tag before the orb.

Anyway, due to the faster start up of cr.HP, you can now use it in Jin’s overhead combo! I think that’s just neat. :slight_smile:

Boosted the damage by a good amount too. Was like 20 or 30 extra damage last I checked.

I was so absolutely convinced it wasn´t possible to combo from his fireball, guess i´ll have to try it out tomorrow.

Is there ever any point landing the f+LK when tagging in Jin? You get a half floaty juggle state… anything particularly great you can do with that or is it just better to do Shun Mesatsu DC crMP crHP ssMP?

Lol shun masatsu, cadc,…

I’ve been trying, cr.hp, cadc,…

I wonder if its even possible? I swear I’ve got it to work a few times but with low success.
At least I know where I’ve been screwing up now


<blockquote class=“UserQuote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/kataridragon%2C%20post%3A%207975063%2C%20member%3A%208493">kataridragon, post: 7975063, member: 8493</a> wrote:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Lol shun masatsu, cadc,…<br>
I’ve been trying, cr.hp, cadc,…<br>
I wonder if its even possible? I swear I’ve got it to work a few times but with low success.<br>
At least I know where I’ve been screwing up now<br>
<img src="/plugins/Emotify/design/images/7.gif" width="" height="" alt=":/" title=":/" class=“bbcode_smiley”></div>
I think in the corner maybe, but I haven’t given it a honest try.<br>
Just reposting some blockstrings, and pressure strings that can all lead into a SS Uppercut or hit-confirm into whatever from there:<br>
st.MKxxSS Uppercut<br>
cr.MKxxSS Uppercut<br>
Far st.HKxxSS Uppercut<br>
cr.MP, cr.MP<br>
cr.MP,cr.MP, cr.MK<br>
cr.MP, st.LP<br>
cr.LP, cr.LP<br>
st.LP, st.LP<br>
cr.MP, Shun masatsuxxSS Uppercut- strong Frame-trap, and good pressure string when you’ve stopped them from pressing buttons.<br>
Oh forgot about Cr.MP, cr.MP, st.MKxxSS Uppercut(which is also a combo if the cr.MP connects). Strong counter-hit setup’s as well.<div><br></div><div>Edit- adding cr.Mp, cr.HPxxSS Uppercut since it’s a Plinked blockstring(1 frame, or 2 frames with plink-canceling), and results in our highest damage combo’s.  This also means it can double as a frame trap if your plink is off by that one frame which makes for a very good counter hit setup.</div>

<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/8493/kataridragon">kataridragon</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Lol shun masatsu, cadc,…<br>
I’ve been trying, cr.hp, cadc,…<br>
I wonder if its even possible? I swear I’ve got it to work a few times but with low success.<br>
At least I know where I’ve been screwing up now<br>
<img src="/plugins/Emotify/design/images/7.gif" alt=":/" title=":/" class=“bbcode_smiley” height="" width=""></div>

Word… I can relate…<br>

So yea…I’ve opted to MLD finishers instead of Hook fist finishers.  The damage, and Oki setups are just too good to pass up.  You get 20 more damage as long as you get the Power Stancexx HP MLD to land as well as recover ten frames quicker then with hook fist(allowing for fireball setups, and my normal Oki setups after hook fist).<div><br></div><div>So yea, kind of how Electric is Kaz’s thing to learn I’m starting to get the feeling that Power StancexxHP MLD is the same for Jin due to the damage, and Oki setups he gets(beating rolls, covering Jin during their wake-up, etc. is just too good to pass up).  Easy to do as well once you understand the way it works.</div><div><br></div><div>Only time I won’t go for MLD finishers is when I tag my partner in.  I get more damage by tagging on a grounded MLD then one in a juggle.</div>

Jin Combos and team combos w/Lars<br><br><br>

Hey guys, since day 1 i’ve been playing Jin as an alt for my team.  I haven’t focused too much on him, so now I want to start learning his more advanced stuff.  Everything here has been pretty useful, but I had a couple questions.<div><br></div><div>It involves Jin’s tag combo: ss lp - st. mk - PS - MLD [tag]   </div><div><br></div><div>What is the purpose of doing Jin’s Power stance into MLD?  Does it help with timing the juggle?  Why wouldn’t you just do st. mk into MLD?  Also, I’m seeing in some of the notations that you need to walk forward just a hair, does this still apply after the patch?  </div><div><br></div><div>I have him paired with my main, Chun-li.  I can’t seem to combo into anything once I call Chun in (I try to do jumping HK, like I see most players do with other characters.)  Is Jin’s tag combo character specific?  Or am I just doing something wrong with Jin or Chun?  Anyone play this team that can give me any advice?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks!</div>

Doing PS not only grants a bit more meter but it allows for all 5 hits for MLD to connect.  As for walking forward just a hair yes, but it will most likely tie into your PS MLD execution as well so don’t worry about it.<div><br></div><div>No it’s not character specific, everyone can do something off of him.  You just need to time it better, preferably with PS MLD.</div>