The Jin Combo Thread

Hey I saw this vid online where Jin did a more optimized bnb. Appearantly you can do a cr.hp after his mist step~lp midscreen just have to walk forward a bit.

Shun Mesatsu, mist step~lp, (walk forward), cr.hp, power stance, H MLD.

Tricky but it can work with practice. Does 21 damage more than with the

Are there any short cuts to ssuc mk pc mld?<div>Its simple with me on the left but I have a bitch of a time when on the right fuck up my mld all day.</div><div>Also I’ve been doing walk forward pc mld easier for me. </div><div>Any comments would be appreciated. </div><blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/8493/kataridragon">kataridragon</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Hey I saw this vid online where Jin did a more optimized bnb. Appearantly you can do a cr.hp after his mist step~lp midscreen just have to walk forward a bit.<br>
Shun Mesatsu, mist step~lp, (walk forward), cr.hp, power stance, H MLD.<br>
Tricky but it can work with practice. Does 21 damage more than with the<br>

Also Snackarific has made a few optimized 2013 combos Jin included that walk up cr.hp is a doozy. 

I think I posted a pretty good synopsis on how the whole situation with jins PSxxMLD should be in the general discussion not to long ago.

Ya snacarific that’s where I saw that combo, his YouTube!

Spoilers: Spider is evil…

What’s the most Jin can do solo?

Solo meterless, 413.

Solo with 1 bar, 437-469 I believe.

Well technically midscreen you can get 503 with one bar if you do jHK, crHP xx EX PS xx swaying willow, crMP, crHP xx ss-LP, crHP xx PS xx H MLD

corner you can max out at 442 meterless and 507 one bar

I haven’t been able to connect cr.hp swaying willow. I tried just yesterday and it wasn’t happening. Are you sure it wasn’t patched out or something???

It’s not patched out. It’s just a tight link. Use Shun Messatsu if you’re having trouble.

Works just fine. Just like all of his EX Omen combo stuff.

Ok I gotta update jins combos for the damage teir thread.

I keep forgetting about far st.HK after EX Omen stancexxMental Aletness: Swaying Willow( I don’t bother really using it though). Should improve the damage on all Combo’s involving EX Omen stance:

j.HK, cr.HPxxEX Omen StancexxMA: Swaying Willow, Far St.HKxx SS Uppercut, cr.HPxxSuper-611 damage.

Oh yeah guys sorry for the scrub question but how do you do the launcher cr mp crhp cadc
The mp doesn’t come out regardless of how high I do the cadc.

That won’t work off of a launcher unless it’s close to the corner. The go to Post tag combo is with Shun musatsu(b.MP>LP or HP, doesn’t matter what punch button out of the two most prefer LP though)CADC cr.MP, cr.HPxxSS Uppercut

I cannot believe this right now. Thanks
Just watched some Jibbo I finally see the shun mesatsu rather than cr.hp.

Also for the kazama six hit I see people do 4 or 5 hits of it before linking to a normal.
I do st.lp cr.lp cr.hp.
Wouldn’t this confirm be better because it scales less?

I think most people try to link off the 5th hit instead because it’s +6 on hit. The 3rd hit is only +4. It’s just easier to get to link with a normal after the 5th hit.

Thanks. Seems much easier than a 2 frame so I’ll stick to it.

You should post that in the tier combo thread my man. I would but the cred is all yours!

No. it’s not that hard of a link! Grow a pair and get that damage sucka!!!

I posted a different one in the combo tier list thread. was 4 points more in damage, and was still pretty simple. Also put up a 2 bar combo that hit over 500. That should reflect his actual damage potential plus the other categories pretty much set.

[quote=“kataridragon, post:217, topic:143019”]

I meant to say I have an easier time with the 2 frame. I don’t think I’ve ever missed it before in my life.

[quote=“TimTim, post:219, topic:143019”]

Oh well good. Glad you have a pair! Lol