Hey I saw this vid online where Jin did a more optimized bnb. Appearantly you can do a cr.hp after his mist step~lp midscreen just have to walk forward a bit.
Shun Mesatsu, mist step~lp, (walk forward), cr.hp, power stance, H MLD.
Tricky but it can work with practice. Does 21 damage more than with the st.mk.
Are there any short cuts to ssuc mk pc mld?<div>Its simple with me on the left but I have a bitch of a time when on the right fuck up my mld all day.</div><div>Also I’ve been doing walk forward cr.mk pc mld easier for me. </div><div>Any comments would be appreciated. </div><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/8493/kataridragon">kataridragon</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Hey I saw this vid online where Jin did a more optimized bnb. Appearantly you can do a cr.hp after his mist step~lp midscreen just have to walk forward a bit.<br>
Shun Mesatsu, mist step~lp, (walk forward), cr.hp, power stance, H MLD.<br>
Tricky but it can work with practice. Does 21 damage more than with the st.mk.<br>
Also Snackarific has made a few optimized 2013 combos Jin included that walk up cr.hp is a doozy.
I haven’t been able to connect cr.hp swaying willow. I tried just yesterday and it wasn’t happening. Are you sure it wasn’t patched out or something???
I keep forgetting about far st.HK after EX Omen stancexxMental Aletness: Swaying Willow( I don’t bother really using it though). Should improve the damage on all Combo’s involving EX Omen stance:
j.HK, cr.HPxxEX Omen StancexxMA: Swaying Willow, Far St.HKxx SS Uppercut, cr.HPxxSuper-611 damage.
Oh yeah guys sorry for the scrub question but how do you do the launcher cr mp crhp cadc cr.mp?
The mp doesn’t come out regardless of how high I do the cadc.
That won’t work off of a launcher unless it’s close to the corner. The go to Post tag combo is with Shun musatsu(b.MP>LP or HP, doesn’t matter what punch button out of the two most prefer LP though)CADC cr.MP, cr.HPxxSS Uppercut
I cannot believe this right now. Thanks
Just watched some Jibbo I finally see the shun mesatsu rather than cr.mp cr.hp.
Also for the kazama six hit I see people do 4 or 5 hits of it before linking to a normal.
I do f.lk st.lp st.lk cr.lp cr.hp.
Wouldn’t this confirm be better because it scales less?
I think most people try to link off the 5th hit instead because it’s +6 on hit. The 3rd hit is only +4. It’s just easier to get to link with a normal after the 5th hit.
I posted a different one in the combo tier list thread. was 4 points more in damage, and was still pretty simple. Also put up a 2 bar combo that hit over 500. That should reflect his actual damage potential plus the other categories pretty much set.